The Wrong Answers to the World's Questions.

That's no UFO, that's my wife! :lol:

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
The real question is, if they can`t chuck wood, why do we call them woodchucks?

Which brings me to my question, why do we call them woodchucks?
Because back in the Middle Ages lumberjack would through giant chunks of wood at their enemy's. the woodchucks learned this technic, and where named woodchunks.... But years later someone was bored and turn the n and made it look like a C and it some how stuck.

What is the meaning of life for a cup of pudding?
“Taste and see that the Lord is good.” - Baal HaSulam, "Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot."
This means that first one needs to “taste,” to receive a sensation, and then one can understand.

If all the world's a stage, where does the audience sit?
The audience sit outside the world in a place that not even time knows.
It is apart of our world... But at the sametime it is absent from it. Some call it another dymention but one thing is certian; it islinked to our and has windows that play scenes of this world into theirs like a show.

Why can't we breathe out fire.
because if we did we would be in the naruto world.

whats 1 plus 1?

Why does sour taste sour, and sweet taste sweet?
because u taste buds are fucked up

what really sank the titanic?
Cthulhu! He didn't like the idea of a ship being called unsinkable

Why do they always go back into the house in horror movies?!?!
because deep down they are idiots and love to get themselves killed

what is ur name?
Sir Louis John Paul Samuel Heston the 25th

Why are horses faster then me?
because if they stop they go to the glue factory

why is the moon so beautiful?
because in the nights sins like a silver coin

why the space is so cold...?
Someone forgot to pay the heating bill.

Why do we call it the birds and bees?
Because raptors and tigers didn't sound cool at the time.... (Those idiots)

Why does Mario grow when he eats a mushroom?
Because its shrooms ya know? Makes people see stuff so all the enemies are high and cant aim for... anything... though theres the random stray hit that seems to kill him anyway ;p

Why must peach always be trapped in some castle or another?
Because she keeps complaining about the location, or that the castle is too small.
Really they were just trying to make her happy.... She's never happy...

How did the tortoise really beat the hare?
With a poisoned carrot stick~ Smashed his face a couple times and shoved it down his throat before walking away and telling everyone that he fell asleep :goodtea:

What would happen if robot chicken were attacked by spider pig?
A flaming monkey would destroy the world with it's laser eyes and everything would explode.

Why is the Sky blue?
Because the zombies are lurking outside the window~

What would happen if they got let in?~

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