The Versus Thread

『Dante is also Immortal though, Nanashi... I guess you never played the games? And I can't possibly think how anyone would be able to win against Dante... If he just changes in his devil form and starts slashing and slashing while recovering all damage dealt to him it will be impossible for Alucard to win. + Dante has much more weapons like Cerberus, Beowulf, Agni & Rudra, Shotgun and even guitar Nevan. Dante has different styles of fight including evasive Trickster, defensive Royalguard, deadly Swordmaster, gun-based Gunslinger and even time-stopping Quicksilver and clone-making Doppelganger and in DMC4 he can even switch those right in the middle of a fight. In DMC4 he also got a weapon called Lucifer that summons red swords that all blow up on his command. Even being invincible Alucard will most surely die after being blown up to shreds...』
I must disagree a bit with you Sova, sure Dante is a badass, but when Alucard has his level 0 seal released nothing will stand in his way.
Hellsing is also on my top list (I even have phrase from Hellsing on my siggy: Seek-Search and Destroy)

SOVA you are wrong. To explain this let take closer look
He has Silver Hair so don't make mistake he would won versus vampire because of that. xD

Dante - Devil May Cry

  • Super Strength, Durability, Endurance, Super Regeneration, and Speed - a lot faster than a car ( was even waiting for the man in the desert long after the mam fled town)
  • son of the most powerful Demon who took on Hell's Armies.
  • also a powerful half demon-half human. Has been impaled tons without being hurt.
  • hold blades with a giant, extremly powerful Demon Lord.
  • riding a motercycle
  • able to take being shot in the heart by Lady, being impaled in the heart and crucified alive by the main bad guy, get his head slashed by a Demon (and yet be cocky about it), be impaled by multiple spikes...

Alucard Powers and abilities(not all)

  • Immortality he lives on the souls that are within his body.
  • Advanced Regeneration ability to regenerate is considerably greater than any other vampire's. (regenerated from a pool of blood and from being decapitated, blown to shreds by gunfire, incinerated completely, etc
  • Superhuman Accuracy
  • Superhuman Strength (can physically rip humans and vampires apart with ease - can slice through Tubalcain's cards (which are sharp and strong enough to easily cut through a uranium shell)
  • Superhuman Speed (can move faster than the eye can see)
  • Superhuman Reflexes (can catch bullets (both Rip Van Winkle's and ordinary ones - He easily caught Rip Van Winkle's magic bullet with his teeth
  • Intangibility The ability to pass through solid objects.
  • Superhuman Agility (defy gravity to an uncertain limit, leaping impossible distances and can walk up vertical surfaces)
  • Shadow Manipulation (into physical form, which he can then use however he wishes)
  • Shape-Shifting (can transform himself or parts of himself into bats, insects, snakes, hellhounds, a little girl, an amorphous mass of darkness, etc
  • Weather Control (control the weather to an unknown limit, as demonstrated by the fog created when he returned to London aboard the H.M.S Eagle)
  • Illusions (such as when he tricked Walter into seeing Luke Valentine as himself)
  • Teleportation (disappear and reappear somewhere else. He also has the ability to levitate)
  • Telekinesis (In the manga, Alucard uses telekinesis to close a door on a fleeing SWAT officer)
  • Telepathy (can speak telepathically to his fledgling, Seras Victoria)
  • Mind Reading
  • Mind Control and Hypnosis
  • Precognition to see into the immediate future which allows him to predict the movements etc
  • Summoning summon familiars, the souls of those whose blood he has sucked in a variety of forms
  • Bloodsucking: suck a person's blood and absorb their soul and, consequently, their knowledge and memories
  • Hibernation: able to survive long periods of time without consuming blood, but is able to fight at a usual level of strength after drinking even the smallest bit of blood
  • Immunity to Vampiric Weaknesses: health is notcompromised any way by such things as sunlight or silver
  • Supernatural Sense: sense supernatural activity
  • Combat Experience: possesses centuries of combat experience
  • Omnipresence: at the end of the series, Alucard has acquired Schrödinger's quantum reality manipulation powers after absorbing him during

Allucard only weakness is when he has implanted a virus inside (when Alucard absorbed a body that contained the virus. Well, in effect that virus somehow made alucards souls disappear making him disappear as well)
And this doesn't count since when they fight Dante doesn't have a virus but even if he did have it there is no way allucard wold get it (we assume they fight alone, allucard cannot absord bodies) but even if virus is inside bullet it doesn't work Allucard can easly dodge or catch it because of his abilities.
So we have eliminated the only way when he can Die so obviusly Dante loses. Beside that Dante is a Demon and unlike Allucard he doesn't have as much experience,shorter life-span.... BUT we didn't take this into consideration at all

『If he just changes in his devil form and starts slashing and slashing while recovering all damage dealt to him it will be impossible for Alucard to win. + Dante has much more weapons like Cerberus, Beowulf, Agni & Rudra, Shotgun and even guitar Nevan. Dante has different styles of fight including evasive Trickster, defensive Royalguard, deadly Swordmaster, gun-based Gunslinger and even time-stopping Quicksilver and clone-making Doppelganger and in DMC4 he can even switch those right in the middle of a fight. In DMC4 he also got a weapon called Lucifer that summons red swords that all blow up on his command. Even being invincible Alucard will most surely die after being blown up to shreds...』

AND Sova about Dante Immortality, is true, however Alucard can crush him so much and then absorb him so his soul still lives and immortality doesn't help him that way. Sova you clearly don't know what you are talking about. No matter how much Allucard is being blown up to shreds he will not die - read above the only weakness he have and why Dante cannot win even with that.
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『Whatever he is, if Dante gets enough red orbs on low level demons, buys enough Holy Water and then uses it one after another while stopping time, Alucard won't be able to retaliate and only wait while his HPs get turned to 0~:runhappy:
Sova it won't work. As already said he has Immunity to Vampiric Weaknesses (His abilities and health are not in any way compromised by such things as sunlight or silver. In fact, it appears that the only weapons capable of harming him to any real extent are the most holy of Christian artifacts, such as Father Anderson after augmenting his abilities with Helena's Nail (a nail, which was from the True Cross, which crucified Jesus Christ, and was blessed by his blood) but even that did no permanent, or even lasting, damage).
About stopping time also won't work Allcuard will do something before he stops the time since he has abilities like Precognition (to see into the immediate future which allows him to predict the movements...) and teleport...
Beside that he will never really hurt him or at least do a permanent damage, because he doesn't have Christian artifacts, such as Father Anderson but even if hi did those wouldn't do any permanent, or even lasting, damage.
『Holy Water works on every enemy, so it will work on him too~』
so what's the score, its time to end the round

I will give it one more time and tomorrow I will end it.
I think is 3:1 since only Sova is for Dante , but we can wait one more day because either way Dante will lose. xD
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alright this match is over

next fighters please

its doesn't have to be shi who hosts everytime.

the next person in line please select.

I guess
[MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION]; or [MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION];

pick the next characters XD
Well, okay... I'll then for this time again your VS.-hoster be...:goodtea:~>

[hl-violet]Kuroyukihime v[/hl-violet][hl-red]s. Asuna[/hl-red]

Well, this time did I again a theme chosen, where with each other some relationships have: The constantly scene place are a virtual world, where the MCs and Supports each other in a MMO-RPG games play... I've now from there two MCs (Kuroyukihime - from Accel World & Yuuki Asuna - from SAO) chosen, where if sometime the possibility give would each other in a battle arena to put/set, would we sure after a interesting battle see.

Notice: I'll my vote than last give this times.
[MENTION=28026]KOS-MOS[/MENTION] [MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION] [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION] [MENTION=79628]Petros[/MENTION] [MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION] [MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION] [MENTION=77540]anayomex[/MENTION] [MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION] [MENTION=73341]DreamCa7ch3r[/MENTION] [MENTION=79545]Eviluk96[/MENTION] [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION] [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] [MENTION=5445]nawi[/MENTION] [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION];...And etc...:goodtea:~>
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Hmm... Okay... But I'll your vote for a period save...:goodtea:~>

I'll have to think about this for a while...

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