Tonee 's Ecchi Artwork

Some new stuff this week~~ After posting this, I think I'll pass out for 10+ hours since I haven't had any proper sleep for 3 days, Deadlines were so tight this time -_-. Hope you enjoy.

Hey guys, it's been a little while. I'm still very busy -_-, really wish to be able to take some times off. Here's some stuff I did between work


Hi everyone,

I want to share with you some artwork that I do, mostly ecchi, yuri and some CGs. I draw 99% girls because I enjoy it the most, hope you like it ^^. If you are interested in seeing more stuff, check outmy DeviantArt page or any link in my sig. If you are interested in me posting more, do tell as well xD.

Holy shit is this your artwork?!?
thats great ! :puniko_thumbsup:
i like mirai swimsuit, its very deep skin tone :3

i hope i can draw something like this :puniko_lookaway:
Damn, how can i miss this thread @@.
The coloring is great. You must be pro.
P/s: The eyes look sooo good!!!

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