Uplifting Mommy by Her Shoes (mom/son, underage, shota, incest, high-heels, shopping)


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Mar 2, 2021
Uplifting Mommy by Her Shoes
by DiscipleN

[a heartwarming little tale with a brief, sad beginning, and a full happy ending]

Does your mommy appear short? I wasn't very tall myself on the day I decided that mine seemed too short. When I noticed that she wore thin flip-flops around the house, I wondered, ignorantly, if that was her challenge.

Dad towered over her, usually complaining about something. Sometimes he would raise his hand, but then he would look at me and say, "She deserves it, but you don't need to see it." I would run away, crying. Mother looked so piteous, trying to reason with him, her head reaching only to his chest.

I was quite a bit older when Mom's divorce came through, accompanied by a restraining order. These days she doesn't wear as much make-up. I couldn't understand why she ever would. I did figure that out eventually. I thought she was hiding how beautiful she was, her face so kind and feminine. She wore her auburn hair long, down to her shoulder blades. It was silky and soft. I loved nuzzling my face against it along her neck. I would peek down the front of her blouse, because the gap between her boobs made me feel funny in a good way.

She has a wonderful shape too. During her marriage, my mother would escape the house a lot, to jog or go swimming. Nowadays, she goes to a Yogi Bear place for stretching and calisthenics.

Dad used to accuse her of cheating, but Mom always played fair at board games. Now that he's gone, she dresses prettier than before.

I wanted to celebrate. "Momma, can we go shopping? I want-ta buy you something."

"Oh? Did you get an inheritance, suddenly?" She smiled while making fun of me.

"I saved my allowance." For a kid my age the amount I'd saved was quite a lot. Dad regularly mailed cash to me, ten or twenty dollars. He always put a note in. "I miss you. Your mother is keeping me away from you. Someday I'll save you from her evil ways." I had saved up two hundred, thirty three dollars - and fifty eight cents. I only told Mom, I had plenty. I kept Dad's letters a secret. He used my grandfather's name on them, but I think she knew.

"What are you going to buy me?"

"SHOES, Mommy!" I beamed. "Real tall ones!"

"Um, okay. That's very kind of you, but don't you want to keep your money for something for you?"

"No!" My stomach cramped a little though. My bicycle was old and clunky, and kids made fun of it when I went riding. My friends made the worst comments, but they were mostly kidding. "Can we go now?"

"Why the big hurry? Let's finish lunch and clean up the dishes first."

Cleaning up seemed to take the longest time, but right after, she fetched her keys and walked me to the curb where our Honda Accord waited. She drove us to the nearest Payless.

We entered the building's rack filled rectangle, and a terrible smell assaulted me. I wrinkled my nose just inside the sliding door.

"It's all the plastic in their products." She told me.

"I don't want-ta buy you smelly shoes, Momma. Can't we go to a better place?"

"We can, but I don't want you to spend too much."

"It's my money, Mommy." I complained.

"Yes, but you need to keep some for things you want."

"I want you to be taller!" I blurted.

Mom took a soft breath. "That's -- a nice thought, Wendel."

We back pedaled from disappointed salespeople. Mom next drove to the open air shopping mall. She took me into a Target. "Their shoes are better made but don't cost much more."

I dragged her through the racks. There weren't many shelves, and I didn't find what I was looking for. A fat lady clerk asked if she could help.

"I want to buy lady shoes, super tall ones!"

"Um," She didn't believe I should buy something like that. She smirked at Mom. "I doubt we stock high heels in his size." Maybe she was joking, but that was when I first learned about high heels.

"NO, they're for Momma!"

"They're a gift." Mom explained.

"Oh!" The lady chuckled. "Silly of me."

"I don't like her." I tugged Mommy's arm, dragging her away from the shoe department. Mom never complained when I tried to get my way. Sometimes she didn't let me get my way, like when I wanted a pet iguana. Taking care of non-native lizards was too much responsibility for me at the time. Instead of complaining she reasoned that. Mostly she just let me get away with stuff. I did get a guinea pig like the brown one at school, but mine had orange and white and black patches like a punk's jacket.

One time, I put my hand down the front of Mom' dress. It happened on a day when Dad was at work. Mom asked why my hand was touching her chest. She didn't yell or pull my hand away. I blushed then and sputtered about seeing something drop down there. "Don't fib, Wendel. That's not good." I pulled my hand out of her dress. I wondered if she didn't mind that I had treated her like one of my toys. Still, I felt bad from being scolded for lying.

I led Mom out of the Target. There had to be a better place. "I really don't need high heels, Sweetie." She reasserted. She followed, but I had to slow down to keep from racing away from her.

We walked everywhere through and around the mall, but all the shoes looked so - lame. I stopped at the mall's map, mostly to catch my breath, but I wanted to check if I had missed any stores.

"You've walked so much, today Wendel." She breathed calmly, while I panted and my heart rate doubled. I don't like to exercise very much, but she loves it.

Someone had marked an X on a corner of the map. The marked location was away from the main group of buildings, across a street even. The word 'shoes' had been scrawled beneath the X. Both had been drawn by someone with a golden marker. "There! Mommy, I want to go there."

"That's not part of the mall, Honey." Mom said. She worried, "It might be someone's idea of a joke."

But hope in a young man is a powerful force. "It's not far." I patted her elbow, encouraging her in the X's direction.

The mysterious place was farther than I expected, across two big parking lots. The street was four lanes wide and busy with slow moving traffic. We waited at the light to cross, me anxiously, she patiently.

What awaited us wasn't a store building. It was a house, but a large shingle dangled over the entrance. It was the shape of an extremely tall heeled shoe. The sign read, "On Top of the Whirled." Silhouettes of a man and woman dancing framed the words. Unmarked wooden, double doors stood like guardians before us. I didn't know whether to knock or go right in. Mom pressed the doorbell button, her face now curious if not a little excited.

The door whisked open, and a tall woman greeted us. She wore a shimmering, deep purple tube dress. Her hair was dark black all the way down to her calves. She had the figure of a curvy dancer, right down to her amazingly tall sandals. The heels were so high, she might as well have been a ballerina on the tips of her toes. "Welcome, friends. Please call me Jessica. Are you here for the shoes of a lifetime?"

"Wendel, this place must be very expensive. I suspect they custom make every shoe by hand." Momma whispered. It was a warning, but she didn't sound worried. Her voice trembled with energy.

"Correct, Ma-am." The fine looking woman agreed but also kidded." Our elves work night and day and very happily. You can feel their joy with every step. But we sell shoes for all budgets. Please, come look at the samples." She spun around and led us within the charming old house.

The main room had been converted into a showroom. The walls were lined with shelves of exciting shoes. Every pair in the women's cases had beautifully crafted heels. The middle of the room was completely open. Silver footprints had been set into the wooden floor, showing off different dances.

In addition to the main entrance, the room had two doors, one plain and narrow. The other was oddly just a painting of a door on an otherwise bare section of wall.

"Let me introduce you." Jessica glided over to the shelves and told us the narrow, short heels were called Kittens. There were so many different kinds: Blocks, Mary Janes, Spools, Pins, Stilettos, Pumps, Platforms, Slingbacks, Wedges, Clogs, Mules, and really strange ones called Lobster Claws. Some had open toes, peep toes, flat toes, sharp toes. Some were fastened by single straps. Many sported multiple straps. One type, called Gladiators, had a dozen straps!

Mom stared and stared. I thought they were all wonderful. She looked bedazzled.

"Which do you want your Mommy to try on first?" Jessica's voice lilted at me.

"A shop this boutique can't carry all of them in my size." Mom reasoned.

"Oh, you'll be surprised at how prepared we are." A sly grin took to her lips. She prompted me again, with a nod at the women's shelves.

"Those." I pointed. In the middle of the case, two incredibly tall heeled Pins, made from what looked like very soft leather, caught my eye.

"Deer hide makes for the most comfortable wear over a long period."

"I feel sorry for the poor thing." Mom bit her lip.

"This model is alternatively made with a special, cruelty free composition. It mimics deerskin in every way and is nearly as durable." Jessica offered.

"If it's what my son wants, I guess I should try them." Mom made a joke. "Without real deer, please."

The beautiful clerk disappeared through a small door. Almost instantly, as if she had simply turned around, she re-entered the room, carrying two of the soft looking, high heels which I had requested. "Please have a seat, Ma-am."

Mom sat on the one chair in the room. It had a special extension for propping up a leg. The clerk's dress shimmered and shrank when she kneeled before my mother. She unfastened Mom's plain brown flats which revealed white foot-socks, and raised her right foot onto the board. Jessica gently fitted the appropriate Pin onto my mother's foot.

"It feels wonderful!"

"I'm so glad, Ma-am." Jessica slipped Mom's other foot into the left Pin as easily as she had the first. "Give them a whirl." The clerk offered Mother a hand to help her to her feet. Mom wobbled for a second.

Jessica held her steady when Mom took a few steps but she quickly gained confidence. "These aren't as difficult to walk in as I expected." Mom gave the room a cheer filled smile, let go of the clerk's hand, and proceeded to walk elegantly.

I gasped at how her body swayed more seductively than ever before. She stood so tall, I believed nobody would take her for granted, ever again.

The sight re-energized me, having walked all afternoon and finding much disappointment. Not surprising, my penis got very hard watching Mom's hips sway, her boobs wag, her smile widen. My penis did that a lot in those days. Whenever I played with it, it gushed a bunch of what Mommy had taught me was "semen" which carried sperm. Just one would merge with a lady's egg to make a zygote that would attach to the lady's uterus. Momma often helped me with homework.

Jessica pointed to a series of footprints on the floor. "Wendel, go dance the waltz with her." She turned to a squat, round speaker and tapped it three times. An orchestra's lovely music filled the room.

"The waltz? I don't know ho-"

"Just stand on the starting steps and let your bodies move you to the music." The clerk gestured at me to go to my mother.

I met Mommy on the walt'z starting steps. She looked radiant and so magnificently tall! She took my left hand in her right one, and she placed my other hand on the back of her hips. Her left hand reached around my shoulder and held there. I stared up at her loving face. The music felt like we stood in warm, ocean waves. I took a step to my next footprint. Mom stepped around me to hers.

Then we were dancing!

We twirled and whirled. Our feet took control of our bodies, and the music taught them the way. I found myself gazing into Mommy's breasts as they swayed and quivered. I looked up into her shining eyes. Wow. We both felt but didn't say the word while dancing round and round, never bumping into anything - as if the room expanded to fit our every step. Mom's hands burned excitement into my body. I wanted to pull her close and kiss her, but her lips were too far above me. She breathed very quickly, as if each breath was swept away by each step.

The music swelled to a climax and ended with a shout from every instrument.

Mother and I stood panting, our feet having stopped with the music.

"Mommy, I want you to try those shiny black ones next." I pointed, needed to repeat that amazing but short experience.

The black pair were called Slingbacks, and they were very tall. They were also made from a special material, one that could be polished into a glossy exterior. Mom thanked Jessica when the clerk returned with a pair her size, and fitted them to her feet. "It's all part of our tradition, Ma-am."

Even though she had walked easily in the Pins, Mom took a minute to adjust to the shining, black Slingbacks. Jessica had me stand on a different pair of starting steps. Gold letters next to the silver prints said, "Salsa."

When Mother had mastered the taller heels, she walked up to me and took my hands in hers. The clerk tapped the squat speaker and sexy, jazzy, band music grew quickly in volume. Mommy and I took our first steps simultaneously. The music elated our hearts, and we laughed - as we danced and danced!

When the salsa music ended, I thought I was having a heart attack. I had to sit in the chair and heave air in and out of my young lungs. Mom leaned against the side of the women's shoe case and took off the Slingbacks. She returned them to Jessica. "They're wonderful." She looked at me with a wan smile. "Are these the ones?"

I scanned the shelves. "Those ones, Mommy." I pointed to a massive pair of Platforms that glittered bright red from a scaled skin of brilliant sequins. I want you to go home with those."

"I'll be right back." Jessica vanished behind the small door. This time she didn't reappear right away.

What happened totally surprised us. The painted door actually opened and a portly old man, wearing blue overalls on top of rust red long johns, and sporting a massive mane of white hair with full beard, stepped into the saleroom. "Sweetheart?" he looked around in confusion. Spotting us, he bowed more gracefully than anyone would have imagined for his age and shape. He chuckled heartily upon standing straight. "I thought my wife was here."

The narrow door flew open then. Jessica strode in, two glittering, scarlet Platforms in one hand. "Grandpa! What are you doing out so early?" She stopped still, stunned by the aged elder's presence.

"Grandpa?" The jolly geezer faked a frown. "Why only a few days ago, you called me Daddy." He blinked and ducked his head briefly. "In fact, I'm sure you were my wife before that." He scratched his head, through thick hair, looking confused again.

"Go on, back to bed, Da- I mean Gramps. You need to be sleeping, dreaming of good little children and their parents. It's not time for you to be working."

"If you say so." The heavyset elder sighed and trudged away through the large, semi-hidden door. Before it closed, we heard him grumble. "I could have sworn this was the night. I can smell that special kind of love. It's very strong."

"Please excuse the old-dude." Jessica blushed. "His sense of time isn't what it used to be."

Although I had just seen the painted door open, when it closed it looked exactly like a painting again. I blinked at it and looked to Mother for reassurance.

"He's very charming."

"Yeah," Jessica's eyes twinkled. "He's dealt with a lot of troubles in the last score of years, but he's still got that magic." She held out the massive, scintillating pair of Platforms. She was clearly stronger than her curvy body suggested.

Momma looked away from the high heels to me. "Are you sure?" She thought they were far too expensive for whatever I had saved. Her fingers fiddled with the snap of her small, shoulder slung purse. Somehow she had danced without it troubling us.

I asked the clerk. "What dance are we going to do next?"

Jessica cleared her throat and apologized. "We don't have the steps here for that dance."

Mother said. "That's okay. Everybody knows it by nature, although few know how to really enjoy it."

My jaw dropped open, wide enough for a melon.

The women saw my reaction and for some reason judged it to be my full agreement. The clerk asked Mother. "You can try them on."

"Thank you, no. Every pair has fit so comfortably, Jessica. I trust you. Wrap them up." She unsnapped her purse.

I jumped in. "Gift wrap them, Ma-am. Please? I'm gonna pay...

...um, how <gulp> m-much are they?"

Jessica answered gravely, "These shoes cost exactly - two hundred, thirty three dollars and fifty-eight cents, including sales tax."


Mom and I kept quiet along the drive home. Jessica had included in the gift box a complimentary pair of black stockings. "They're special and never need washing. Just hang them up to dry, and they'll be cleaned perfectly overnight."

I alternated between holding Mom's right hand and folding both of mine upon my lap. The box in the back seat was wrapped in gold foil and tied with a purple bow. I had buckled the seatbelt around it for protection. Mom hummed nervously as she drove.

In the mail box at home, there was a letter from my father but with his father's name on it. I handed the gift box to Mother so I could tear up the envelope and its contents. I started to cry. "I'm sorry, Mommy. I wish I could have done more, sooner."

Mother was uncharacteristically stern. "Don't you dare cry on this special day, Wendel. Come inside, and have a rest.

Mom locked the front door after we entered our home. She led me to her bedroom and doffed her robin's egg blue sweater. She kicked off her plain brown flats. "You've had a busy afternoon." Momma lay upon her bed and opened her arms. "Come here, Sweetie."

I crawled upon the warm comforter and across it to her. I nestled my head in the crook of her neck and eyed the intoxicating gap between her breasts. We wrapped our arms around each other. My tears had dried, but my penis was still hard. It hadn't relaxed since seeing mom wear her first pair of high heels at On Top of the Whirled. A great lethargy swept over me, and I sank into slumber.

Momma kissed the top of my head when I woke up. "How do you feel?" The room was dark. Night had fallen, but dull pink wall-plugs lit up our home's walkways.

The relentless stiffness in my penis compelled me. "I want to give you my present."

"Now?" She sounded surprised.

"Yes, Mommy." Suddenly, very awake, I scrambled off the bed and fetched the gold wrapped box with its wide, purple bow. I ran back to Mom and held it out. "I love you, Mommy. I don't ever want you to be small again."

She swung her legs over her side of the bed, sat up, and accepted the package. "You've grown into a big boy, Wendel. You make me feel very strong and tall." She carefully untied the bow, then eased its ribbon free of the box. Upon setting the length of velvet upon her nightstand, she abruptly giggled! Mommy grinned mischievous eyes at me, and with her fingernails, tore into the golden wrapper. "I wonder what's inside?" Her grin expanded to threaten both of her ears.

"Oh, you know already!" I laughed at her silliness.

She was as gentle with the white box as she had been with the now shredded wrapper. She ripped off the top, flung away the packing tissues, and peered inside. Her grin shrank to a sweet, straight line between her lips. "They're beautiful!"

Two gorgeous, shimmering red, huge shoes waited to be properly used. Their narrow but sturdy heels flashed and shimmered in the darkness.

Releasing the box she lunged forward and hugged me. "Thank you! I love you so much!"

Uncommon strength filled my heart from her embrace. Mother had never been small nor short nor weak. She had surmounted terrible circumstances and had given me life, love, and now something special. My heart accepted what I had to do then.

I pulled out of my mother's warm embrace and reached out to her blouse. I took the top button into my fingers and popped it from its eye. "You need to put them on, so we can dance." I unbuttoned the next, lower eye.

"Why are you undoing my shirt, Honey?" Her voice was calm and accepting however.

"Because it'll get in the way."

"Oh." Mom bit her lip. She waited then while I released all of her top's buttons. She helped me remove the shirt by shrugging her shoulders while I pulled off the short sleeves and tossed the garment over the bed's side.

I paused for a good look at her bare skin and white C-cup bra. Her smooth, tan skin blushed upward from the top of her boobs and faded right below her eyes. "Are you sure I can't wear this?" She looked at her bra

"No, Mommy- I mean, yes I'm sure." A little awkwardness rose between us.

She giggled and reached behind her back. I didn't know anything about bras, and I was surprised when the firm cups loosened and the back straps fell at her sides. "Do you want to take it off of me?"

I nodded but had to lean forward to take hold of the shoulder straps. Looking down, I saw the entire gap between my mother's breasts. My throat contracted. It was a special moment because that sexy little gap would mean little to me once I bared Mommy's big titties.

Again, Mom shrugged to let me pull the straps down and off of her arms. I then witnessed for the first time the lovely sight of my mother's naked, upper body. My stiff penis twitched behind my short pants and underwear.

I had seen pictures of breasts, even some museum paintings. None were as beautiful or arousing as my mother's bare bosom. Her mounds were the perfect size for my young hands. I ached to touch them, play with their dark nipples which expanded and firmed up. My eyes roamed her chest. The dark buds looked very long compared to mine, although the tips of my pinkies were probably a little bigger.

A wry humming distracted me. Mom sported a Mona Lisa smile, wondering if this was all I could handle.

Feeling shamed, I screwed up my courage. "I still have to take off your dress. Lie back." I told her.

"When do I get to wear my present?" She sounded disappointed.

"Soon, Mommy!" I was suddenly excited again. While she stretched back across the mattress, I unclasped her skirt and drew the zipper tab down the side of it. I bade her to lift her hips and allow me to tug off waistband and pleats. I slide them down her clasp thighs. Mommy's panties took my breath away.

They were plain and white, like her bra, but the dark curls upon her groin were compelling shadows behind the thin material. My lungs quickened the air in and out of them. I wasn't sure if I should start pulling the simple but compelling garment. Was I going too fast for Momma? I wanted to tear them off and press my face into her hairy vee. I just knew it would smell fantastic, if a little sweaty.

"Maybe we shouldn't be doing this." Mom sounded serious. "I'm worried that neither of us are ready."

The possibility of losing this chance to make the best use of her gift, made me a little angry. "Look at the shoes, Mommy." I told her. Something about their be-speckled red, and their steep slope and tight heels which stretched out longer than either of our hand spans, made our souls cry out for togetherness. "See them sparkle? They want to dance now."

She looked, and her gift's red sparkles reflected in her eyes. I tugged harder at Mom's skirt. It dropped free of her feet and landed on the carpet beside her bed.

I still wanted to rip away her broad but thin panties. My young muscles would summon whatever strength it took to shred them. The compulsion to dance with Mommy couldn't be stalled by such a little slip of a garment. However, I sensed she needed to participate in these preparations. "Put your new, sexy shoes on now, Mommy, but you also gotta wear the stockings."

"Yes, my son." Her eyes continued to sparkle, but she sounded a little sad. I got the impression, that like the moment I lost when I revealed her beautiful breasts, she had lost something in me.

I was too eager to sit beside her, my socked feet dangling. I tugged my shirt over my head and then freed my short pants. Except for my underwear, I was quickly as naked as Mommy. I watched in awe, when she rolled onto her feet and leg the first black stocking. Its silk shimmered mildly, in contrast to the garish red monster she would soon wear over it. The stocking's application ended with a bright SNAP of its sturdy band which clung below her knee.

"It's pretty, Mommy."

"It feels as silky as it looks."

I reached over and stroked her softly glistening, black shrouded calf. She shivered from my eager touch. "Please, Sweetie. Mommy is going to faint if you touch me like that."

"You don't like it?"

"I like it too much. Please give me a little time to collect my feelings before adding to them." She asked anxiously.

"Okay." I pulled back and began to remove my socks. The tent in my underwear was plain to see, but I don't remember her looking at it.

Mom rolled the second stocking up her other leg, as smoothly as a tear running down a wet cheek. Both her legs shimmered in the dim nightlights. The shoes somehow sparkled as if they were lit from the inside. She reached for the first high-heeled Platform.

I waited, wanting to pull down my underwear and release the excited member within. I told myself to be patient. She had asked for time, but I ached to see the shoes embrace my mother's feet. The scarlet beasts would ensure what was about to happen.

"Oh!" Mommy blurted when she slipped on the massive Platform. "It feels way better than the other shoes." She clenched her lips and looked at me, eyes misting. "Thank you for picking these." Her fingers quickly buckled the glittering, red sequined strap. "Ooo, I want to kiss you!"

"You have to put on the other shoe, Mommy."

"Yes." She exclaimed abruptly. "Yes!" ...and snatched the massive companion out of the torn gift box. She bent a second time to fit it.

While watching Mommy caress and gently slip the heavy thing along her dainty foot, I rolled onto my back and lifted up my bursting, white briefs.

She gasped once more when she wrenched the strap tight and buckled it. "Ooooo…"

Her breath left her again when she saw me naked, flying through the air, and impacting her curvy torso.

I knocked her down. Her back slapped the bed. Mom's legs flew wide and high, lifting the dazzling high-heels far above my hips. I scrambled up her soft chest to press my lips to hers while I hugged her with all my might.

"Mmmbnl- mbbmml." She tried to say something but then relaxed into my arms, returning my kiss. Our smooth, soft bodies clung as one. Her sweet, sultry lips burned, but I didn't care. I just wanted to be with her, to feed her my strength. Although, I suppose I was just returning the strength she had given throughout all my years.

We clung passionately, our lips brushing left and right, up and down, even in circles. I felt so close to her soul, I hoped we'd never part. My penis also moved. Its soft tip kissed the base of one of her breasts. I don't know which. Left and right didn't mean much in that precious moment. Its tight skin slid forwards and backwards across her midriff. This was very exciting for me, but I focused on the taste of her lips.

At one point something stuck out of her mouth. It was her tongue, but I didn't know what to do with it. I pulled away. "Mommy, are we dancing yet?"

She bit her lip and shook her head. Above me the giant shoes rained swirling beams of light. Their dagger heels threatened to cut the ceiling.

"Don't you want to dance?"

She nodded enthusiastically, unable to speak for some reason.

"But Mommy, I don't know where to start. In the shoe store, they had footprints - and music. You gotta show me, Mommy, where do I start?

Mother took my right elbow and pulled it free from her back. She drew my arm down her torso and then grabbed that hand. She placed it on the front panel of her panties. The panel did nothing to contain her heat growing behind it.

The memory of once putting my hand down her blouse, urged me. I slipped my extended fingers under the panty's waistband and felt around. The thick curls were moist and so hot! In here, Mommy? I touched parallel lips, puffy and slick.

Mom still struggled to speak. "Inside!" She finally hissed. One of her hands dove between our naked tummies, not stopping until her fingers had wrapped around my turgid prick.

My fingers slipped between the hairy lips of what I would learn were called vulva. I touched the moisture seeping from within. I groaned from Mommy's unexpected grasp on my peter.

"Inside." She hissed again. Unexpectedly, she released my penis and started pushing me away, gently but insisting.

I worried then. What did she mean by inside? Did she want me to put my underwear back on? My lower lip trembled when she pushed me down her torso, tipping over the bed's edge and landing on the carpet, fortunately upon my feet.

But before I could reach for my briefs, Mom grunted loudly. She dropped her knees to her chest. The scarlet Platforms aimed their brilliant heels at me. She grabbed the waistband of her panties and thrust them away from her hips. I heard them rip!

Her voice was hoarse and deep. "There'll be music, Sweetie." Bending up and forward, Mom pushed her panties to her shimmering black clad ankles then lay back and lifted her burdened feet, arcing them far over her head until the broad tipped toes touched the bed above her ears. The strength and flexibility required to perform such acrobatics, astonished me.

Her hand reached between her open thighs and she pried open the hairy lips of her excited vulva. "This is where you start."

All thoughts of grabbing my underwear fled upon seeing Mommy's hairy groin, her wet pussy held wide, the pink of her insides.

Inside. That's where I had to begin.

I rushed to her, my hard penis wagging like a hungry dog's tail. Stopping where her naked butt quivered at the edge of her bed, I leaned down to look close. Her smell was more pungent than I imagined. Licorice and pepper occurred to me, not nasty things. I decided it was how an adult woman smells, and I needed to respect its strength.

"Ooooh, Wendel, please dance with me." She released her opened lips and beckoned me with curling fingers.

I scanned her body, from puss to forehead. The fine bush of her sex ended just below her navel. I swear the divot winked at me as her flesh trembled and shook. Her breasts heaved, their nipples twirling in circles. Mom's lips puckered and pouted, and her eyes were intent on me.

The white panties binding her black ankles, were stretched to their short limit. The giant shoes touching the bed by her temples radiated like a crown of fire blazing from her skull. My soul cried out to become one with her. I bowed my head quickly and closed the gap between our crotches. Looking sharp, I grabbed my full penis and placed the head between her hairy lips, but that wasn't quite where it needed to start. I pressed through her slippery vulva and released my prick. It was stiff enough and in the right position to begin.

"Mmmmnngg!" Mommy sang out when I penetrated her outer opening.

"Ohhhh!" I gasped! It was our separate outcries that set the rhythm. Our bodies became instruments played by we two musicians, innocent and veteran. A duet sprang from our throats, and our music flowed as I thrust my hips against Mommy's bent upwards bum. My peter sank deep into her pussy.

The sensation of her warm, almost liquid flesh absorbing the passionate impact of my cock, fueled a near orgasmic rush! I keened into the dark like a randy wolf!

Mother, still gasping and moaning, heard me and looked down along her trembling figure, to confirm our connection. She panted and squeaked. "Are you okay?"

"Mommy, it feels wonderful! Are you still worried?"

"I'd be fibbing if I said I wasn't a little afraid, Baby. You've never done this before, and I've never acted like this before." Her raised legs shuddered. The bright, red, twinkling stars strapped to her feet shook their beams around the room. There was music in their movement, and I couldn't stop my hips from pulling back before driving my pecker back into Mommy's hot drooling pussy. We both groaned again.

"I love what you're doing, Mommy." Seeing her on her back with her brilliant red shod legs, folded on top of her, was incredible! The massive shoes on her feet acted like exercise weights connected by the frayed panties around her ankles. "What are you acting like?"

I began pumping my piston in and out of her steaming chamber. I played like a train engineer, blasting my whistle with every stroke!

"Oh, Honey, Unnngghh! Mommy shouldn't say that around you. It's a very bad thing, what I'm doing." She grunted and rocked against my plunging prick. The bed shuddered from our coital collisions. "You're my son, but I can't help myself. Ooo!"

"Tell me, Mommy." I felt like a detective, slapping a tough woman in the interrogation seat. My bucking thighs slapped and slapped Mommy's upraised bum. My young balls took some of the impact which only goaded me to buck harder.

"Ohhhh! I love how you're fucking me, Wendel. That's why I can't tell you. It's too shameful! I'm supposed to guide your urges, not take pleasure from them." She grabbed the comforter at her sides and used it to propel her body faster against mine.

"Tell me." I demanded. I had never heard her say the F-word. I knew what it meant, but I hadn't related it to the loving but intense emotions flowing through us like drum beats. My father had yelled that word a lot, and I had grown up thinking that it was full of anger and hate.

Thinking of him made me angry, but that emotion had no place in the dance between my mommy and me. Our love sliced it free from my thoughts and it faded away.

Despite my lust, I had overtaxed my body, rushing from store to store, and when we were testing shoes in the fabulous high-heels store, waltzing and salsa. I was near to slowing my randy pace when Mother moaned, "I can't believe how good your cock is making me feel! I'll tell you. I'll tell you!" She wailed in-between our grunts and squeals.

Then she sang out a long cry of pleasure. "YES!" Her body lurched and heaved on the bed. The dagger heeled Platforms flounced as whatever powerful force had erupted within her, launching her legs high in the air! "Oh, Baby, your hard loving is turning me into a SLUT MOMMY!" She screamed!

Our bodies didn't slow from her powerful climax. I guessed that she had got the same feeling I did when I masturbated while thinking of her. Even remembering our hugs gave the best orgasms.

"I never guessed that you would put your hard prick in Mommy's cunt. Now, I hope you never take it out!" Her knees remained locked when her legs rose up off of the bed, as pleasure crashed through her. I grabbed the outsides of her thighs for support and leverage. The mighty red, high heels wobbled randomly above us.

"I won't, Mommy! I love this kind of fucking!" The moment she confessed to accepting her new role, fresh energy infused my tiring legs. "Thank you for telling me, Mommy." I welcomed her confession with more vigorous thrusts. We howled like cats in an alley.

Not only were we singing, our bodies made wonderful accompaniments. Mommy's sweet cunt gooshed as my slick prick, shine polished with her juice, flew in and out of her pussy, like a flesh slide whistle played with sharp, quick strokes. My glossy shaft slurped and sloshed.

"Ohhhh, Mommy, I feeeee-" My body began to tense and slow as the joy from our heady friction packed my young senses.

"Oh please Honey, dance with Mommy a little longer. I want to come again. I want to cum when you do!" She craned her neck to watch her son's young stalk slide its varnished skin. To her it felt as slippery as an eel, soaped with foamy cunt lather from her juicing pussy.

My cock sluiced in and out of her puffy folds. It looked like a glazed red sausage dipping into a vinegar well. I clenched my loins to slow my arousal, but my prick felt so good, I worried I wouldn't last long enough.

The scintillating shoes threw tights beams of red across our heaving figures as they rocked high above us, held up by Mom's incredible strength. Her titties wagged to and fro. Their nipples quivered as she shivered and moaned. My chest and shoulders batted the backs of her raised thighs as I pulled them.

Mother's face was a swirl of competing passions.

"I want to keep making you cum, Mommy. I'll hold off. I promise!" That was a fib. Yet by declaring my earnest desire, to fuck hundreds of orgasms into my mother, I managed to hold off a little longer, shamed by my white lie. I swallowed regret for fibbing and kept pounding her bum with my groin.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She was almost there. I don't know how I held out. The bulb at the base of my prick was packed to its limit. The thrills zapping my mind punished me with lust as I held against their onslaught.

Then my cock felt Mom's cunt lurch. Her vulva shivered. Her body shuddered. "I'm cumming now! Here I cum!" Mommy shouted.

"Get it, Mommy! Get the good feeling!"

She got it. She reached the highest crest of climax, writhing on the bed so violently, her knees buckled. Her legs fell forward towards me. I thought she might double skewer with her sparkling, dangerously high heels. Her hips punched upwards, batting her calves high again, saving me - and at the same time crashing her bum into my waist. My cock stabbed deep and struck her cervix.

"Oh, fuck!" she cried. Her orgasm shot higher through her senses, from my internal collision with that precious ring.

The feeling overwhelmed her. "It's stupendous!" she wailed.

She fell back, convulsing, tingling all over, her tits heaving.

Having experienced striking the deep, sensitive dimple of her cervix, I strived to repeat that surprising contact, before ecstasy detonated me out of reality. I wrenched myself away, pulling nearly all of my prick out of Momma's cunt and slamming it forward harder than ever.

Like triggering the fuse on a supersonic missile, my cock exploded with my pent up semen. Gobs of cum blasted at the hidden valve to Mommy's womb. Cum gushed out her weeping slit, soaking the sparse hairs on my ball sack. My body shuddered, massaging the length of her cooze with rapid fire, short strokes, while my seminal bulb shot pulses of greasy cum until the muscles clenching it completely failed.

I shouted a mighty sob, lost consciousness, and my naked torso collapsed against Mother's incredible figure.


It was dark when I awoke. My body still hummed from the incredible experience of ejaculating deep in Mother's vagina and orgasming simultaneously with her.

Mom slept, spooning my back. Her arms warmed my upper arms and knees. I was curled into a tight fetal ball, my feet pressing the tops of her thighs. She was lying on her side. Her legs rested straight out, along the edge of her bed, at a right angle to her body.

I looked down their twin lengths. Her giant, sequined Platforms no longer glowed from their own light. Had that been my imagination? They merely shimmered slightly from the pink nightlights plugged into three of the bedroom's sockets. Her black stockings also shimmered but just barely.

My soft penis had retracted most of its length into my groin. The sight of mom's gift shoes produced a sympathetic twitch in my peter. The slimy, conjoined juices, coating my balls, cooled them. I swallowed in reaction to a new fear. What now? Had our joining been a miracle, never to be repeated? I suspected the wondrous shoe store had vanished, having perfectly served its special purpose.

I whimpered and curled a little tighter in Mommy's arms.

"Wendel?" Her voice was as weak as a newborn kitten's.

"Thank you, Mommy." I sniffed, hoping to stem the arrival of tears.

"I was going to say that." Her arms hugged me closer to her. "You gave me the best present I've ever known."

"The shoes." My voice trembled. "They stopped shining."

"They're just sleeping." Mom reasoned.

"I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay." The arm on top of my high shoulder pulled away. I felt her fingers comb my unkempt hair. "Do you want to go back to sleep?"

"No. I'm thinking too much."

"About what?"

"You. You were so wonderful, Mommy. I'll miss it a lot. Forever."

"Oh." Her fingers retreated. Mom shifted away. Her thighs pulled past my feet. She pushed my high shoulder. "Roll that way, Wendel, and face me." She sounded serious.

Fresh worries pressed my lips tight as I tumbled farther from her. My opposite shoulder ended on top when I finished rolling onto my other side. I hesitated to look at her.

Mother's body continued to slide away. I heard her rustling the soiled comforter. "You are my son, Sweetheart, my precious child who I must protect and guide and set an example for."

I gulped.

"Look at me, Wendel." She softly ordered.

Mother had shifted herself to the head board. She had stashed several pillows behind her back, supporting her naked, beautiful body in relaxed repose. The contrast between her dark nipples and lighter skin tantalized my eyes. The lower half of her legs had ended up near my feet which remained curled against my bum. The tall, sleeping Platforms stretched their heels far past me.

"Look at ME, Wendel."

My eyes jerked to meet her gaze. It was soft and welcoming. She smiled. "I will treasure the love you gave to me for all of my life. Even if what we do together, from now on is but a shadow of that connection, I will never regret nor miss it."

"What do you mean, Mommy?" I was confused, but my soft penis understood her words much better. Blood entered its collapsed tissues and warmed my damp ball sack.

Without answering, she raised her closest leg. It lifted higher than my shoulder and then swept over me. The dagger heel on its shod foot whistled past my ear. Then it plunked down on the other side of me, her naked knees and thighs spread wide before my naked form.

As my soft prick continued to blossom, I stretched out of my curled posture and sat up between her splayed legs. I marveled once again at the sight of her hairy groin in dim light. I gasped. "Momma?"

"We must move beyond what happened today, Wendel. We gave each other such great love, we would weaken ourselves to do it again."

My heart clenched with sadness. "Okay." But my penis kept getting harder and harder. I feared I might force myself upon the person I loved most in the world.

"From now on, Sweetheart." Mom still spoke with all seriousness.

"Instead of giving love, we must begin making love." She raised her arms and opened them to me. Juices once more seeped out of her welcoming puss.

I burst into tears as I stumbled forward on my hands and knees. I entered her embrace and completed it.

Then for the first time, my mother and I made love. Her red, sequined Platforms filled the room with sweeping rays of light as we danced very differently, each of us secretly hoping to conceive another good little boy or girl."

The End

[I've never considered writing a shoe fetish tale, but when I accidentally discovered a poster's request and the fact that no one had responded to his earnest petition. Moved not by the fetish but by his desire for it, I was inspired to write "Uplifting Mommy by Her Shoes"]


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