Things that might/made you say Wow! . . .

wow type zerg rush in google and hit search

and wow what is this?

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Wow i wonder how to fix that google piano =.= I just kept clicking stuff and it sounds funneh now xD *Hits refresh*
Wow Sam is raping the forum with his Spam. Get rice and soy sauce ASAP for this Spam! So much of it! D:
Wow :goodtea: close your eyes and rest dear sam :bigeyes:
nothing bad will happen i promise :traitor:
wow sorry to hear. i have to go over my friends house in a half an hour to grab my gps tomorrow .__. it's now 10 .___. lol excuse to buy fast food >_>
wow gonna pick it up in 30 mins and then tomorrow im going to a cookout at a lake with a bunch of people o.o

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