Things that might/made you say Wow! . . .

Wow how do I do that? hehe (▼´ェ`)

Wow... here's how you do it.

Choose Start, type regedit in the Start Search, and then press Enter.

In the left panel of the Registry Editor, navigate to the following key:


Remove the Dreamweaver preferences registry entries for Dreamweaver CS6.
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Reactions: Uninstall
Wow why not~ missing laptop means that ill have less time to chat and schedule wise itll be tougher to catch her while she on :/
Last edited: was nice talking to you~ :goodtea:


GO BOTHER YOUR DAD!!! :raging:

edit: wowowowowoowow
Last edited:
wow, i opened two brand new cans of soda but they were flat. yuck.
Wow... here's how you do it.

Choose Start, type regedit in the Start Search, and then press Enter.

In the left panel of the Registry Editor, navigate to the following key:


Remove the Dreamweaver preferences registry entries for Dreamweaver CS6.

Thanks for your help
But it still doesn't work (*´~`*)
Thanks for your help
But it still doesn't work (*´~`*)

Maybe this might help... although this should be in the Tech and Support Section... eh... wow~

Exit Dreamweaver.

In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe.

Rename the Dreamweaver preferences folder:

Dreamweaver CS6: Rename the Dreamweaver CS6 folder to, for example, Old Dreamweaver CS6.

Choose Start, type regedit in the Start Search, and then press Enter.

In the left pane of the Registry Editor, navigate to the following key:


Remove the Dreamweaver preferences registry entries for Dreamweaver CS6.

Select the Dreamweaver CS6 key, then select File > Export. In the Export Registry File dialog, enter a filename and location, and then click Save.

Ensure the Dreamweaver CS6 key is still selected, and then select Edit > Delete. In the Confirm Key Delete dialog, click Yes.
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Reactions: Uninstall
Wow, really thanks for your help!! (*´∀人)
Though it still doesn't work, I found a way through - it was Adobe Helper that was actually bugging me, which I reinstalled.
I can now uninstall CS6 (人´З`)
Wow... perhaps Pachi didn't 'end process' all the adobe processes before attempting any uninstalling.

And wow... I manually uninstall and manually delete viruses before... and I like to learn about some basics of that~
The first thing I did was end the Adobe processes yesterday out of instinct (*ゝω・)
But wow, finally
I've really just lost my virginity to Dreamweaver, HTML & CSS

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