The Vending Machine

Why, thank you~ :goodtea:

You get my old Debit card~

/me inserts a coin.
you get someones could be a girl's panty

/me inserts coin
you get a set of hunting rifle.....

/me insert rosetta stone........
you get a redeemer magnum......

/me insert energy crystal............
you get a rabbit soup from frankXD

/me insert some putrid liquid....
You get water the machine tried to purify xD

/me inserts frank's secret rabbit soup~
you get a question from frank"where the heck you hide mah secret soup man?":lecture:

/me insert corpse fly......
You get angry complains that there was a fly in the rabbit soup~

/me inserts frank's questions~
you get a letter from restaurant says"you're fired":donow:...:dispirited:

/me insert wyrm bone....
you get a love letter from fans.....

/me insert emperor scales...

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