Visual Novel Cafe

[MENTION=13204]pumasrevenge[/MENTION] well.... you'll get Yuu Route on the Prima Stella omake... and the true end for Yuu in Prisara

well... Kusumi characteristic aren't really good, but i'd daresay she's the hottest of all!
There's an end with Yuu in Pri Sara? One more reason to download it. Hope it's nothing depressing :D

And in my opinion Tomoe is the hottest of them ... followed by Miyabi. I value the characteristic more than appearance :) In Kusumi's case, the characteristic bothers me too much. Don't like Shizuka's characteristic as well, but still more than Kusumi's.

And another reason ... I don't like big breasts that much ;D
watched it... you'll provoke [MENTION=77]Terumi[/MENTION] with that statement :XD:
Only [MENTION=77]Terumi[/MENTION]? :runhappy:

Hope the list doesn't become longer ... are you sure you haven't forgotten anyone? Cause more than one would be a reason to :runaway:

I am summoned?

No offenses, everyone's got different tastes. (Dealt with a lot others already, trust me.)
Though I am sensitive about Prima Stella, after all, I love AK and their games.
And yes, it makes me wanna replay all 3 games.

Miyabi's mine. She's the perfect woman to me. My unshakeable #1 waifu.
Will war for Tomoe if I have to.

Play Sara Sara Sasara first before going into Pri Sara. :)
Only tried Prima Stella so far (from AK) and then I'll play Pri Sara, but that's all. Maybe I'll play other AK games in the future as well.

I'm now at the beginning of chapter 7 of each character (with exception of Kusumi), maybe I'll change my opinion of some characters ... there's still time left.

And I would like to play Sara Sara too, but tomorrow starts school again and then I need much longer for one VN ... needed a few weeks for Prima Stella already cause of work/preparations etc. for school -_-
Just finished my 2nd route (Miyabi's route) in Prima Stella ... I want more of her :dontleave: Don't play the other two routes, cause I don't like Kusumi and Shizuka as much as Tomoe and Miyabi.

Now I'll go to sleep first and then I'll play Pri Sara.
You...don' mune...oppai...what is this BLASPHEMY?! As a wise man said once: "...breast are full of a man's dream!" So the BIGGER the BETTER!
Who said that?
And I said that I prefer the personality and not the look. That reminds me, I don't know any girl with big boobs and a nice personality ... maybe that's the reason why I don't like them :) Most of this girls I know are like "look at my boobs, I'm better than anyone" :D
Who said that?
And I said that I prefer the personality and not the look. That reminds me, I don't know any girl with big boobs and a nice personality ... maybe that's the reason why I don't like them :) Most of this girls I know are like "look at my boobs, I'm better than anyone" :D

....hmmmm, this is gonna be a little hard, since I'd need to do a list of all the waifus out there with big breast that are practically the reason I played that game/watched that anime/read that manga and it may take a while trying to remember all my: "Kamigoroshi was here"
These one come to mind from some recently games: Shinonome Satsuki (my main reason to play Choco, and I'll pray to the Doctor that the anime follows her route, what of course, won't happen) Kashiwagi Narumi (what do we have here? long black-haired bishoujo, sword master, with hair coverying one eye style, is a kaichou and in one of the scenes she wears a naked apron...) Shirakawa Kou (yeah, I have a fetish for long black hair, swords and big breast, don't blame me, I'm only a Time Lord!). If I keep going, I'll start with more Eushully characters. From anime/manga I should say Ikaros from Sora no Otoshimono and Himari from Omamori Himari, but the second one is a little like the ones you describe.

Now back to the quest to make work Irotoridori no Sekai, since it crashes in the beginning, just like Classy Cramberrys, damn you Universe, damn you.
These one come to mind from some recently games: Shinonome Satsuki (my main reason to play Choco, and I'll pray to the Doctor that the anime follows her route, what of course, won't happen) Kashiwagi Narumi (what do we have here? long black-haired bishoujo, sword master, with hair coverying one eye style, is a kaichou and in one of the scenes she wears a naked apron...) Shirakawa Kou (yeah, I have a fetish for long black hair, swords and big breast, don't blame me, I'm only a Time Lord!). If I keep going, I'll start with more Eushully characters. From anime/manga I should say Ikaros from Sora no Otoshimono and Himari from Omamori Himari, but the second one is a little like the ones you describe.

Now back to the quest to make work Irotoridori no Sekai, since it crashes in the beginning, just like Classy Cramberrys, damn you Universe, damn you.
Shinonome Satsuki's are too big, the other two are interesting :D I don't remember any vn with girls with (really) big breasts and black hair, too bad ... maybe I didn't play one single with such a girl in it.

To Irotoridori no Sekai: Looked for a partial english patch a few weeks before and found out that others have the same problem. Maybe you'll find help at, who translates it into english :)
Shinonome Satsuki's are too big, the other two are interesting :D I don't remember any vn with girls with (really) big breasts and black hair, too bad ... maybe I didn't play one single with such a girl in it.

To Irotoridori no Sekai: Looked for a partial english patch a few weeks before and found out that others have the same problem. Maybe you'll find help at, who translates it into english :)

You want to play Shin Koihime Musou Moeshoedun so don't complain about Satsuki! And for now seems to be my favorite chara from Choco. You should try it sometime. And you'll now why she is my favorite.
They don't need to be (really) big, but if you see a black-haired mysterious cool bishoujo with a sword give me a call (and by call I mean here).

Yeah, read it, now to change install it again in the Virtual Machine since I unistall it to re-install again. Aaaa, damn it.
You want to play Shin Koihime Musou Moeshoedun so don't complain about Satsuki! And for now seems to be my favorite chara from Choco. You should try it sometime. And you'll now why she is my favorite.
They don't need to be (really) big, but if you see a black-haired mysterious cool bishoujo with a sword give me a call (and by call I mean here).
Yeah, I "want", but I "can't" ... there's a big difference between these words :P Also I think there are other girls in Shin Koihime Musou too, not only ones with big breasts (I hope so).
And you know it already, I have a little time problem -_- Borderlands 2, Torchlight 2, FIFA 13 and the english release of Sexy Demon Transformation should be available for download too in the next days ... definitely too little time :)
Yeah, I "want", but I "can't" ... there's a big difference between these words :P Also I think there are other girls in Shin Koihime Musou too, not only ones with big breasts (I hope so).
And you know it already, I have a little time problem -_- Borderlands 2, Torchlight 2, FIFA 13 and the english release of Sexy Demon Transformation should be available for download too in the next days ... definitely too little time :)

Yeah, I know, I was there as well trying to make it work...but one of these days...Did you create a thread yet about it? I bet you searched for it but maybe there are some that make it work but didn't answer. Maybe.
Well that's quite a bunch of games to clear, and taking in account you are not someone with many leasure time, it may take a while. Softhouse-seal? Yeah, gotta be them.
Yeah, I know, I was there as well trying to make it work...but one of these days...Did you create a thread yet about it? I bet you searched for it but maybe there are some that make it work but didn't answer. Maybe.
Didn't make a thread so far, but I asked in the thread where I found the download. (here). Posted the video too, but no one could provide me with an answer so far.
But there's one positive thing about that ... until there's an answer I can play the remaining games, which takes a few weeks/months :D
Didn't make a thread so far, but I asked in the thread where I found the download. (here). Posted the video too, but no one could provide me with an answer so far.
But there's one positive thing about that ... until there's an answer I can play the remaining games, which takes a few weeks/months :D

That's thinking positive! Brilliant! Multi-task! Few weeks...months...yeah pretty much enough time to clear them and everything that's on your way, and maybe to try one or two new releases...(and after writing this I go back to check the release dates, that one from Minato soft is a must play!)
anything good this month [MENTION=7737]Animaksiat[/MENTION]? always look foward to your monthly wave post/lazy
九十九の奏~欠け月の夜想曲~ come highly recommended, from the maker of Ruitomo, Saeki Hokuto-sensei!

竜翼のメロディア -Diva with the blessed dragonol- after 2 years, another whirlpool game with Tenmaso as it's ilustrator

彼女(あのコ)はオレからはなれない judging by the synopsis... it's look promising

かみデレ a gamble, Candysoft sometimes can be a landmine, but i think the synopsis is quite interesting

Re:birth colony -Lost azurite- also comes with highly recommended

Zero Infinity -Devil of Maxwell- 初回版 Light! from the same staff that brings you Dies Irae, nothing else to be explain further!

門を守るお仕事 softhouse chara, nothing more to be explained!

追奏のオーグメント mystery themed!

LOVELY QUEST 初回版 hook soft!!!

辻堂さんの純愛ロード 初回版 from the one who brought you Majikoi and Tsuyokiss! anyone want to have a yankee as a girlfriend?


母娘乱館 Min-Naraken and Alicesoft... do i need to make myself clear?

甘え母 希美「だめよ、そんなにお母さんを求めないで……」 Overdose games!

ごっくんアスリート! 巨乳メダリストのおしゃぶり強化合宿


i thought you already seen it. this was post last month
辻堂さんの純愛ロード 初回版 from the one who brought you Majikoi and Tsuyokiss! anyone want to have a yankee as a girlfriend?
Yeah man, my list gets longer and longer instead of getting shorter ... but this one is definitely a MUST HAVE :D

Anyway, completed Miyabi's afterstory of PriSara yesterday, now I'm playing Yuu's route ... cancelled the harem ending
Ok, now I'm a little bit disappointed ... Yuu's route only took two (or three) hours -_- Thus, I completed PriSara.

Stalled Tenshin Ranman - Lucky or Unlucky, because is working on an english translation.

Now I'm trying out War of the Human Tanks ... looking for a little variety now, furthermore I can't play Japanese vn in school since Translation Aggregator doesn't work through the internet in my school.
Just played Tsuisou no Augment yesterday night...and today morning. I raged, I RAGED pretty hard in Shiho's route. One of my top list of dislikes is rape, so when she said she was raped every year since she was a child I was like this: "cut your own throat, go back in time and kill that motha**cker!" "Save your waifu!" "It's just a slice to the throat with a kitchen knife, Do it now!". Good thing that's what he does in the true end of Shiho. Oh, lovely Shiho without the trauma is lovely!

Pretty serious game in some parts, not just vanilla only everywhere. The comedy part is good too since there are some options when you can choose the dirty joke. Poor friend of the MC. The thing I hated: No route (completely or main one) for the onee-chan! How dare you!? Just a great epilogue where the MC gets voiced. Now I just need to get some CGs to get it 100%, so gotta look for a walkthrough. Well, the only thing left are bad endings, so...
And poor loli kouhai, I think she was the least favorite to producers, or maybe Shiho, I don't know.

Getchu! Why U hate me so much?! To avoid the region restriction, anyone?!
Last edited:
Currrently playing: Pure girl, Tsugumu no Canvas, Prima Stellar
For puregirl, I'd like to see that this is the 2nd best sexual comedy joke after Rance. Actually I think that Pure girl is better but Rance is so unbeatable and unique that I have to give praise to him. Sora-chan is kinda but cute and hillarious when she gets angry when her onii-chan is way too friendly with her friend. Remon-chan is kinda sort of out of balance character when the oujou-sama of the school actually works for the adult's shop and her smile when she tried to put the vibrator into the MC's ass make me laugh my ass off.
For Tsugumu, I'd judge it to be sort of average since it didn't create much impact to me in the climax of the story. The protagonisht only impressed me at the common part of the story when the rest makes him somehow less stand out.
The last one, Prima Stellar. It's actually quite fun to read but because of the way it used the kanji, I ended up using it as a learning Japanese program, as I try to add the words into my vocabulary list, making it take 30 minutes just to read about 200 lines.
Finished Sexy Demon Transformation a few days ago, but it was really short and that was the reason why I finished it on one single day :D Now I'm back to War of the Human Tanks again (yes, this is no eroge) and then maybe I'll play Kamigakari Cross Heart, Noble Works or Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road.

But the next days are dedicated to Borderlands 2 :D
I found out that Duel Savior got an english translation two days ago. Looking for a torrent now and cancelled War of the Human Tanks because of a time problem ... Duel Savior looks much more interesting :D

Does anyone know if there are h-scenes in Duel Savior? Because there's no information (with exception the "18+") on
I found out that Duel Savior got an english translation two days ago. Looking for a torrent now and cancelled War of the Human Tanks because of a time problem ... Duel Savior looks much more interesting :D

Does anyone know if there are h-scenes in Duel Savior? Because there's no information (with exception the "18+") on

Try the Duel Savior post here

Yeah it's 18+ (Has Secks)
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