To cheat or not to cheat?


DDL Hentai Mistress
Apr 16, 2011
This can be interpreted in many ways:

Cheating in school, relationships, etc. Think outside the box.

Personally, I loathe cheating and cheaters. However, I found that some people condone cheating. In some societies, you are given applause by friends if you cheated and got away with it. I know I'm being vague, but 'cheating' encompasses many things so you may discuss any form of cheating. It's relative? Haha.

Some of my questions:

What do you think of cheating?
What do you think of the cheater?
If the person who cheated is your friend, will it make much of a difference?
Will you let a a) stranger, b) classmate, c) your friend cheat from you in a test?
Did you cheat or have the tendency to cheat?
When is cheating okay? Is it really okay?

Hahaha zomg. I like psychology. I'm sorry. Answer if you wish.
If you're awesome you don't need to cheat. :P
I don't cheat. ;)
cheating is an act breaking the rules to gain advantage in competitive situation. . .

I think cheaters are not contented what they have and life has to offer for them. so they cheat. ~

. . .
i always thought the incompetent were the ones who cheated. i was proven wrong when i observed a class a few years back. those who were in the honor's list were desperate to keep their scores but i caught them cheating. i changed my mind about their school after that. academics does not mirror true intelligence.

i wrote on the board (while the students were taking the quiz) CHEATER = LOSER. I still think that way.
its a case to case basis why some do cheat ~ others just for fun, well for some.. are desperate struggling... for their gain or welfare. good or bad motive about it, well for me cheating is a no-no..

yeah i agree - cheaters = losers.
Everybody's going with the cheating = bad. So I'm going the opposite direction! ( cuz it fun ! )

What do you think of cheating?
Same as lying. If your reasons are valid ( i do not want to fail, the boss will kill me if i don't, I'm being held hostage ) You'd lose your job, your life , repeat a year, repay college fees if you don't, then to me it's okay.

If your reasons are invalid ( i want to score 100/100 , video game sore loser, just for fun ) You only have pride to lose in a video game . Then I'd say it's bad and I'd screw the cheater

If the person who cheated is your friend, will it make much of a difference?
Nope, cause everyone's a human being . We are prone to sin in one way or another, relationships don't matter.

Will you let a a) stranger, b) classmate, c) your friend cheat from you in a test?
Again, so long as reasons are valid, it would be in " you mind your stuff, i mind my own "

Did you cheat or have the tendency to cheat?
Yes, i've cheated before, when the exams are deathly hard or when i just want to see the end of this video game, when the level is monstrously hard or i've no time to grind exp points.
What do you think of cheating?
They either lose their pride, lose their friendship or lose respect.

What do you think of the cheater?
If they don't care how others view on them, then suit them. Unless the way they cheat makes other feel sad or bad(which more people will look down on them, more serious)

If the person who cheated is your friend, will it make much of a difference?
No. If they cheat, still considered cheater right?(Don't really understand this question though)

Will you let a a) stranger, b) classmate, c) your friend cheat from you in a test?
Nope, non of the above actually. Maybe I am selfish, because I had the thought of "I work hard and you didn't, and you expect to get good grades." even they are my good friend(Though some people sometimes did not study for test can get good marks without cheating, I have no comments on that)

Did you cheat or have the tendency to cheat?
Hmm very long time ago, cheating on game mostly...(Now I don't since I can have the game played more then 6 months if I don't cheat, if I cheat the game can keep me entertain like less then a week)

When is cheating okay? Is it really okay?
It's okay as long as you don't mind how others look on you

Well that's my thought
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I agree with the statement that cheating is bad, but only in general. There are some cases where I think cheating is allowed. An example is when you let a young child play some difficult videogame. For me, a game is something to have fun and not something to be frustrated because it's too hard. In this case, I would enable some cheats for that child, not only will it entertain the kid but it will also give some confidence.

About cheating in a test, I don't really care if somebody cheats from me but it won't be easy with my bad handwriting.
I agree with the statement that cheating is bad, but only in general too!In some case if you use cheating to pass a section hard and continue without cheating i think it is good!
I don't hack in online game and I don't cheat in test - period.
Other than that, it's everybody's guess.
I think cheating is good or bad things is up to the conditions.
Like some nonsense rule that make it's nothing but annoyed
or something that take adventage of the others.
if it's just annoyed, it can be endure and ignore.
but if that things cheat on the others, i will cheat and break it right away with no regrat.

like i just said it up to conditions not alway be good or bad thing.
becuase we have choices to decide, right? :)
i can't cheat on someone because loyalty is a key matter to me when it comes to relationships. Besides i have been betrayed before and i know how bad it feels to be stabbed in the back so i wouldn't cheat in any case.
I've cheated and been cheated on.... I came to the conclusion that cheating isn't a good thing
Life as an Honest Man said:
It is a shame to be an honest man in the modern society where the outcome is the number one priority. No one cares about the input any more. Hard work is a thing of the past. Welcome to the new world where people will do nothing to achieve their goals. This is illustrated in the cheating rate in my high school, but could you blame them for cheating? After all, the society only wants result. I as an honest man who do not cheat is prosecuted by the society for not cheating. Who should I blame the society or myself for not cheating? The most shameful of all is that teachers, former cheaters, are condemning students for cheating. One might ask how could a hypocrite be convincing? The world has become such a disgraceful place to dwell in!
Diva Miller Smith
If you have ever studied in BC, Canada, you should understand what I am talking about!
I DON'T CHEAT.............................................................often... ^^

haha..cheat is no fun.. >:D
people should have more fun in their life, darou..?
dakara...getting lose is one of those funs...

don't afraid to make some mistakes..
you might find something interesting when you lost your way and in making mistakes..



ya da naa~....I said something embarrassing there.. (^w^)?
There seems to be a micronception about cheating on tests in life: Those tests are actually supposed to grade your knowledge. Merely passing the test is not the purpose of that. If you cheat on, say, maths (maybe via an overpowered calculator or Mobilfe fone messaging) and get into an apprenticeship or university or whatever instance that demands high math grades (because they are required, actually) and you can't do that, your really screwed.

And it's most likely not as if you cheat on a lower level to pass, then miraculously obtain super high skills in that subject when you need t hem.
"If you not cheating, you're not trying"
I don't see what's wrong with cheating if no one gets or will get hurt.
If some one cheats in a video game so what unless there are other players.
If you're in a high school history class and my friend cheats I don't care. Now if it were medical school I would care because it show that person doesn't know the material and that may hurt a patients later on.
If no get hurt I see no problem.

Have I ever cheated? Yes
Do I think I'm a cheater? No
Would I let people cheat off me? Depends on whom, when and where.
What do you think of cheating?

i think cheating is a desperate person's only chance of survival.

What do you think of the cheater?

a cheater is a lazy person. he simply chooses the easy way out instead of the back breaking honest work.

If the person who cheated is your friend, will it make much of a difference?

yes, because you will be in a dilemma of choosing between keeping a friend and doing the right thing.

Will you let a a) stranger, b) classmate, c) your friend cheat from you in a test?

stranger and classmate, no. friend, yes ill let them copy from me.

Did you cheat or have the tendency to cheat?

if letting friends copy from me is a form of cheating, then yes i have cheated a lot of times. but me copying from others, then no. my test answers could probably be better off that theirs.

When is cheating okay? Is it really okay?

never. no. in the end, when you get to the real world, you'd finally understand that the only person you've cheated is yourself.
What do you think of cheating?

Personally I have never put any real thought into it most likely due to the fact that I never did so I suppose.

What do you think of the cheater?

I wouldn't think any less of a person for cheating honestly. I don't hold people up on a pedestal so it's not like they are letting me down or anything.

If the person who cheated is your friend, will it make much of a difference?

As stated above it wouldn't really matter to me as it's not truly affecting me in any way shape or form. I would like to see that a friend didn't resort to such a thing as cheating, however it doesn't really matter to me as it's on them and not myself.

Will you let a a) stranger, b) classmate, c) your friend cheat from you in a test?

I wouldn't allow anyone to knowingly cheat through me. And if they did all the years ago when I was in school I'd feel sorry for them as I probably caused them to have some bad grades lol :p

Did you cheat or have the tendency to cheat?

No. I always did well enough in school, I could have done better but I didn't care.

When is cheating okay? Is it really okay?

I personally think that cheating is not okay nor will it ever be okay, however the next person may feel that it is okay in some instances. I don't cheat and I won't cheat as I see no need for me to ever do so nor did I ever see a need to do so back during my school days either.
I really regard not cheating in school as cheating is the only way to survive in high school!
What do you think of cheating?

Honestly, I'm fine with it. It's not as simple as cheater = loser. The education system as a whole is a result-oriented system, so I don't see why people shouldn't try to maximize their results with minimal effort. Cheating is more efficient, to be blunt. As far as I'm concerned, if someone is good enough to cheat on a major test without being discovered, then he has enough knowledge to survive in this world, perhaps even more so than those who study continuously and fill their head with math formulas they won't use in a few years.

What do you think of the cheater?

Well, I do not condone cheating per say, because my own personality dictates that I only give credit where credit is due. So I won't tattle-tale on a cheater but I'm fine with them. Just don't try to cheat from me.

If the person who cheated is your friend, will it make much of a difference?

Nah, a lot of my friends (tried to) cheat, and failed. Those who succeeded, I give much props to them.

Will you let a a) stranger, b) classmate, c) your friend cheat from you in a test?

No to all three. I despise having to give people credit where it is not due, so I doubt I'll let any of my friends cheat. Of course, it also depends on the circumstances...if my friend was up all night taking care of his sick grandmother or something, and had no time to study, I guess I can let him off the hook.

Did you cheat or have the tendency to cheat?

Nah, I personally thought that cheating itself takes more effort and trial-and-error compared to actually studying for the damn I couldn't be bothered. I'm academically talented anyways, so it doesn't matter much to me. On relationships however...that's a totally different story :p

When is cheating okay? Is it really okay?

Many times. As far as I'm concerned, it's fine. People who say that cheaters are taking the easy way out obviously haven't tried to properly cheat. Making a cheat sheet, finding un-discoverable hiding spots, proper timing of when to look at the said cheat sheet... Cheating isn't as simple as "make-a-cheat-sheet-and-peek", despite what others seem to believe.
If your reasons are invalid ( i want to score 100/100 , video game sore loser, just for fun ) You only have pride to lose in a video game . Then I'd say it's bad and I'd screw the cheater
I had a situation where i had a friend who was going through some rough times at home and asked if he could cheat of my essay in high school. Normally i would decline but I had just learned about his issues and how one little success even if its not his own might be good for him ( he had been recently hospitalized for suicidal thoughts) While cheating ( in a relationship) is pathetic, cheating on a test or whatever, in most cases is just unhelpful, but to not have to worry about the pressure of grades (temporarily) is okay to me. I cheat in a game only if it has lost appeal which usually doesn't happen. I would prefer knowing i earned something then to know something else earned it for me.
Q: What do you think of cheating?
A: I despise it.

Q: What do you think of the cheater?
A: I will never trust them, or want them around me. If they cheat, they steal, and lie I refuse to surround myself with people like that.

Q: If the person who cheated is your friend, will it make much of a difference?
A: If they are a friend, and I find out, they are no longer a friend. See other answer.

Q: Will you let a:
a) stranger: NO
b) classmate: NO
c) your friend cheat from you in a test?: NO

Q: Did you cheat or have the tendency to cheat?
A: No, if I can not do something on my own, then I need to study harder, or ask more questions. This way the next time it comes up I can be proud by knowing the proper answer and learning it the rite way.

Q: When is cheating okay?
A: Never
(Is it really okay?- Redundant at this point)

LOL! gosh, I sound like a hard butt don't I? haha!
How about white lie then?
How would you answer that dreaded question most husbands hate to answer:
"How's my butt look, hon? Are they really big or you just saying it?"

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