This or That?

Ponytail - love the way it sway left and right what the girl walking. But twin braid look cute too...

Blonde or Redhead?
DFC? UTF? What's that? I guess I pick DTF then.

Normal Yuki Nagato version or Human Yuki Nagato version(from the movie)
huh... original yuki, i guess... proness is awesome
ummmm... thanks to checku-sama's corruption... u/dfc is un/delicious flat chest...

on the same note... SOS Haruhi, or Disappearance Haruhi?
neither.. i haven't watch any haruhi series nor movies.. ~ so i can't decide . .

bittersweet endings? or tragedies . . . ~ ?
huh. bittersweet. at least you won't have nightmares afterwards....

opening or ending themes?
Iced Tea - suitable for almost all occasion, and you don't have to wait for it to cool down to drink it.

Yuki Nagato vs Kanade Tachibana, one-on-one. Who will win?
Kanade Tachibana i guess ~ since its v.a by ~ tutturu . . .

swords or daggers? ~ . . .
Sword - longer and much cooler to look at.

Light Saber or Blaster (laser gun in Star Wars universe)
High Definition all the way~~~!!!

Stargate SG-1 or Stargate Atlantis - which one do you like the most?
Tough choice. Depend on how severe the disability is, if light, I choose disability then. Is severe, better go insane then.

To be or Not to be, that is the question. :P
Future - coz it's something new. Past is a rerun - seen it, done it, time to move on.

Suppose if Mikuru and Yuki switch personality, Quite Mikuru and Insecure Yuki, which do you choose?
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.. . . . . Yuki i guess.. though i 've no idea who were they? ~

blondes or brunette ~ ?

. . . .
Brunette - getting tired with blonde :P

Macross or Robotech
*If you're a true anime fan, you know which to choose*
Comedy - got enough drama in real life, why get another dose of it in entertainment? Except for anime, of course.

Warrior class or Wizard class, your RPG job?
awwww... no archer?
warrior then... though not the armored walking tank type, but the quick-kill one

telekinesis or pyrokinesis?
Telekinesis ~ wouldn't wanna be burning things up mow would we?

Ano Hana(bokutachi ~~~~~.....) or [c]~ Ending??

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