[v1.0] [Completed] Glassix - 2D hentai game

Hey guys,
Some of you might be aware but it's Chinese New Year pretty soon and I have some unplanned family visitors staying with us for a few weeks, meaning I won't be able to work on visual sex content as fast as I usually do.
This means Glassix will be delayed by a few weeks. However I can still work on non visual stuff like features so I'll tkae this opportunity to add more content for the next version and add Southside and correct a lot of issues in the game a lot of you reported. This will also give me the chance to spend more time on my new game, Vampire Revenge Rebirth and introduce its main features sooner than planned hopefully.
Thanks for your patience and feedback !

Since I had more time to work on side stuff, here is a complete walkthrough with all events, commands and item locations which should answer all questions often asked by new players.
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Hi all

With some delay, here is the new version !

Important : If you have version 0.10.3, delete it completely ! Don't try to overwrite ! Save files are not compatible !
If you already have 0.11.0 or 0.11.1, you can just download the patch and overwrite the files.

Download v0.11.2 (1.59Go) : MEGA or MEDIAFIRE

Patch 0.11.X to 0.11.2 (21.8Mo) : MEGA or MEDIAFIRE

Walkthrough updated to 0.11.2

What's new ?

  • Game structure overhaul to make it easier for translators and modders to work on the game
  • Game font changed to Verdana to add compatibility with more languages (russian, chinese, polish...)
  • Russian language added by Miss Viola. Huge thanks to her !
  • Obedience events level 4 for Aiko, Kana, Rin & Ayumi, Okimi, Sarah and Ryoko.
  • Gallery mode added
  • New save structure. You can now find your saved files in the folder "Glassix/saves". PREVIOUS SAVE FILES ARE NOT COMPATIBLE ! YOU'LL HAVE TO RESTART A NEW GAME !
  • Skip text hotkey : Ctrl
  • 4 passer-by girls : Only introduction events and toilets scene. The rest will be added asap and I'll start a poll to let patrons vote for which girl should be prioritized.
  • Southside added with aquatic park
  • New tabs in status and my status menus
  • Added affection and obedience penalty if you ignored the girl for 3 and 7 days
  • Sarah and Ryoko now have a level 1 command
  • A lot more stuff, check the changelog in game if interested

So if you read this, you'll notice I'm missing 4 level 4 girls. Unfortunately, I spent too much time on the game structure overhaul and was short on time with the level 4 creation. I could have delayed a few more days however I have some important family matter this week-end so I wouldn't have been able to finish them anyway, which is why I decided to push it now as planned (minus the 1 day delay). Another reason I push it now is because the game structure has been changed, I simplified the game XML and I haven't been able to test all the events to confirm everything was fine. So this version will be kind of a beta test. I apologize in advance if you encounter any game breaking bug in your playthrough. Be sure to save often !

I also announced 11 passer-by girls to populate the city but only delivered 4. I do have all the files for the 11 girls created by CarpeNoctem however english not being his main language, there are quite a lot of spelling mistakes which I started to correct but I had to give up after the 4th girl due to lack of time again. There are also some issues in girl's events which slowed me down even more. But hopefully, with the new game structure, those kind of delays will disappear totally since modders will be able to test their girl directly on their own machine instead of validating the files with me. For those interested, you can actually enable the 7 remaining girls by editing the config.xml file located in the data folder. But I can't guarantee the quality yet.

The big structure overhaul refers to the new data folder appearing in the Glassix folder. This data folder contains all the key XML files used by the game and you can pretty much hack the game by editing them if you wish so. My point was to give free access to those files for players interested in either translating or adding new girls. Now, translators can simply open the en.xml files, translate it, rename it to their own country code with their flag icon and the game will automatically detect it and display it in the options. Same goes for girls (but they require much more stuff to work though).

Another big feature added in this version is the Gallery mode. It works quite similar to other games obviously, the only trick being that when you replay an event, only the choices you've selected will be available. Meaning you'll have to either replay and change your choices or just reload the game jsut before your choice and select another. The gallery is updated right away and a text popup will let you know when it is.

About the new save structure, I was often asked by players where the save files were located and I couldn't find a clear answer myself. So I created a custom save engine which are now stored in the game's folder directly.

You'll notice new tabs appearing in the status menus. This is a reason I was not able to delivered all the H content as planned. I spent a little too much time preparing for future features which I already detailed before. Those tabs are not in use in this version but will make it much easier for me to update the game with new features in the future. More detail on that later.

I added an affection and obedience penalty when girls are ignored for too long. This still needs some balancing but in the future, when there are many more girls in town, it'll be much more complicated to level up all of them. The future gifts and dating features will compensate for this loss.

Finally, I added a keyboard shortcut to quickly skip text : Ctrl. I'll make it customizable in the future but it should make new games less of a hassle if you already know the story and want to quickly proceed in the game.

I'm planning v0.12 for the end of next month. It'll add the remaining obedience level 4 events, the new 7 extra girls and new commands for anal.

Let me know if you encounter any trouble !

Thanks for your support and patience !
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Small bump. v0.11.3 out.

Patch 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 (8Mo) : MEGA or MEDIAFIRE

Simply extract the zip inside your Glassix folder.

Bug corrected :
  • Added Okimi's sex images during night event
  • Corrected Rin, Ayumi and Hikari schedule from 1PM to 1PM30 during week days
  • Corrected Sarah's obedience event options which triggered a "Not here" reaction from Aiko and Kana if level 3.
  • Corrected flickering text effect at lower text display speed

This should cover the remaining important bugs for this version hopefully.

Thanks for the feedback !
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Small bump. v0.11.4 out.

Patch 0.11.3 to 0.11.4 (11.7Mo) : MEGA or MEDIAFIRE

Simply extract the zip inside your Glassix folder.

Bug corrected :
  • Corrected christmas event options which triggered a "Not here" reaction sometimes
  • Corrected spelling mistake for save/load in russian language
  • Corrected flickering text when choices appeared and skipped too fast
  • Corrected some events not properly unlocking in gallery
  • Corrected bug in save file list

Thanks for the feedback !
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Hi all,

With some delay, here is Glassix v0.12.0.

If you already have v0.11, here is the patch (do not try to overwrite earlier version like 0.10 !):

Download patch : MEGA

And here is the full version :

Download full : MEGA

Walkthrough updated : Click here

What's new ?
  • Level 4 for Hikari, Mitsuko, Naomi and Saiko
  • St Patrick events (by Carpe Noctem)
  • New anal command for standing position
  • New anal command for chair
  • New anal command for bed
  • Remaining 7 extra girls added (no level yet)

This new version focus only on new H content.
The new commands have some variations, about 2 or 3 depending on the positions. Thanks to CarpeNoctem for his hard work. More text variations will be added later on.

I'm not sure what I'll focus on for next version. I'll let you know when I decide :) But you can expect it for the end of this month.

As always, don't hesitate to report bugs and give feedback, it's always helpful.

On a side note, I'll be away for the next 2 days so I'll correct any bugs as soon as I'm back.

Thanks !
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Hey all,

I opened a poll on my patreon to let players vote for which extra girl should be finished first. So if you have any preference, feel free to vote, it's open to anybody since Glassix is free.
Hi all,

Here is Glassix v0.12.1. It requires Glassix v0.12.0.

Download : MEGA or MEDIAFIRE

Here are the important bugs which have been corrected :
  • Save pagination
  • Deidre character image resized properly
  • Missing events from gallery added (Saiko level 4 and St Patrick in Sarah's tab)
  • Choices are smaller so we can display more of them
  • Fujiko and Chan-Mei images for their meeting event have been corrected
  • And a few more which you can find in the changelog menu

As for Glassix next update, I know a lot of you are expecting Lily or new characters however I'm planning to work on the artificial intelligence. I read what a lot of you fear : making the game more difficult since girls schedules would be more random but this is part of what I want for the game. Each girl has specific interest so players who wanna rush things will still be able to find regular patterns in their schedules.
Moreover, this update is not only related to their schedule, it is critical for future features as well as improve the game overall feeling :
  • The player will see girls walking around town when they need to go to their next destination. It will be much more lively.
  • When the player asks a girl to follow and the girl reaches her timer or the player ask her to stop following, instead of teleporting to her schedule current location like what's happening now, she will walk all the way back to her next location.
  • Ability to customize the girl outfits (casual, work, swimsuit, bath). It could work on a schedule or just for the day.
  • Plan dates with the girl and meet her at chosen locations
  • Having more than 1 girl follow you, based on relation between girls (for example, Hikari might not follow you if you have Ryoko already following you)
Finally, this update would simplify the XML content.

It will not impact events at all since girls will still walk to the event location before the required time.

Thanks for your patience and understanding !
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Hi all,

So I've been quite busy those past months and had little time to keep the post updated here but I finally have more time so here we go.

First, you might have missed the v0.13 release from last month since I was quite busy. This version introduced a new artificial intelligence (AI) for the girls which was actually kinda buggy so it's actually not that bad I didn't promote it ^^ This AI was not a really necessary step right now but because it changed a lot in term of code and XML structure for the game, it was much easier for me to do it asap. Many future features will rely on it. So what's this AI about ? It makes girls act more dynamically in the world. Now they move between locations and change their daily patterns according to different interests and hobbies as well as 3 new parameters which influence when they go to toilets, eat and take a bath.

Now we've reach v0.14 and here are the links. Note you'll need 7-zip to unzip the split files :

Download full : UPLOADED or MEGA

In case you had downloaded the v0.13.1, you'll just need to download the patch as well as rename manually some folders and images located in the scenes and characters folders :
mother => motherA
sister => sisterA
principal => principalA
demon => demonA

Download path 0.13.1 to 0.14.0 : UPLOADED or MEGA

Major changes compared to 0.12 besides the AI (check the changelog for more info) :
  • Hanae the nurse is fully playable
  • Shizuru the cop is fully playable except for her level 4 event
  • Hanae and Shizuru's apartments added to the city
  • New duo sex command for Rin + Ayumi
  • New duo sex command for Aiko + Kana in doll mode
  • New cheats added, check the walkthrough

I'm still debugging the AI as well as balancing it so if you encounter any trouble with it, don't hesitate to let me know. I'll now be back to my usual pace of about 1 release per month.

Thanks for your time !
Here is the first patch for v0.14.

To simplify my work, I decided to give a shot at centralizing all my download links to a private page. It will allow me to give only one permanent link an all posts and forums and I'll update the content of this new page directly.

Download links

This patch solves several bugs :
  • Another important issue with the AI has been solved. This should clear a strange behavior from girl who were going to wrong places at the wrong time.
  • The city map click bug has been solved. You'll be redirected to the girls status page only by clicking on their visible icons now
  • You can't cheat and teleport to girls in unknown locations
  • Some events which were not forwarding time properly are now doing it properly
  • Corrected the St Patrick trigger conditions which were completely wrong and prevented it from triggering before. Note that Sarah NEEDS to be present in the museum venue A to trigger the event.
  • The anal option during bath event has been corrected
  • A few more fixes listed in the changelog

Another small but important change for this patch is that now, some choices will impact future events and choices. For the moment only Hanae and Shizuru events level 3 are concerned and could impact which girl will become their lovers. I'll wait to see where CarpeNoctem is going with this but it seems quite interesting :p I don't have much time myself to create branches in my stories but maybe in the future :) However this should be good news for some of you who felt the game was too linear. This will give the ability to add branches to the game like classic visual novels usually do.

This patch also improves the AI behavior and solves a lot of small problems here and there. The AI correction is tricky because many different feedback can be linked to the same issue. So if you see a problem you already saw before after applying this patch, be sure to report it again so I can check it again.

On another note, I'm also checking the possibility to create a torrent for the game to make it much easier in the future to download and share it. I'm not familiar with the process yet so I'll need some time to be sure it'll work as I think it should.

As always, thanks a lot for your feedback and support !
Here is patch 0.14.2

Download links

Changelog :
  • Kumiko's AI updated to make more sense with her story
  • Hikari's AI updated to make it easier to trigger Ryoko's level 3 event
  • Added the remaining following time in the status page when a girl is following you
  • The default following time formula has changed from a fixed 60min to 60min per obedience level (60min at level 0, 120min at level 1 etc...) The formula will change in another version but it should make it easier like that.
  • Solved the black screen bug occurring when double clicking on a district in the city map
  • Solved the bug preventing the cheat to teleport to a girl in status page
  • Corrected Shizuru's pact event with Lily
  • Doors are now properly locked again
  • Fixed a bug in the AI where embarrassed girls would sometimes disappear from the game
  • Fixed underwear issue when using x-ray on lifeguards in swimsuits
  • More in the in-game changelog

This should solve most bugs reported and make the game AI more stable. If you still stumble upon strange AI behavior after this AI, let me know.

I uploaded a full 0.14.2 and removed the old split links to avoid the hassle it caused. If you already have 0.14.1, there is also a patch of course.

I'm planning to post a clearer roadmap regarding the future of Glassix to let you know which future will be developed and the overall spirit I want to give to the game.

There's also a sensitive subject regarding my personal situation which I'll take time to explain in a future post too.

Thanks for your time and feedback !
Hey guys, I just posted a proper roadmap to let players know what they can expect in Glassix in the future. Here is a simple copy/paste :

An important thing to understand is that all those updates are linked with each others and add more things to do in the game, not always just sex oriented. I'll also detail the impact of each release on the current gameplay so you can understand how it'll change in the future.

A second important thing to remember is that all of those are ideas for the moment and what's planned currently. They might change during development and I'm also open to suggestions if you think some of the updates or features make no sense or could be better.

Finally, I listed the updates in no specific order. Just because an update appear first doesn't mean it'll be developed first. It'll depend on what's going on and how players feel.

Now here is the list of all current updates planned for the game, I'm currently working on the Grades update for v0.15 :


Number of updates required to fully implement : 1

This update will add 5 new parameters to the main character, some of them were already visible in his status page (the names may vary later) :
  • Fitness
  • Intelligence
  • Swimming
  • Stamina
  • Grades
Each of those new parameters will possibly be used as events conditions or unlock new choices in discussions.

The three first parameters will decrease daily and you'll have to either attend class or work it by yourself in specific locations to increase the value.

The stamina will be based on your fitness (and possibly special items when such a feature is added to the game) and will be required to perform some daily tiring actions or even run. Stamina will replenish only when you sleep (at home at first and once the dating feature is added with an official girlfriend, you'll be able to sleep at her place too. Maybe an hotel will also popup so you have more spots to sleep when money is added) or will be replenished by eating food (when such a feature is added)

Running will be a new way to travel around town. You'll be able to switch it on and off with the top right menu and when you run, it'll cost you stamina but will halve all walking times (not the subway times though :p).
Many of you were annoyed you couldn't catch up a girl when she was moving around town but with running on, you'll be able to catch up.

The last parameter, grades, will change each week depending on 3 unique exams which will occur on a specific half day (surely Friday afternoon to make sense, making it mandatory if you don't want your grades to drop drastically). I still need to think about this part to avoid making it annoying for the player. When the money feature is added to the game, your weekly pocket money given by Aiko will depend on your grades :p (You'll have many other way to earn money of course)

Following players feedback, I followed their advice and will use normal events with several choices depending on your skills to simulate the exams :p

Now about the increase and decrease of those 3 new skills, here is what we planned with CarpeNoctem :

Intelligence :
  • -4 per day
  • +4 per morning class et +4 per afternoon class, no stamina cost
  • +2 per 2 hours of self study in a "knowledge" location (library for example), low stamina cost
  • +1 per 2 hours of studies in your own room, low stamina cost
  • +2 with one daily event of 2 hours with Saiko, no stamina cost
  • -1 per day
  • +10 per school lesson, low stamina cost
  • +5 per 2 hours of self training in a "swimming" location (beach or swimming pool), high stamina cost
  • +5 with one daily event of 2 hours with Sarah (or one of the 3 lifeguards), low stamina cost
  • -1 per day
  • +10 per school lesson, low stamina cost
  • +5 per 2 hours of self training in a "gym" (Training field or gym at school), high stamina cost
  • +5 with one daily event of 2 hours with Sarah, low stamina cost
  • +8 with one daily event of 2 hours with Shizuru, high stamina cost
Those values are of course subject to change but this is a first shot and it makes sense so far. This also mean on the weekly gym lesson of Thursday will be changed to a swimming lesson and with that, a new outfit for the students.

Karma & Suspicion

Number of updates required to fully implement : 1

This update will add two new global parameters for the main character which will represent how he plays the game and change several things.

  • Karma : Indicates if you played as a nice guy or a scumbag giving access to different events, mainly endings. You'll start at 100 karma and each bad actions will lower it. It'll be difficult to raise it again, this means you'll have to be careful if you want a nice guy ending. Using Lily's powers (added in the "sex energy update") will also be a cause to lose karma.
  • Suspicion : Indicates how close you are to a game over if you push things too hard with girls. Remember Lily told you doll mode shouldn't be used for more than 1h ? Currently there is no limit but with this update, many actions will raise suspicion and if you accumulate too much, it's game over.
Impact on gameplay : Medium - You'll have to decide which ending you're aiming for in the current playthrough. It'll be much easier to restart from the beginning instead of save/load like you do in other games. You'll also have to watch out for the suspicion to avoid game over.

Why this update ? Karma is necessary to give different endings obviously. Suspicion is necessary to avoid abuse from going to the dark side. Going scumbag route, the game will be much easier and to limit this, suspicion will allow the game to be a bit more complicated while going for the evil endings. Suspicion also add more sense in general.

Sex energy, Glasses upgrades & Lily's spells

Number of updates required to fully implement : 1

This update will add a new global parameter, sexual energy, which will increase each time you have sex. You can then use this energy to feed Lily (in a sexual way of course) to purchase upgrade for the glasses and several spells to make the game easier for you at the cost of karma.

  • Glasses upgrades : It will range from visual features, such as the ability to x-ray through underwear (which is already possible but will change with this update), to more classic upgrades such as more follow time with girls or unlocking new accessible levels (again, you can currently trigger all obedience events but with this update you'll have to level up the glasses)
  • Lily's spells : Spells will basically upgrade some aspects of the game for players who wants the easy way : Teleportation (it will then not be a cheat anymore), super speed, strength, stamina, intelligence (from the "Grades" update), improve a girl's affection, clear suspicion and even possibly a stop time spell. A lot can be added on this side.
Impact on gameplay : Low - Even though it adds a lot of new features, most of them are cosmetic and to make the game easier.

Why this update ? A lot of you complained I was complicating the game too much. This update will give you the choice to remove a lot of hassle from the game as well as giving a lot of new things to do. It will also give another feeling of progression as you purchase more stuff for your glasses.

Money, Items, Shops & Jobs

Number of updates required to fully implement : 1 or 2

This update will add the ability to earn money, buy items and work jobs.

  • Money : It will be earned with part time jobs, borrowing from girls, pimping girls in doll mode, pocket money & other means. The amount earned will depend on the skills from the "Grades" update or the affection of the girls
  • Items : Mainly 5 categories : Food, Drinks, Gifts, Sex toys and Outfits. You'll be able to use food to recover your stamina or feed an hungry girl to recover from hunger, give drinks which would raise the girls' bladder and trigger a "pee yourself" event, buy gifts for girl to increase affection, buy sex toys to unlock new H events and buy new outfits for girls.
  • Shops : Many stores will open in town in the form of a new "Store" icon. Clicking the icon will open the shop's menu and you'll be able to buy items
  • Jobs : There will be different kind of jobs, some good, some evil and access to them will depend on your skills from the "Grades" update. Some might also affect your Karma or Suspicion but earn a lot more.
Impact on gameplay : Important - Many new things will be added with this update possibly changing your priorities.

Why this update ? A money feature in game always bring a lot of new things to do and Glassix would gain a lot from such a feature. It also expands the "Open world" aspect I wanna give the game and will allow to add new events and functionalities to the game in a logical way.

Dating & Calendar

Number of updates required to fully implement : 2 or 3+

This update will add the ability to date girls properly and reach a romantic ending with them and many unique scenes. You'll be able to choose a girlfriend and plan dates which will have romantic and possibly a little erotic side. Choosing a girlfriend will bring some bonus, such as no loss of affection anymore, being able to sleep at her place, if she owns a car, the ability to use her to drive around. However such an update can be huge because we'll need unique events for all girls. Some events might be shared like we already do with specific text differences and a unique "Become girlfriend" event will allow you to formalize your relationship. Some cheating on the girlfriend will also be allowed if the player wishes so..

A calendar will be added to the game and girls will have official birthdays to remember. The calendar might not be 365 days, number of days would be limited to make a full year shorter and have unique events triggering once a year repeatable faster, such as birthdays, easter, christmas etc...

Impact on gameplay : Low - Even though it adds a proper relationship feature to the game, it's optional for those who wanna go the easy way.

Why this update ? To add more immersion to the game and expand again on the open world I wish to bring in Glassix.

Wardrobe management

Number of updates required to fully implement : 1

This update adds the ability to customize which outfits and underwear (you bought from the "Items" update) your girls will wear. It'll simply override the default ones. An important aspect of this update to consider is that to make it work properly, we're going to duplicate all daily scenes with girls naked and if the new outfit doesn't have its images ready, it will default to the naked images to make it up. This is why this feature will require its own update. Another thing to note is that with this update, specific outfits might be a requirement to trigger some events, for example, obedience events which have been created with the casual outfit will not trigger anymore if you changed the girl's casual outfit.

Impact on gameplay : Low - This is mainly visual satisfaction but will add a lot of variety to the game.

Why this update ? Because it's an awesome feature in any games :p


Number of updates required to fully implement : 2 or 3

As the story continues, you'll meet a new key girl and Lily will become playable under certain circumstances. The story will bring new important choices in the game and coupled with the "Karma" update, it will lead to different endings.

Impact on gameplay : Medium

Why this update ? Your guess...

Misc 1

I'll put here some small features to be added to the game which do not require their own update. They would be added with other updates depending on how much time I have for the game

  • Locomotion : Taxi and buses will help travel around town if you want to avoid using Lily's spells. You'll also be able to get a ride from girls if they own a car and they life you enough.
  • Statistics tracking : You already saw the "Cum" stats tab in the MC interface. I'll need to update the XML to track those.
  • Event inspector : There are quite a lot of events in the game now and I'd like to add a new interface to see an events' tree with all possible choices. A help icon could also appear in location where an event not played yet is possible but you don't have the right conditions yet. This would make it more intuitive for the player and make it easier for me to debug things.
  • Choices change : Like the inspector, I'd like to change how events'choices are displayed. For choices not available, instead of hiding them, a lock bar would appear with the conditions necessary to get access to this choice. For clickable choices which trigger a fail, such as not having enough affection or obedience, I'd like to change the color and add a warning popup to let the player know it might not be a good idea to try this one. The idea here is to give more information to new players so that a walkthrough would be actually already in game. It actually takes a lot of time to update the walkthrough with each version.
  • AI improvement : The AI is still not perfect and we'll work on it little by little. The idea would be to make it act less randomly but not use a frozen schedule.
  • New events : Following CarpeNoctem suggestions, we're going to add new short daily events not always sex oriented but which will allow you to interact more with the girls and raise obedience faster.

Misc 2

I'll put here some things not related directly to the game but which would be helpful. I'll work on that if I have extra time.

  • Image optimization : The game is getting big and the images are not optimized yet. The game will shrink a lot once I optimize the images, reducing their size, cropping them and removing transparent edges.
  • Game's website :Some of you might have noticed I took a proper domain for the game http://www.glassix-game.com. The game begins to be so big, I think it would make it much easier to have all informations centralized in a unique website as well as expand those information.
  • Translation interface : It's currently a bit tricky to update translations and I waste some time here. By having a proper translation interface, the XML files would be merged automatically and I could also add an automatic machine translation feature to the game in any language.

As you can see, there's a lot planned, many more months of updates there. But you should have the final picture for Glassix : an open world where you can do whatever you want and replay the game several time in different ways.
Hi guys,
A little up to talk about two important posts released over the last few days.
First, a poll to vote for the next girl to be fully playable has been started there :
Second, I started a post to talk about a change in the way Glassix is released. Basically, it remains free but with 2 months delay. Patrons will get either beta access right away or to the stable version 1 month later. There are several important reasons for this change and you can find out more over there :
Thanks for your time !
Hi everybody !

Here is Glassix v0.15.1 PUBLIC download.

Download links

What's new ?
  • Grades feature added
  • 3 new skills to improve : academic, fitness and swimming
  • Added stamina to the game
  • Enabled cum in girls statistics
  • Added new cheats
  • 2 new extra girls : Iyo, a police woman and Miwa, school nurse
  • Blowjob events have been updated to add cum in/cum out choices
  • Shizuru obedience level 4 event added
  • New unique event for Shizuru in the mall girl toilets

Glassix BETA v0.16 is a bit delayed and should be out next week.
Hi all !

Here is Glassix 0.16.2 PUBLIC :

Donwload links

What's new ?
  • Story has been advanced
  • Lily becomes playable
  • New erotic events added at low levels (0 and 1) to speed up obedience grind
  • Lily obedience level 1 and 2
  • Lily basic sex commands : handjob (standing and chair), boobjob, blowjob
  • New sex commands for bed and chair
To proceed with the story, just go to street K once the second week starts.

Glassix 0.17 PUBLIC will be released at the end of this month.
Hi all !

Here is Glassix 0.17 PUBLIC :

Download links

What's new :
  • Lily obedience level 3 and 4
  • Lily commands level 3 and 4
  • Utako obedience level 1 and 2
  • Utako commands level 1 and 2
  • Kumiko obedience level 1 and 2
  • Kumiko commands level 1 and 2
  • Yatsumi obedience level 1 and 2
  • Yatsumi commands level 1 and 2
  • Yatsumi's house added in Downtown Bakery Street
  • Utako's and Kumiko's apartment added in Downtown Street J
Enjoy !
Hi all !

Here is Glassix 0.18 PUBLIC :

Download links

What's new :
  • Wardrobe management added
  • Yatsumi obedience level 3
  • Kumiko obedience level 3
  • Handjob command for bed and chair
  • All scenes images have been optimized to reduce the game size
About the wardrobe management :

To access it, you need to bring the girl to either her room or a public female changing room (In bathhouse, Aquatic park, Beach or School gym) and talk to her. A new option, Wardrobe management, will appear and let you choose what outfit the girl will wear during specific periods.

There are 4 periods at the moment : Casual, Work, Swimsuit and At home.

There are 6 possible outfits for all girls (except Lily which only has the 2 first) : Casual, Work, Swimsuit, Bath towel, Underwear and Naked (you need to get the girl in underwear or swimsuit and choose to go pantiless to get her naked)

Students have 2 extra outfits : Gym cloth and School swimsuit.

Each outfit requires a certain of audacity from the girl depending on the period and her obedience level. Girls will be more likely to wear sexy outfit at home than at work. And of course, certain outfits require more audacity to be accepted, as well as going pantiless. You'll see the outfit audacity and max audacity possible for the period in the new interface. The formula is quite simple so you should figure it out pretty easily. It's quite close to what I explained before :p

The outfit will be reflected during the girls daily life and daily commands, however unique events such has obedience level will still show the original outfit. This is simply because handling those variations would just be way too much work so only the images of daily events have been updated. Same goes for pantiless outfit, the underwear will still show because too many possible variations otherwise.

If the outfit does not have the proper images ready yet, it will default to the naked variation. This will be visible for the school swimsuit and underwear outfits which are currently missing a few images but that shouldn't be too troublesome.

About the images optimization :

Following some patrons advices, I decided to optimize the images and processed all the scenes images. There is some slight quality loss in result but it has roughly been reduced by 66% which means the game has gone from ~5.2Gb to ~1.8Gb in size even though the amount of new images for this update reach about 2700+ new images which makes it worth the quality loss. I know it's mainly duplicated images with alternate outfits nevertheless it's still a pain in the ass to create them ^^ That's why I'm more than happy to migrate to 3D assets with Lust Complex in the future :p

About new commands :

Following the last polls, players voted to have new commands. This update contains 2 of them which are variations of the handjob for the bed and chair. In the future, we'll try to create more unique commands so be patient.

I tried to test this new version as much as I could to avoid bugs but due to the type of content, there might be some events or situation which might still be quite buggy so let me know if you encounter any trouble with this update.

Major known bugs which will be solved in 0.19 at the end of the month :
  • Lily still requires girl each Sunday even after she tells you she won't
  • A few other bugs reported but not game breaking so far.

Have fun !
Hi all,

Here is Glassix 0.20 PUBLIC release ! (Forgot to post baout 0.19 last month :x)

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What's new :
  • Story completed
  • Anael obedience levels 2, 3 and 4
  • Kumiko level 4 with related commands, toilets, bath and night options
  • Utako level 4 with related commands, toilets, bath and night options
  • Yatsumi level 4 with related commands, toilets, bath and night options
  • New extra girl : Emiri, Strip club barmaid
  • New extra girl : Shiho, business woman
  • New unique event for Naomi related to Rin's birth
  • New anal option for Yatsumi threesome
About the story :

With this update, the story reaches its end. Just level up Anael to level 4 to proceed with the story. You'll have to make a choice between Anael or Lily which will then unlock a new option when talking to girls to trigger their unique endings. Two endings per girl : good or bad depending on who you chose. Beware that proceeding with the last story event will make Lily and Anael disappear from the game even though you'll still be able to play the game. This means any event related to one of those 2 girls will not be accessible anymore, like the pact events to get the doll mode option for a girl.

Depending on the girl you chose, the condition to trigger the ending will be different. With Anael good endings, you'll have to reach maximum affection with a girl. The current max affection is 100 which should be pretty easy to reach. However this will change with the Dating feature and make it a little more entertaining to raise affection as well as choosing one official girlfriend among all the girls which will become the new requirement for good ending. If you choose Lily bad ending, you'll have to grind until 200 obedience points. With the Lily's spells feature, grinding such an amount of obedience should be much faster. So basically, the mechanic of what you have now will change a bit once the game is completed but not the content itself. I know usually, all features are implemented first but Glassix being in the work for so long, a lot of new things have been thought over the course of development and carefully analyzed before adding it to the list of potential features. I hope you can understand.

The endings are not done yet and will require an update of their own to complete, maybe 2. A poll will be started with all previous remaining options plus the endings so you will be able to vote for the content you want to be added first.

Enjoy !
Hi guys !

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What's new :
  • Emiri obedience level event 1, the related commands and her pact event
  • Kristina obedience level event 1, the related commands and her pact event
  • New school uniform quest
  • A few bug corrections (Check changelog if interested)
For the new uniform quest, check the walkthrough (Section : "New school uniform event "). Please note that this new uniform is only displayed on the avatar at the moment, not the scene images (yet). The new images will be processed once the new sexy casual outfit of each girl is added (which would require the Items & Money update to be voted for :p)

This update contains less content than usual I'm afraid. I've been quite busy working on Lust Complex since there is a lot to learn and do but I'm getting there.
Hi guys !

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Here is Glassix 0.22. It's a major update which add some new interesting stuff to do in game and tweak a lot of things. Since you guys were understanding, I took some extra time to polish the interface as well and review a few stuff. Here are the details of this update :

Girls updated :
  • Kristina level 2
  • Emiri level 2

About the spells :

Lily will open her shop 1 day after the player brings her Aiko. For players loading a previous save file, the event will automatically trigger when you walk in a street.

Once this event unfolds, you have two ways to access her shop : either by going to the shrine, there will be a new icon to open her shop, or you can just talk to her when she becomes playable.

To buy spells, you'll require a new currency, sexen, which is earned when you do perverted things with the girls. Note that it requires the girls to be aware, so no sexen earned in doll mode or sleep. The amount of sexen earned depends on how much a girl likes the act. Some girls will enjoy service while other will enjoy anal. You'll have to discover this by experimenting. Another way to earn sexen is to use the x-ray vision which will earn a small amount per girl depending on what you see below.

As explained before, spells are split in 5 circles, which increase in power and requirements. Some of them will be upgradable some won't. Some spells will focus on girls and you'll need to buy it multiple to unlock it for all girls. There are currently 28 spells in game, 5 of them not implemented yet. The new spell shop interface in game should be clear enough and shouldn't require more explanation about how it'll work. I'll let you discover the list in game :)

Interface tweaks :

Following this update, part of the interface had to be reviewed and somewhat downgraded in the early game. Some spells will unlock data and information which were previously accessible so don't be surprised.

Here is a sum up of those changes :
  • X-Ray mode is now limited to one layer at first and require to buy a spell to see below the underwear.
  • The "Girl status" and "My Status" now have two distinct icons in the top right menu for easier access and their interfaces have been split too.
  • Most information in the "Bio", "Traits" and "H" tabs have been hidden until you unlock the specific spells. In a later update, you'll be able to discover those information by talking to girls and interacting with them instead of buying the spell if you want to improve immersion.
  • Girls do not appear on the minimap anymore by default and require to buy a spell.
  • Cheats are disabled by default and you need to enable them in the game options.
  • Activable spells will unlock new buttons in the status pages or the city map. I added tooltips to avoid confusion as to what those buttons do. Most of those spells use the same mechanisms as the cheats but cost stamina.
  • I updated cheats to give max value at once to avoid multiple annoying clicks.
  • I've disabled the text exits options in the game menus because it was causing troubles and I'm not sure anybody actually used it.
  • The girls names should now be displayed alphabetically in the diverse list in game.

Fun stuff :
  • A new spell "Devil's tracker" introduces a new way to easily track your girls in town. I hope you'll like it :p
  • I've added sounds here and there.
  • The "Spells" tab in the "My Status" interface will give you quick access to the list of spells in game and their current ranks.

Spells not implemented :

Among the 28 spells, 5 are not yet implemented.
  • Devil's gift - Luck : It will be added with the money update and will increase your luck during gambles or events requiring luck.
  • Slave Mode : This one will be important (and a requirement for the evil endings) but will require a proper update since it'll change the way girls behave. You'll be able to select how they'll call you, unlock unique events and possibly partially overwrite their AI. Unlike doll mode, the girl will be totally under your control and show emotions. I still need to put some thoughts into it though since it's a long shot at the moment.
  • Devil's Lust, Stop time, Possession : Those 3 spells are at the moment just there in name. Not sure if they'll ever be implemented but they could add some new unique events or even ways to play the game so I added them to let your imagination kick in ;)
New cheats :

  • Sexen and money : Click on the sexen or money texts to get max amount. Money is useless at the moment though.
  • Obedience level : Click on the obedience level text in the girl status page. Note that this might cause some troubles for some events which change some hidden variables values in game so you might want to be careful with that one.
Hi guys !

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What's new :

  • Money added to the game
  • 15 items added
  • 4 shops added
  • 7 jobs to earn money
  • 5 private lessons event to raise your skills faster
  • Emiri obedience level 3 & 4
  • 4 new extra girls
  • New Yoga club in Street J, Downtown
  • New Firm law office in Street N, Southside
  • Girls now use their swimsuit and sport outfit when required
About the items :

Currently, items are divided in 3 categories : food, drink and gifts. You can buy items and give them to the girl for an affection bonus. Giving food will lower their hunger while giving them drinks will increase their bladder level. You can also eat food or drink drinks yourself to restore stamina. You can access and use your items in your status page, Items tab. To give items to girls, just talk to them and you'll see a new option for that. The affection bonus will depend on either her food taste or her gift taste which can be discovered through one of Lily's spell at the moment.

The outfits type of items will be added later on once we've organized and produced all the images for their sexy casual outfits and sexy underwear.

At the moment, I only added 15 items to see how it goes. Truth be told, I lacked inspiration for them so we'll be added a lot more with each patch and versions in the future.

About the shops :

I've only added 4 shops since they were not that many items yet but in the future, the town will have lots of shops. Shops can sell the same items but at different prices meaning it'll be interesting to discover the best spots for each type of items (in the future at least).

The outfit and underwear shops will be added when the proper images have been prepared as explained just above. Those will sell the sexy casual outfits of most girls as well as the sexy underwear. The sexy work outfits will be unlocked through quests.

Jobs & Training :

Currently, the only way to earn money is to work. By talking to the right girls at the right locations, you'll have access to an option to work with them and earn money.

Some girls will also offer to train certain skills for money. It's faster than doing it by yourself and can also lead to H options (in a later update though)

The new extra girls :

3 of them are basically teller or saleswoman for the several shops and park in town. The 4th one is actually special and will be quite useful. She is the mayor assistant. By getting friendlier with her, you'll be able to change the different work rules in town and basically unlock the sexy work outfits of other girls. But that'll also come later.
Hi everybody!

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What's new?
  • Added loader interface
  • Added new sexy outfits for all girls
  • Added bus and taxi system
  • Added ability to change hero name
  • New events for the harem path
  • New options for blowjob command depending on girls
  • The polish translation has been completed by Akla. Big thanks to him for the time he took!
About the loader interface:

When launching the game, a loader page will appear first to give more information on what the game loads and where. This interface has two upsides :
  • if they are any missing some files to run the game, a warning will be shown to help and quickly know the path and the files missing.
  • the full path of the game being shown, I'm hoping to solve issues with the Mac and Linux versions which at the moment, fail to load files due to incorrect path. Hopefully, we'll get more info with the loader to solve this issue.
Besides the loader, I've also added some more bug reports in game when problems occurs, like missing image during sex scene so we'll be able to get more accurate information when an image is missing.

About the outfits:

You can buy them in the clothes and lingerie shops in the mall. Once you bought them, you still have to give them to girls with the "Give item" command. Then go the wardrobe and it'll be available. The girls will accept the gift at any level but will still need enough audacity to wear them.
Last time, we talked about implementing a new layer system in the game to display each girl with 3 differents layers (instead of 1 as it is now) : naked, underwear and cloth layers. We ran some tests with this new system and there are still some quirks with it so we decided to not release it yet. What it means concretelly for you is that with the current version, you will not be able to see the underwear below the outfits yet. For example, many sexy underwear have garterbelts but if the girl wear the sexy casual cloth, then the sexy underwear will not appear unless in x-ray mode. You can still make her wear only the sexy underwear if you want to see them though. Once the 3 layers system is implemented, you'll be able to see the underwear even when the girl wear some cloth above. We're still thinking about wether to implement this for the sex images too, we'll release a poll about a few ideas we have to let patrons decide this part.
I'm also aware that the wardrobe buttons are a bit strange now but they do work. Since I'll need the new layer system to correct its behavior, I had to leave it as is for the moment.

About the taxi and bus system:

To travel faster in town as well as reducing clicks, you can now take the bus or ride a taxi. There are 5 bus stations to switch between districts easily and it only costs 2$ per trip. To take a taxi, a new taxi icon is available in the city map. The cost depend on the time it'll take to go to your destination. Take the bus increase travel time by 20% while taking a taxi decrease travel time by 20%.

About the custom hero name:

Requested by some of you, I added this feature since it was not too difficult. When you start a new game, you'll be able to change the name of the protagonist. For players using an older save, you'll have to load the game, save it (to add the new key) then edit the save file located in the saves folder, search for the string "mcname" and change it to whatever you want.

Note that the custom naming ony works for english and french languages at the moment. I'll have to check with the russian and polish translators for their own languages since I heard it might be different.

About the new events of the harem path:

The wiki not being ready yet (CarpeNoctem is adding a lot of info in it and we'll release it once it's more complete), I'll keep updating the patreon walkthrough for the time being. You can get more info on how to take this new path there. But basically, you will have two series of events to choose to unlock the harem path, before corrupting Anael's spell.

About the bug correction:

There was an issue with the version number when saving games. This caused some updates I made when loading save game to update game data not working. The last related problem to this was Emiri level 4 event which required a specific variable to be set which was not present until v 0.23. This is why some of you couldn't trigger her event even though I told you should be able to in patch 0.23.1. Anyway the issue has been solve for the version number but for Emiri's level 4 event, if you already triggered Naomi's confession event in v0.22 or before, it means your save file is missing the correct variable and you'll have to edit your save file manually to add it if you want to keep using your save file and still trigger Emiri's event. Here is the process if you're interested:
  • Open your save file with a text editor
  • search for "stats":"{"c2dictionary":true,"data":{
  • Add "varnaomiconfessed":1, at the end (dont forget the comma at the end)
I hope this version will increase the stability of the game. As always, don't hesitate to report any bug you notice.

Enjoy !
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Glassix 0.25 is out!

There's quite a lot to say about this update.

New events list interface:

This new page is accessible from the top right scrolling menu or pressing F6 during the game. It lists all unique and daily events accessible in game (I removed a few which were not relevant though). It uses a simple color code :
  • Events in white are completed
  • Events in grey are not completed

Note that repeatable events reset each day so they will only become white the day you completed them then go back to grey the next day.

I've taken the time in this update to organize events a bit mot properly. Now they have a type and a trigger condition.

  • Unique: It will trigger only once during your playthrough. Some unique events can sometimes be repeated if the wrong choices have been selected.
  • Repeatable: Those will be reset each day. Among them, some have conditions which only repeat each X days, such as christmas events.

Trigger condition:
  • Walk: Those events automatically triggers as you walk around and fulfill the conditions
  • Sleep: Those events trigger when you go to sleep. Only 2 events so far use this trigger type.
  • Talk: Those events trigger when you use the "Talk" option after interacting with a girl. So far, only the new student uniform quest uses this trigger.
  • Give: Those events trigger when you give the right item to a specific girl. So far, only giving the diamond necklace to Hikari to get her vote uses this trigger. If you already completed this quest, no need to retry it because this small event doesn't have any H content.

90% of events have a Walk trigger but I'm hoping to give more interactivity in the game and maybe CarpeNoctem will have some use for those 3 new trigger types to give more diversity in events (before this, it was hard-coded so not much liberty).

A filter allows you to quickly search through them.
  • Filter by name: Filter all events containing the string you typed.
  • Filter by type: Mentioned above
  • Filter by girl: It will filter all events where the girl you want appear in its trigger conditions (Girl must be in room condition) as well as events linked to the girl's gallery
  • Filter by trigger: Mentioned above

Finally, clicking on an event will list all its conditions in the bottom right panel. Here again, a simple color code is used :

  • Fulfilled conditions appear in white
  • Missing conditions appear in grey

With this new interface, you should have a complete understanding of what you can do in game. Moreover, since this interface parse the game files directly, the listed conditions can't be wrong like what could happen in the wiki or the walkthrough. Finally, this list is automatically updated as the game gets more events so no more missing events.

This should really help make the game clearer for everybody and resolve a lot of problems some of you had to trigger specific events. You will now know why it's not working.

Complete choices list during events:

Similar to the new events list interface, this update will helps makes things clearer during the game. Now, all choices will appear during an events. It uses a simple color code as well:
  • White choices are accessible choices
  • Red choices are accessible choices which will trigger a fail. Failed choice usually give an affection penalty but some rarely trigger some naughty result so keep an eye on those.
  • Grey choices are inaccessible choices and can't be clicked

Choices requirements tooltip:

Similar to event trigger conditions, choices have requirements to become accessible. Listing all of them as explained above will give players the complete list of choices in game. While hovering a choice, if it has any requirements, they will be displayed in a tooltip which also uses a simple color code:
  • White requirements are fulfilled requirements
  • Grey requirements are missing requirements

With this, you'll just have to remember the grey requirements, fulfill them then retry the event to get access to this choice. It should make the game less of a hassle in general.

Layer system:

I've implemented a first version of the new layer system for the girls. When a girl appear in town while you walk or when she talks during an event, instead of having only 1 image displayed, the game will show 3 layers : naked, underwear and cloth. This will allow the player to see the proper underwear below the cloth and allow any combination of cloth/underwear. This won't work during H images in events though so as explained before and as the poll result decided, we'll only prepare a fixed set of images for this part.

This new layer system is not perfect yet. The edges of the cloth and underwear have lost transparency during the process for some reason I still have to figure and the automated process is not perfect when removing the required part. This is quite visible for girls with pantyhoses or socks. We'll correct those images manually at a later date since it's not that game breaking and not too annoying visually yet.

New events:

I've been busy with all this new stuff on my side but don't worry, thanks to CarpeNoctem, you'll get new sexy content:
  • Kristina level 3 and here related commands
  • 6 new teaser events for Lily: Accessible for her level 0 or 1, they are intended to make her easier to level up meaning faster access to the end game
  • Blowjob variation for some girls
  • New academic training for Okimi, more expensie than with Saiko but more rewarding

  • Added Shiho house in Street O, Southside
  • Added Miwa house in Street P, Southside
  • Added Fujiko room

Hope you'll enjoy!
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Glassix 0.26 is out!

What's new?
  • New dating feature
  • Kristina level 4
  • New H options for jobs
  • A few extra and a lot of bug corrections
About the dating feature:

I'll start by saying the feature is not complete yet (about 85% done) but is playable and will allow you to see where this is going.
First, affection cap has been changed from 100 to 200 (loading an old save will automatically multiply affection by 2 for all girls).
There is a first affection cap at 160 when you do normal stuff or give items then to increase affection to 200, you'll have to go on successful dates. (I'll review expensive gifts to increase affection above 160 too with a modifier to make them more interesting to purchase too)
Once a girl is friendly (120 affection), you can start asking her on a date by talking with her. You can choose a location, a day (week end only) and a period (morning, afternoon or evening). A new date menu has been added in the hero status page to track your planned dates.
With the current set up, you can plan 6 dates with 6 different girls in one week end. But of course, missing a date will result in an affection penalty with the girl.
Each dating spot has one or several hobby focus which you'll have to match to the girls hobby traits if you want to increase your date chances of success. You'll also have different choices during the date which will impact on the result of the date depending on her tastes and gifts preferences.
The player is now able to discover the girl's traits during a date (whereas before, you could only discover them with a spell).
To help the player during a date, I added some tooltips to the choice listing the related traits. If the player knows the trait, it will appeared in color (red for bad trait, white for normal trait and green for good trait). If unknown, it will appear in grey and if the choice is selected, the trait will be discovered and colored the next time a choice using this same trait is used.
So to sum up this feature, you just go ask a girl on a date, try to pick up the best choices you can during a date and at the end of the date, you'll get an affection gain (or loss if you REALLY fucked up :D)
With this new feature, I hope to give a lot of new things to do with your girls to make them feel more unique and fun to play with.
Now the bad news about this:
First, I've only been able to implement one dating spot : the aquatic park. With my focus on the code, I have to say my imagination ran a bit dry when it came to write the dates themselves. I'm not completely satisfied with this date because it's a bit too straightforward but I didn't want to delay it much longer. There is also a lot of new possibilities here to make dating entertaining by using the players skills as different result (for example, getting into a fight and requiring enough fitness to win). I'd like all the different I've been working on in the past to interact with each other to make an really fun game to play.
Second, I've not been able to complete the official girlfriend feature. The idea here is simply to make your relation official and unlock some extra stuff with your girlfriend. It also impacts the jealousy feature I planned (when you end up meeting an official girlfriend with a date resulting in a bad event).
Third, same for the phone feature which was planned to make it easier for the player to reach girls.
Those three points will be worked on in next update. In retrospective, this feature was quite ambitious for only one update. The code added was quite complex and even though the dates are shared between girls, they still have different reactions during those to make it as authentic as possible which means a lot of different text to write too. On this note, the variations per girl have not been added yet but are planned too :x
To sum up the bad news, the core of the feature is done but still need some work.

About the H options for the jobs:

Following the latest "Extra content poll" results, CarpeNoctem has been working on adding a lot of new sex options for the jobs as you wanted and I'll say he did a really nice job, some of those options are really arousing. I hope you'll enjoy them too!
On a side note, I'm planning to create a custom poll webpage to give more votes depending on your pledge tier since Patreon doesn't offer this feature (yet?)


I also changed two minor things which should help in game :
  • I've added a daily affection gain if the affection of a girl is below 100 and the girl has not been ignored. The idea is that a girl's affection will tend to come back to neutral overtime.
  • I removed the travel time delay while taking the bus since I felt like it was a bit to punitive in the end (it was 20% slower than walking before). The taxi stays the fastest way to move with 20% faster travel time (besides teleportation of course :p)
And of course, some more bug corrections you can see in the changelog if needed (mainly some outfits issues). Bug reporters have been credited in the changelog, thanks a lot to them (and to all other reporters who also reported the bugs but a little too late :p)

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What's new:
  • Added girlfriend option when affection reaches 200
  • Added choice during night to sleep with girlfriend
  • Suspicion feature added
  • More personalized texts for the Aquatic Park date
  • More job H-scenes for the cheerleader training and the Aquatic Park lifeguard (threesome and foursome)
  • Utako's wedding. This event completely change the way you have to handle Utako, because you have now less than 5 weeks to raise her to level 4 before she gets married. After the wedding, obedience events won't be possible anymore: to get her, don't forget to go at this wedding.
  • Utako's emancipation: if you succeed the wedding event and you bring her to 160 Affection and Obedience, you can date her
  • New item: vibrator. You can give it to a girl and activate it in certain detailed circumstances to have a bonus scene. Aiko and Saiko's scenes are ready. Probably more will be ready next month.
  • New locations : Airport hotel and sex shop in Northside
  • A lot of bug corrected! Thanks to all the players giving feedback to eradicate them :p
About the girlfriend feature:
Currently, the only advantage of getting a girlfriend is getting a new option to sleep with her in her room at night. More unique stuff will be added later.

About the suspicion:
When having sex in exposed locations or by choosing daring options during choices, a new global suspicion variable increases. When reaching 100, it'll trigger a new game over. Suspicion decreases by 1 each day and later, we'll add more options to decrease it (like using sexen or money)


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ProfProcPlot wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

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I need Japanese version only.
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Rosemerta wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
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NIKKA wrote on Esan's profile.
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alaadria wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
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