The ^ < V Game

^ Weeee~
< Pulls the leg of the nearest person.
v Will also be submerged into water.
^ *cookie's gets wet*
< weeping for the poor cookie's
v please buy me a new box of cookies
^ For me? Why thank you.
< Funny tasting milk.. but it's sweet.
v Try some?
^ You shove it in your mouth
< Your saliva hopefully puts out the fire (i think)
v You only get slight burns ;p
^ Sounds reasonable :fulfilled:
< Guess I'll give it a shot!
v Prepare me some mountain water :blushhappy:
^ Thanks for the water
< Turns out to be oil
v Gahhhhhh! Flamethrower!
^ Gahhhhh HATSU!
< *dives into the water*
v gets hit by lightning
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^ Is unable to escape the lightning due to water conducting electricity~
< Gets burned but survives like in every anime :p
v I pew pew you... =]
^ Sonna... sonna bakana!!!!!!!!!
< Time travels to the future
v Naniiiiiiiiiii?!
^ Where are the bullets coming from?!
< Gets pelted by unknown bullets
v Tell my parents, I'm leaving first. :beatenup:
^ :hi: This is Gwee from same timeline which was saved by another Gwee from a different timeline ;)
< I have yet to write my will yet
v :casserole: Want to join?
^ Playing with timelines
< Probably wont join~
v Bubble beam powah~
^ So true.... but bubble is 4x effective against Onyx, being both rock and ground and all
< Reminisces old Pokemon games.
v I tackle thee?

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