Introducing several new bbcode and new forum functions: User can now change their username once per 180 days. User signature now is strictly limit to 300px of height.
Add the ability to create in-post tabs with new bbcodes.
Registered member can remove their account from the User Control Panel. Please note that Staff, Uploaders and Recruits cannot use this feature.
Registered member can hide members's signature. However, you cannot hide staff's signatures (Administrators, Moderators, and Global Moderators). Staff cannot use this feature.
Add some additional back-end functionality for Staff & Administrators.
Implemented a feature by which the first post of a thread in certain sections will always be visible on all pages of the thread. The affected sections are as follows:
[hl-berry][BETA][/hl-berry] I. Lesson Uploader Restriction:
All registered members can post in the download "Downloads and Requests" forums*.
Posts in the "Downloads and Requests" forums will go through a moderation queue.
Uploaders are exempt from the above.
Threads made by Uploaders in the download sections will have a slightly different color than others.
*Due to the increased organizational overhead with ongoing anime series, restrictions still apply there. If you are willing and able to add new content, please apply for Uploader status and mention it in your application. *Beta features may be changed or removed in the future at our discretion.
II. Private Messages:
Quota will be increased:
Registered members will be able to store up to 100 private messages.
All higher userclasses will be able to store up to 9999 private messages.
Fix a permission issue: All registered member can now post a reply in the Downloads & Uploads section without having their post to have to go through the moderation queue.
Adds several caching mechanisms and servers to handle with the load. Forum loads 42 times faster on average during the busy period.
[hl-berry][BETA][/hl-berry] Added the third set of stickers to the forum, Nyanmusu.
[hl-berry][BETA][/hl-berry] Consistent with our plan to harmonise the stickers with English-speaking users, we've taken the liberty of translating and editing the Chocola & Vanilla sticker set where Japanese text originally accompanied the representation of certain expressions.
*Beta features may be changed or removed in the future at our discretion.
**We translate liberally and arbitrarily. At times, we may simply romanise if we think the original Japanese text is mainstream enough (among weeaboos like ourselves).
[hl-berry][BETA][/hl-berry] Added the fourth set of stickers to the forum, Gakuran.
*Beta features may be changed or removed in the future at our discretion.
**We translate liberally and arbitrarily. At times, we may simply romanise if we think the original Japanese text is mainstream enough (among weeaboos like ourselves).
From now on, we no longer require romanisation/transliteration of titles for threads made in the Downloads & Requests section. The only exception to this is fansubbed anime posted within the anime subsections. For example, it's no longer mandatory to romanise 向日葵の教会と長い夏休み as Himawari no Kyoukai to Nagai Natsuyasumi, although it's still a nice little bit of information to have. We have updated the rules to reflect this change.
Website: được xây dựng với mong muốn giới thiệu đến quý khách tổng quan về du lịch Hạ Long, các du thuyền Hạ Long mới nhất