Torn Pantyhose for Partial Undress
I think Honey select is a game almost like Ag3 in its customizations. Almost! And thats a Big Almost!
I could give some examples and compare Ag3 to Honey Select

But this is a Mod release for Honey Select. Preview of what I got below in spoiler.
This Mod doesn't come with any new textures! This mod is stand alone and changes the partial undressed so the pantyhose will still be on just added a hole to look like a tear. Its not perfect but torn pantyhose rarely are! I will be adding different styles in the future so stay tuned.
NOTE: This has been tested on wideslider it may need more testing.
Some of the positions may not look the best as Meta doesn't work with skins. so I was limited on what I could
do with it. So I must retrain on Blender so it may be a longtime before I update this if ever. I won't promise it will work
for everyone. If any modders wishes to modify this further ? You have my my full support.
I would like if you would inform me, You know? A post on this release thread will be fine. And don't
worry about waiting for my reply,
I also included a few preset costumes and a couple girls and a few generic
coordinate (costumes). To try them out.....?
Also In the download folder is a 7zip Named For Modders. It Has? A fbx imported pantsu_d in pantsu_n
slot. I know You guys could easily do it yourselves. I just thought if you want to use it its their.
For anyone wanting to add some custome textures or whatever to my restructured pantsuA visual of what I'm talking about.
A special Thanks and credit to enimaroah! If he wouldn't have helped point out where I was making a mistake? I doubt I would have completed this mod.
So A Big Thank You to enimaroah!
Without his tutorials and the Sb3Utility v1.6.4 I would never have
been able to complete this mod. And to all the fantastic modders out their
on Hongfire and Anime Sharing Thank you for all the terrific mods you've
created and shared.

Mega Download In spoiler Below!
I totally thought I Posted this in Honey Select Mod release.
Dear Moderator I am sorry Could I request this post to be transfered?
I think Honey select is a game almost like Ag3 in its customizations. Almost! And thats a Big Almost!
I could give some examples and compare Ag3 to Honey Select

But this is a Mod release for Honey Select. Preview of what I got below in spoiler.
This Mod doesn't come with any new textures! This mod is stand alone and changes the partial undressed so the pantyhose will still be on just added a hole to look like a tear. Its not perfect but torn pantyhose rarely are! I will be adding different styles in the future so stay tuned.
NOTE: This has been tested on wideslider it may need more testing.
Some of the positions may not look the best as Meta doesn't work with skins. so I was limited on what I could
do with it. So I must retrain on Blender so it may be a longtime before I update this if ever. I won't promise it will work
for everyone. If any modders wishes to modify this further ? You have my my full support.
I would like if you would inform me, You know? A post on this release thread will be fine. And don't
worry about waiting for my reply,
I also included a few preset costumes and a couple girls and a few generic
coordinate (costumes). To try them out.....?
Also In the download folder is a 7zip Named For Modders. It Has? A fbx imported pantsu_d in pantsu_n
slot. I know You guys could easily do it yourselves. I just thought if you want to use it its their.
For anyone wanting to add some custome textures or whatever to my restructured pantsuA visual of what I'm talking about.
A special Thanks and credit to enimaroah! If he wouldn't have helped point out where I was making a mistake? I doubt I would have completed this mod.
So A Big Thank You to enimaroah!
Without his tutorials and the Sb3Utility v1.6.4 I would never have
been able to complete this mod. And to all the fantastic modders out their
on Hongfire and Anime Sharing Thank you for all the terrific mods you've
created and shared.

Mega Download In spoiler Below!
Folder link!sgwkwBpL!MbHW5L6Ap1BuraENqa2NKQ
Direct download is here!hoxjBCqJ!1Np_YhmJf...leKCYPHjFA_ycY
And for modders wanting to retexture this mod this is for you.!4pJ2laQT!-rMjZHBjR...gIfIPH2HBl-yh0!sgwkwBpL!MbHW5L6Ap1BuraENqa2NKQ
Direct download is here!hoxjBCqJ!1Np_YhmJf...leKCYPHjFA_ycY
And for modders wanting to retexture this mod this is for you.!4pJ2laQT!-rMjZHBjR...gIfIPH2HBl-yh0
I totally thought I Posted this in Honey Select Mod release.
Dear Moderator I am sorry Could I request this post to be transfered?
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