Visual Novel Cafe

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I use this thread to let you alle know that a good game (no ntr) has been translated to english. Next to Alice Soft concerning game quality is Eushully, and their last game has been translated. You can find the english patch here:
Whoa, amazing, never knew this had an english translation. I had thought translation groups were keeping Eushully's games away due to how log they were and some problems with language. I'll try this to see how ti goes, although I had finished it over 7 time (4 Yuera, 3 Serawi), I still need to get the loli + the HCG with the 4some.
Finished Corona! It was fun and enjoyable despite it's flaws. Hoping it gets a FD sometime in the future. Some of the characters could use proper routes (namely Kumi & Anastasia). Now, looking for my next eroge...
There's a question I've been eager to ask, what's the relation between the first game and Corona? From VNdb the only thing I get was "alternate dimension" so I got my doubt to play it after the rages you were through it.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

There's a question I've been eager to ask, what's the relation between the first game and Corona? From VNdb the only thing I get was "alternate dimension" so I got my doubt to play it after the rages you were through it.

Corona happens in another dimension but it's the same universe of the Kikouyoku Senki. Yumina characters even appear in Corona and are playable but that's pretty much it. You don't need to play Yumina to understand Corona.

Do play Kamitori if you ever get time. It's really good. Spent over 600hrs of playtime when I played it last year xD
Re: Anime Sharing - Visual Novel Cafe

Corona happens in another dimension but it's the same universe of the Kikouyoku Senki. Yumina characters even appear in Corona and are playable but that's pretty much it. You don't need to play Yumina to understand Corona.

Do play Kamitori if you ever get time. It's really good. Spent over 600hrs of playtime when I played it last year xD

Man don't tell me about it, I got good and bad memories of that game as well. And yeah, I too get really into the game with an amazing gameplay even so I was looking for something like Verita the first time I played it, I really get addicted after some time. I got a feeling I was playing some kind of chess with more rules and actions. And yeah, the loli is still on hold, I just can't seem to have enough energy to past over it. Way too loli to me.
About the story, mmmmmmm it was good with some epic moments but I don't know if it was lacking something or just the gameplay was way too good that made you forget about the story. Anyway, best part I remember: the moment Yuera and Will are found after the H-scene in the castle, died of moe-overdose.
Got you one step, I still play it from time to time. 4.5GB that will always be on my lap.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Visual Novel Cafe

Man don't tell me about it, I got good and bad memories of that game as well. And yeah, I too get really into the game with an amazing gameplay even so I was looking for something like Verita the first time I played it, I really get addicted after some time. I got a feeling I was playing some kind of chess with more rules and actions. And yeah, the loli is still on hold, I just can't seem to have enough energy to past over it. Way too loli to me.
About the story, mmmmmmm it was good with some epic moments but I don't know if it was lacking something or just the gameplay was way too good that made you forget about the story. Anyway, best part I remember: the moment Yuera and Will are found after the H-scene in the castle, died of moe-overdose.
Got you one step, I still play it from time to time. 4.5GB that will always be on my lap.

There is no such thing as too much loli! Plus, Emiritta's route is rather good, my favorite too. I admit her first scene made me feel like I was doing something really wrong but, meh it all disappeared later.

Yes, plot is decent for a game with focus in the gameplay. There are many epic moments and most of the characters get some nice development but yeah, gameplay steals the spotlight here. Endless grinding for EXP, Items, Weapon Lvl and those EX Dungeons... Maybe I'll just play it again, still have it installed in my computer as well but, no time... arg >_<

Yuera is great but, Merodianna and Erisaslein are the best characters! 2.0 even had a 3P scene with them. It was worth it!
Re: Anime Sharing - Visual Novel Cafe

There is no such thing as too much loli! Plus, Emiritta's route is rather good, my favorite too. I admit her first scene made me feel like I was doing something really wrong but, meh it all disappeared later.

Yes, plot is decent for a game with focus in the gameplay. There are many epic moments and most of the characters get some nice development but yeah, gameplay steals the spotlight here. Endless grinding for EXP, Items, Weapon Lvl and those EX Dungeons... Maybe I'll just play it again, still have it installed in my computer as well but, no time... arg >_<

Yuera is great but, Merodianna and Erisaslein are the best characters! 2.0 even had a 3P scene with them. It was worth it!
Yeah that's the feeling I get when I try to enter her route....I have yet step on the loli territory, still in the same age and older ones, talking in general.
Sometimes those 50turns are not even enough with all the chara, and I still have left those EX dungeons since some of my characters are still lvl40 and around. But just those that ask for specific ones. Since in the last gameplay I was I killed the slime king fast withouth grinding I'll have to redo it.
Oh yeah I remembered, best chara for me after Yuera was Kohakuren.....that
PS: Any heroine you found with that manner of speech (Kohakuren), please tell me about it, I just love it.
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Hello *waves*

I was wondering if all you knowledgeable people here could help me. You see, I recently took a short-ish break from eroge due to exams. But now that i'm back to playing, I really have no clue what I want to play.
Would anyone be able to recommend me some nice titles? (i don't really mind about the genre since i'm up for trying anything at the moment)

Thank you :)
Hi there, Liemyx.

I recently finished Gin no Toki no Corona, it's a SLG/ADV. The game it's fun and entertaining with likeable characters and somewhat challenging gameplay. However, it's lacking both in the plot department and the characters development.

If you haven't read it yet, you may want to try Princess Evangile which is another game I recently finished. This one is a very good chara-ge. As the genre implies the main sale point are the characters. Including the side-characters, they all recieve tons of development. A game filled with romance, comedy and really cute moments. You may want to check Aero's review of for more info. The drawback are the unnecessary drama and the lack of a more engaging plot.

If you are looking for a great game try Favorite's Iro Toridori no Sekai. Also from the same company Hoshizora no Memoria is another great game.

Some older games I liked: Nobles Works, Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate, BalrdSky, Koiiro Soramoyou.

I personally don't plan to play it now that I read a few reviews but, there's february's most hyped game: Hatsuyuki Sakura.
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Knowledge people...(*blushing)...I'll make a try Liemyx.

Kami use Fandisc's desk! I choose you Majikoi S! It's size is over 7GB!'s super effective!
I choose you Grisaia no Meikyu! It's size is over 6GB!'s super effective!
(*dramatic tension) ...I summon the Four Legendary Seasons from SAGA PLANETS! ComimgxHumming! Natsuyume Nagisa! Kisaragi Gold Star! Hatsuyuki Sakura!
Moe Overdose!!! ...LP=0

Maybe you have played most of them, even so don't forget the first part. Those are the ones I'm playing right now as well as Duelist x Engage. And I'm trying to make some space for Shinigami no Testament and Kajiri Kamui Kagura but those are oversized so take care.

I may be a little hyped but that's because I'm writing a novel, although that's another story.
i see terumi and ac disliking hotchkiss? is it really that bad... sigh...

guess ill go for hatsuyuki instead...

I've been wanting to play Kajiri,'s way too oversized!!! Damn you light. As well as both chapters from White Album 2...even so those have more opportunity.
Below is strictly general opinions mixed with personal thoughts:

Getchu honours and mentions:

Big winners in various departments:
White Album 2 - #1 winners almost everywhere and every section, game, scenario, chara and the list goes on.
Kamikaze Explorer - #3 best, #1 in ero and solid rankings everywhere.
Strawberry Nauts - Shocking to me, but successes in various sections proved others for a sub-par game with good heroines.
Ren'ai 0 - Solid ranks everywhere too.
Grisara no Kajitsu - Constantly within top of every section, what else do I need to add?
Lovely X Cation - Oldies dating sim scores huge in various sections, with 3 heroines in characters section as highlight.
Iro dori no sekai - Solid ranks throughout.

Honorable mentions:
Euphoria - Probably the best nukige last year with high rankings compared to other nukiges.
Koi de wa naku - Most underrated game, very glad to see it bag several good and solid places in various sections.
Eustia - August and what august delivers.
KKKK - Light fans can rejoice for recognition.
Koikishi - Still see it in some sections, over-hyped though.

My game of the year - Walkure Romanze

#20 - Game of the year
#2 - Ero Section (coming under Kamikaze wasnt too much of a shock)
#1 - Graphics

Quited mixed over this year's result, very shocked to see some titles which I thought werent good to be up so high. I found the character and overall section way too bias, extremely shocked to see no Kamikaze/Walkure girls in character section, and Nauts coming in #6 in overall along with other titles, while Walkure settled for bottom of the list. Moe games like these probably win due to users' frequent bias voting I guess, I only threw in some votes. People can probably use this to play some of the games they missed last year, I may pick up Iro Dori and Renai'0.
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Getchu's overall list is kinda lame but a few of those games did manage to have characters that don't completely annoy me - WA2, Kamidori, Koikishi, Valkyrie, and Euphoria. Chara list is pretty much what I'd expect the voters to choose given the overall list. Ero list is total garbage. Most of the games are way too tame or way too mindless. Where's Starless? Kouma no Miko? Princess X? You got to bone a fucking centaur for crying out loud!
Remember to play dies irae before stepping in KKK since it is like a giant fandisc for dies. It is standalone enough but you will miss a lot of stuffs.

Kusoge awards easily goes to vanitas no hitsuji. lol incomplete game.
Yes, rankings looked quite bias. Cant argue much, since its a user-popularity thing, but hoping that the results can help me choose games next time.

Quite satisfied Walkure came in #1 for graphics, Kamikaze coming in #1 for ero despite not being a nukige means a lot of 'other things'. Looking forward to both companies' new titles in the future, with Prism Collector coming up this year.

[MENTION=39]Kou[/MENTION], dies irae looked too imba for me.
I find the character section okay though, characters like Shinku, Amane and Anna which represent their games all showed up (they have the best routes in their games imo).
finally finished up Grisaia no meikyuu before weekend, and continued with the chariot new game, and again they dissapointed me!... only took 7 hours to complete the game! did they really trying to make a game! sigh! it's the most lousy fandisc i ever know!

as for Grisaia no meikyuu it's more like a fandisc, can't be called for a sequel! if i have to say, people (either in 4ch or other forum) are insist and commented that the game are sequel, which i have to deny.. IT ISN'T SEQUEL! it's just a prelude for the sequel (Grisaia no eden) which telling the past of the protagonist Kazami Yuuji! so i'd say, the game is classified as fandisc!
No time to play even despite me wanting to read that novel.

Way behind schedule for hotchi, got HS, shinigami and many nukiges after it....
and im about to start hotchi this weekend! so rare for me to have backlog
Down with Hotchi, gonna Hatsuyuki tomorrow.

Hotchi's Misaki is mine! Hands off!
and im about to start hotchi this weekend! so rare for me to have backlog

Wow, so that is what a real pro is made of...I could say I live in backlog's every time. Maybe I should try organize mi time. But for now I'll be playing Twinkle Crusaders (first one) and if the things goes well...maybe Yumina too. And on the counter part I'll be re-taking GTO.
Hatsuyuki Sakura later~

First time on a pre-determined route game.

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