Visual Novel Cafe

@Terumi: I can actually understand how you really love her :p Would say she's very AK-ish (not counting the divisions that lean more to being hardcore and providing BBWs, MILFs, or the likes though). I prefer Kurumi-senpai though.

And yeah, I took a brief look at Sakurairo Quartet - true; AK shouldn't try making moege as in the kind of moege in par with the likes of err let's say Parasol and Silver Bullet. Not even Prima Stella, Sara Sara Sasara, Pri Sara, and Kura Kura are pure moege (sex all the way! www).

An update on Aneiro, it seems that they added some tokutens in the form of drama CD or whatever.

ALcot said:
The bolded part made me lol (roughly says "please make sure there's no one around").

Natsuyuki is rather linear and purely meant for oneecons - seriously, all you get during childhood is ane rabu all the way! The other two heroines join the party later on but don't necessarily weaken the bond between the brocon - siscon pair of Kazu and Natsuki. The mero scenes make me stuck once in a while; like how I was stuck in one certain scene for ~8 hours.

Indeed, it may not suit you Terumi, especially since the childhood part lasts for quite a while so you get to see a loli oneechan for a considerable amount of time.

Awaiting Kou's opinions on Vanitas no Hitsuji.

@Shurakai: Ditto with Terumi, say some stuff about your VN preferences first (´・ω・`)
SubaHibi OST (Full): My favorite tracks include all BGMs with 電波 on their title, 人よ、幸福に!, and of course, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.

不安の立像 still sends paranoia down my spine, while 夏の大三角 keeps me in a state of mid-trance/mid-caution.SubaHibi OST (Full): My favorite tracks include all BGMs with 電波 on their title, 人よ、幸福に!, and of course, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.

Not recommended to listen before slping for those who have played it >_>.

Wakaru? Wakaru yo ne! She aint my #1 waifu for nothing! :)
Yes, bishoujos are just up AK's expertise. No one really comes close with you wanna compare beauty and eroi (dont count kawaii, loli etc), AK does them best, with extended secks scenes. *phew phew!*

Bishoujos ✓
Unique-ness ✓
Secks ✓

STRICTLY NO MILF. I am really against it, AK/TH is the only one who provides it, but they do it on a rare basis.

All the talk of AK and my waifu is enticing me back to re-playing the entire 3 games again.
/me talks himself into re-playing Prima Stella, Sara Sara Sasara and the fandisk, and succeeds.

HMM!!! I shall re-play! After I am done with Duelist Engage and Kamikaze Explorer first! Hopefully Sept comes and Walkure Romanze is there.

Waiting for comments on worlds and world's end from kou.
Already ranted about Vanitas ytd. Conclusion: Landmine.

Needs something really good. Replaying Itsusora and continue Worlds end later.
haha massive low level here. First of all I play in japanese, didn't spend a couple of years learning japanese for nothing >.>. I haven't played through that many games to have some determined preferences~ I guess I like the normal stuff? The usual array of bishoujo, moe appeals to me, however I don't take lolis (Oh the horror!)
Conclusion: Landmine.

that bad? o.o
how many times have you re-played that game...
people having trouble clearing their backlogs here and you can keep re-playing...
tell me about world's end when you start, though most likely it will end up backlog'ed, must play kamikaze soon

@shura, sorry, i am way low level too~ years to learn? then you shouldnt be any bad~ ask iggy or kou, they can recommend more. :)
Yeah, I already heard his rant about Vanitas XD Here's the log if you want. Minor spoilers.

[02:24] * K0u|geimu is now known as K0u|RAGERANT
[02:24] <&kyuuchan> ^ vanitas?
[02:35] <+K0u|RAGERANT> don't read my mind!
[02:35] <&kyuuchan> details!
[02:35] <&kyuuchan> I don't mind being spoiled for a rococo game
[02:38] <+K0u|RAGERANT> neat/interesting ideas
[02:38] <+K0u|RAGERANT> cut scenes here and there
[02:38] <+K0u|RAGERANT> bunch of mess!
[02:39] <&kyuuchan> err
[02:39] <&kyuuchan> I can make little sense out of that
[02:39] <+K0u|RAGERANT> cause i can't make sense out of it also
[02:40] <&kyuuchan> ಠ_ಠ
[02:40] <&kyuuchan> I assume it's nothing like airy[f]airy?
[02:40] <+K0u|RAGERANT> YES!
[02:40] <+K0u|RAGERANT> it has fairies
[02:40] <+K0u|RAGERANT> thats the similarities
[02:41] <&kyuuchan> err
[02:41] <&kyuuchan> forest fairies?
[02:41] <+K0u|RAGERANT> its like
[02:41] <&kyuuchan> street performers?
[02:41] <+K0u|RAGERANT> missing scene here and there
[02:41] <+K0u|RAGERANT> sometimes it try to show thing
[02:41] <+K0u|RAGERANT> but nv end up develop it further
[02:42] <+K0u|RAGERANT> uhh
[02:42] <&kyuuchan> ohh
[02:42] <+K0u|RAGERANT> no direction
[02:42] <&kyuuchan> stupid plot development?
[02:42] <+K0u|RAGERANT> nv know what it want to do
[02:42] <&kyuuchan> good start but no clear direction as to where the readers are taken to?
[02:42] <+K0u|RAGERANT> ya
[02:43] <+K0u|RAGERANT> and feels like skipping stuffs
[02:43] <+K0u|RAGERANT> most of the routes drop hints or left something to speculate
[02:44] <+K0u|RAGERANT> which is usually the true route to wrap things up
[02:44] <+K0u|RAGERANT> but they nv go there in the end
[02:44] <+K0u|RAGERANT> everything is left hanging...
[02:44] <+K0u|RAGERANT> except you get your heroine ending lulz
[02:45] <&kyuuchan> wait, what
[02:45] <&kyuuchan> so uh
[02:45] <+K0u|RAGERANT> incomplete storrrrrrry
[02:46] <&kyuuchan> ummm
[02:46] <&kyuuchan> none of the endings cover the lack either?
[02:46] <&kyuuchan> or katahane-ish
[02:46] <+K0u|RAGERANT> routes is mostly char story and wraps up their endings
[02:47] <+K0u|RAGERANT> but there is a overacching route
[02:48] <+K0u|RAGERANT> uh lets just say the main plot is left hanging
[02:48] <+K0u|RAGERANT> and skipped to the end
[02:49] <&kyuuchan> mhm
[02:49] <+K0u|RAGERANT> landmine
[02:49] <+K0u|RAGERANT> avoid!
[02:49] <&kyuuchan> there's any? >_>
[02:49] <&kyuuchan> and it sounds bad
[02:49] <&kyuuchan> the bad kind of trolling
[02:50] * +K0u|RAGERANT stamps Landmine tag on vanitas
[02:50] <+K0u|RAGERANT> well it is the bad type i don't like
[02:51] <&kyuuchan> lol let's see what 2ch has to say about this
[02:51] <&kyuuchan> why are they comparing it with DTK >_>
[02:53] * K0u ([email protected]) has joined #anime-sharing
[02:53] * ChanServ sets mode: +v K0u
[02:53] <+K0u> >_>
[02:54] * +K0u|RAGERANT ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[02:54] <+K0u> iggy dled vanitas?
[02:54] <&kyuuchan> not yet
[02:55] <+K0u> lol
[02:55] <&kyuuchan> was gonna queue it after supreme candy actually
[02:55] <&kyuuchan> I regret DLing 2 nukiges last month ><
[02:55] <+K0u> advised to skip then
[02:56] <&kyuuchan> likely
[02:56] <&kyuuchan> or I may try out kimi to something to ringo
[02:56] <+K0u> its the type that makes you believe it is good
[02:56] <+K0u> then proceed to blow it up!
[02:57] <&kyuuchan> lol heh
[02:57] <+K0u> this isn't the 1st time rococo works is like that
[02:57] <&kyuuchan> it has a similar feel to airy[f]airy so
[02:57] <&kyuuchan> but isn't this just their second game?
[02:57] <+K0u> you played airyfairy?
[02:57] <&kyuuchan> yup but not finished
[02:58] <+K0u> oh lol
[02:58] <&kyuuchan> premise felt really good
[02:58] <&kyuuchan> so >_>
[02:58] <&kyuuchan> oh ok yeah I forgot about volume 7, never tried it though
[02:59] <+K0u> imo
[02:59] <+K0u> airyfairy is also like that
[02:59] <+K0u> landmine
[02:59] <+K0u> 1stly it was good
[03:00] <+K0u> then they introduce the king of seven days
[03:00] <+K0u> and nv develop it further
[03:00] <+K0u> so also left hanging
[03:01] <+K0u> some 2ch say they don't have enough budget
[03:01] <+K0u> so again somehing is cut
[03:01] <+K0u> something*
[03:01] <&kyuuchan> wow
[03:01] <&kyuuchan> never thought about low budget since it doesn't look like so
[03:02] <&kyuuchan> the publication on airy fairy was pretty widespread too
[03:02] <+K0u> lol
[03:02] <+K0u> no idea
[03:02] <&kyuuchan> also the introduction and character designs are kinda good
[03:02] <&kyuuchan> I already liked monica
[03:02] <+K0u> vanitas also feel like they skip a few scenes in routes
[03:02] <+K0u> felt undeveloped
[03:02] <&kyuuchan> perhaps the editor is an arse lol
[03:02] <&kyuuchan> but that sounds like the blunder in fortissimo's case
[03:03] <&kyuuchan> except that, well, they did get around to making the voices and h scenes
[03:03] <+K0u> fortisimmo was nv too good
[03:03] <+K0u> so the landmine is not that rage!
[03:03] <&kyuuchan> fortissimo is fail
[03:03] <&kyuuchan> well, once you take a look at the game >_>
[03:03] <&kyuuchan> but the preceding announcements were ~_~
[03:03] <+K0u> nah it is not too fail
[03:03] <+K0u> writer not good
[03:04] <&kyuuchan> the first I mean lol
[03:04] <+K0u> they have potential
[03:04] <&kyuuchan> it is
[03:04] <&kyuuchan> it does*
[03:04] <+K0u> first is not enough budget
[03:04] <+K0u> www
[03:04] <+K0u> cut again at the end
[03:04] <+K0u> CLIFFHANGER
[03:04] <&kyuuchan> lol
[03:05] <&kyuuchan> it's a commercialised trial version I say!

Irrelevant parts omitted. kyuuchan is me. After that we drifted the topic to Fortissimo, then some nukige talk between me and Cocona, then Kou started fanboying over Propeller ww.
Cure Girl -> prota rape all the girls in one bad end -> MFW
Roshutsu Shoujo 2 -> prota GETS RAPED (you assume the role of a girl) in one of the many bad ends -> FFFFFF
Natsuyuki -> prota gets hard every time he thinks about his oneechan -> .....

What have I been playing ┐(´~`;)┌

Not saying that Natsuyuki is bad really - just that it turned out not as pure and innocent as I had expected it to be. Still incomparable to AK of course hehe.

Don't have any aim for September releases first (Walkure Romanze is just not my taste), though from July onward there'll be so many imoutos. Dood. Aside of Natsuyuki and Aneiro, is there nothing else to keep the balance?

@Shurakai: "normal" eh, as long as it's not totally plain - I have a habit of dropping games midway, even the good ones, so... let alone the average ones lol. If you like some romance with strong drama twist, try something like Nadeshiko, ef, Kanojo-tachi no Ryuugi, and err many more. For something -totally- normal, try Coming x Humming.
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oh landmine...

1 down for duelist engage~
target: end by this friday for 100% completion

wanna start kamikaze soon :)
somewhat off-topic-ish, but perhaps not really, how do you guys find the time to play through and finish all these vns that you want to play? For me there's all this other stuff that i tend to do in and between playing these vns so i end up going through them so slooowly >.< There's just so many out there that I wanna play, but there's never enough time for them what with all the other stuff I wanna do as well.
@shura, actually i dont have much time to complete them.
i try to play them if i dont have shows on hold, or catch them on weekends.
but there is always the element of disturbance, be it school or whatever, so yeah, try to plan properly and dont up like me :)
The VN I want to play and on waiting list:
1. Honey Coming (Waiting for fandisc)
2. fortissimo akkord bssusvier
3. Concerto Note
4. Happy Breeding
5. Natsuyuki
Now i'm playing Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi, because it has lot of comedic situation.
first post.
minna, yoroshiku.

recently finished VNs (and maybe the occasional remark):
Rewrite (disappointing)
Kimi to boku to eden no ringo (not bad, has nice artwork)
Kamidori Alchemy Meister (fun in that sadistic eushully way... also it's nice to see a lighter story, Ikusa Megami is good, but a change is good every now and then)
Zettai Maou (bleh, i find hetare protagonists hard to deal with generally, but this guy is very hard to stomach in my opinion)
Daiteikoku (alicesoft have been really disappointing lately... let's hope they get it together with rance quest)
Solfege ~ La Finale~ (mmmm yuri)
White~blanche comme la lune~ (fairly good generally)

my currently playing and to play lists are quite long... i'd probably be here all day if i went through those....
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/me revives dead thread

WOW. another high level one arrived. (i am a low level noob)

would like to finish kamikaze soon, though, gotta get my hands on the AKHB game this month
I have finished playing 6 VN only at 2 month. What a long story.
Now i'm playing:
1. Kotori Love Exp
2. Chotto Sunao Ni Donburi Kanjou
3. Ren'ai Saimin ~Tsun na Kanojo ga dereru Saimin~
By the way, did everyone play VN with walkthrough if you stuck??
Even i'm confused playing Hoshizora because lot of side story...... (T_T)
i often play with walkthroughs..
dont have time to re-play and take other decisions.
But what would you do even using walkthrough, you still missed some CG's ???
Even i'm also missing some when play VN using walkthrough..... (T_T)
You can't get 100% completion by just one playthrough for most games nowadays. Usually you will need to make saves at certain points, then load one of them to get into another route... and so on. Secret route(s) will likely be then revealed after you have completed all the other routes (duh).
Heh, i thought hoshikaka is quite straightfoward with a super long common route. There are sidestories each chapter i think.
hehehe, yes @ what iggy mentioned.

hehehe, hahahahahahahaha!
Shikigami then? And i thought you will be head over heels for the ojou game!

initially yes, i thought i can consider shikigami, but after seeing the preview and comments from both the hau omochi bloggers, i reversed the decision.

princess evageline... well, too cute and loli for me. :(

you wont be a bit interested in the game, get my hint?

hint 2: its not in the july list the bloggers posted

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