[Uncensor] Uncenone Uncensor


First, I'm busy in the last time and I also feel at the time not really well, so that why I not answered all the time.

Second, I wanted to say that this Ayou18 took the Uncenone Uncensor, which I already converted it, from Play Club to Sexy Beach Premium Resort, for my Triple Uncensor.
Unfortunately, that he not credited me in his release post too.
He asked me in past via private mail, if he can take this mod, to make his correction resp. improvements and I consented it, that he can do it.

Here in Inquisitor's HF-Patch log you can see, the order of the releases:
0.6, 2016.02.05: Update Buttons to 1.3.1, add New Sex buttons, update translations to 29-11-2015, update UI Translation to v0.11.8, add Male Enhancement 0.5, add Illusion Plugin Architecture 1.4, add Post Process Control v1.0. [Launch DLC + Additional Data + Patch Vol.1 - 14] is a prerequisite.
0.5, not a public release
0.4, 2015.11.08: Update Button Translations to v1.2, Launcher v1.0.1.1, Translations 28-10-15 + 1030 Update, UI Translation Plugin v0.10.4.[COLOR="#F37934"] Add Female Uncensor v1.1 1024 by aoyu18[/COLOR], Female Uncensor Layered 0.1 by FutaBoy, Male Uncensor Testbuild 151003, Male Uncensor Prototype (tan) 151102. Remove 100% save (already included in official patches). Use SB3UGS 1.0.21.
0.3, 2015.09.20: Update UI Translation Plugin to 0.8.4 and set bUseRegEx=False to reduce performance impact, update Translations to 20-09 02-00, update Launcher to, update 100% Story Save + All item to 2.3. Add Button Translations v1.1, add H Menu, Oil & Events Buttons 150914 (using SB3UGS), Remove Studio Items 150912 and instead copy original 0918 files because studio items are already translated by Translations 20-09 02-00. Use Hi-Res Icons for setup and desktop shortcut.
0.2, 2015.09.17: Update UI translation plugin to 0.7, update UI Translations to 150917, [COLOR="#F37934"]update Tripel Uncensor to 0.2[/COLOR], add Uncenone Texture Fix 1024 & Pubic Hair Fix 150917
0.1, 2015.09.15: Initial version

Dear FutaBoy,

Ayuo18 uses the opening leg for open vagina, similar to SBX

but personally.. I still prefer your original innie pussy unc mod ;)

I talked privately a few weeks ago with plasticmind,

he said he wants to give its support to your Uncensored

I guess he wants to make Uncenone compatible with the new 4K textures http://www.hongfire.com/forum/forum...ersion-update-2017-4-10?p=5782089#post5782089

I will keep you informed! :)

Futaboy, will you work with vrl0ver to add your uncensor to new mod technology? Please do because many fans of this uncensor but also love the quality texture skin on SBX2.5 body model. To have both combine together would be dream for many fan.
Find here: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/forum...work-of-switchable-female-uncensors-prototype

yes.. Please!

it would be something Magnificent..!

...Sooo when we gonna get a innie mod that works with 4K? <_< (with no horrible seam)
I tested this out on the new Honey Select Party expansion and It didn't turn out too well. All my female character bodies turned transparent/invisible. I had to removed this mod and reinstall the regular Uncensored mod from Stamper. Hopefully, someone update this mod making it capable with the new expansion.
Re: Uncenone Uncensor (for retail release and official game expansions)

a great work,thank you very much.
I tested this out on the new Honey Select Party expansion and It didn't turn out too well. All my female character bodies turned transparent/invisible. I had to removed this mod and reinstall the regular Uncensored mod from Stamper. Hopefully, someone update this mod making it capable with the new expansion.

Hey any idea how to get the Charac make play system???

I tested my mod, before I uploaded my update and it works fine.
No idea what all you installed into your game, that my mod is not working for you.
Maybe some mods have an conflict with my release.
I edited my first post, to make it more clear, for what my mod it working.
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I tested my mod, before I uploaded my update and it works fine.
No idea what all you installed into your game, that my mod is not working for you.
Maybe some mods have an conflict with my release.
I edited my first post, to make it more clear, for what my mod it working.

No worries now. Ever since I installed and updated to HSUncensor2 v0.6.3, everything shows up and working perfectly now.
Uncensor updated with the DLCs from May.
Re: Uncenone Uncensor (for retail release and official game expansions)

Thanks for the share!

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