^Insane as me? Maybe.
<Super Meat Boy (try getting EVERYTHING plus an A+ rank on all stages
v BOOYAH!!!! (not really sure what that means for you but lets see what happens)
^ Right about being a newish member (In a sense) also right about loving guitars.
< Plays 2-4 hours a day on guitar (Classic Rock and J-rock)
v Plays instrument too?
^ Spam lover (and no, no instruments for me, too much memorizing xP)
< Wondering if Dox thought i was gunna post after him O.o
V Lover of sweet potato pie?
^Awww yeah. (Though just a roasted sweet potato is still the best for me)
<Frustrated about the Dark Souls co-op (Demon Souls all over again, not a bad thing but cripples the co-op)
v Conquest for world domination?
Hello Ryzen, can you reupload this games please?