This or That?

definitely cat. i'm a cat person :P

rabbit or squirl?
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earphone. i have bad experience with headphones they never stay still lol

ipod or mp3?
MP3 all da way!!!!

PC or Mac - I know this questions has been around since the beginning of Internet.
With mouse. If not, I can't play all my games. They all need mouse to play.

Branded PC or Clone PC(self-made also count)
branded i guess, never tried any of the others

keyboard on the screen or on the pc?

Just Sweet sour is enough as First Love one.

Would you like Samurai fighter or Ninja fighter?

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Riquipajarito35 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, sorry for bothering, could you update the Links of this Game and its extras?☄%EF%B8%8Frelease☄%EF%B8%8F-231124-わるきゅ~れ-三美姫の牝豚〜姦獄の城〜-ダウンロード版-fanza-games特典-dlsite特典.1396971/
InfiniteFighter wrote on Shine's profile.
Could you please reupload this game? Thanks.
Sotawuuut wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hello! can you reupload RJ01179736? file removed from the sites provided.
nobis_c wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry for the multiple post at once, but this one has one final update for a previously undiscovered major bug. Please update.
神ゲー世界大戦 to Ver1.05
ReTuan wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hi. Could you update new version of RJ01169637