Visual Novel Cafe

@ Terumi - time to lvl up~

@ Ayano - Welcome back.

@ Iggy - Been seeing a lot of heroines with name Tsubasa recently www. Oh shit, I forgot Muririn >.<. Comyu soundtrack is made of awesomeness <3. The true end mindblowned me~.

Totally dig the 2nd OP, also shows how epic and grand the game is (which is the song you mentioned). The action cgs for FMD Muramasa is just pure quality :3. I dream of an anime adaptation using the original art but this is impossible ;_;. The character designs for Muramasa fits perfectly. Ayane is HNNNNNNNGGGGGG, but her true end is depressing ;_;.
Hello again Ayano, join the conversation~

!!!!! Dream of the Dragons!!! \(>ω<)/ Absolutely loved the part where the reff begins (1:30, it's just an awesome transition from the 戦争が始まる sentence beginning at 1:28), then 1:34 (I just like the way the screen flashes matched with the song). The vid is still awesome to see multiple times, though I guess that's a common case for eroge OP vids.

FMDM getting an animu adaptation using the original art? That indeed is purely impossible. A movie maybe, but it must surpass KnK first. Not to mention that KnK didn't have gigantic samurai robots running around and clashing in awes0me battles. And I agree about Ayane being HHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNG; she's even better than Ignis as a fellow Nitroplus girl (side note: my nickname wasn't based on Jingai Makyou's Ignis xD).
Been looping that song today, very addictive www. Most major company eroge OPs are very good.

This is also one very sweet and addictive eroge OP.

FMDM story is already awesome and epic. If ufotable adapt it without adaption decay, it should be able to surpass KnK. It is still a dream ;_; though. Those 装甲 looks even better and badass than your normal mecha like gundam and macross <3.

All this talk about FMDM and Comyu make me want to replay them again, been lacking serious,dark and action theme VN for 3 months. Akatsuki Works been missing for quite a while >_>. I am looking forward to Nitro+ new science ADV, Robotic;Works. I will see whether Bloody Rondo can satisfy me in terms of serious action this month.
That's a given, knowing the performer.( ̄ー ̄d)
The theme of Suzukaze does feel refreshing (涼風は涼しい lol) and it gives an impression similar to that of Mercuria. Me likes.

Speaking of eroge OPs, Magicaride OP also made me addicted very much. Maybe the game isn't THAT great, nor is the vid itself, but the song is. I wish nao would go back to fripSide cause she was more awesome when she was still there. ;_; Not that I dislike Nanjo but I just like nao more - or even better yet have them both sing for fripSide muhahaha.

It's possible but will surely blow high amount of bucks to prevent any quality loss. And one or two seasons of a TV series isn't gonna work well (like, let's just see how Steins;Gate will fail www). I'm not a fan of mecha (well, maybe except mecha musume), but FMDM's designs are just awesome crap.

Serious and dark VNs, eh? Mentioning Steins;Gate, I left that game again without even getting close to completing it xD Bloody Rondo's looks don't give me any deep dark impression. Why not try Light's Paradise Lost? And I guess you must've finished Axanael already. I personally am wanting something touchy and tear-jerking though, maybe a bittersweet romance story like Aka no Rasen.

btw, you mean Robotics;Notes right? I guess this is becoming its own franchise starting from Chaos;Head, but since there's still so little light shed about that new project, I can't give any comments yet. And for the bottom line, get Mahoyoru out already ~_~ Typemoon is officially a master troll, even surpassing Feng's ~1 year Hoshikaka delay.
Suzukaze no melt.
*looks through backlog* ah atta....
Have to get this out first, S;G is getting more than one cour. FUCK YES!!!!!!! *shakes fist*. Now they just have to properly adapt the source material, no original anime material please *looks at FA ending*. 24 -26 episodes fit perfectly~

I haven't played Suzukaze yet. So many VNs, so little time :P. Fripside songs are so catchy and awesome nuff said. Duet with nao and Nanjou? MUST WANT!! Totally eargasm~ Sorta sad when i hear nao leaving fripside that time, but Nanjou's singing is also good~

I need to go back and replay some of the action fight events in FMDM :P.

Hmm, since S;G is getting more than 1 cour, it can be an epic anime provided they do it right. Vampire stories can be dark (draculius). Going through the trial for Bloody Rondo, it has serious actions. I can't resist Aoba Ringo voicing a twintails goth loli with a scythe xD. Yea, I completed Axanael and it was very good as expected from the Sumaga team. You can try Natsunagi, also one of my all-time favorite VNs. It is excellent but very depressing and sad ;_;.

I keep using Robotic;Works wwwww. Nitro+ did announced that they are going to start their own kind of genre which is science fiction ADV. I must admit they are very interesting as they use existing science theories and spin a story around it. I thought the Mahoyoru official web just opened last year, though the game was announced very long ago.
Two seasons would be an ideal length. Longer than that and some can get bored already. Original animu materials would be a blasphemy to Nitroplus lol. Well, another good thing about S;G animu adaptation is that regardless of the animu quality itself it'll feature songs and music from 5pb., which is my favourite label. I just hope 5pb. could use KAORI more though - if she's still active in the entertainment industry that is.

Same here, haven't played Melt yet. More like the last VNs I played were S;G, Kurakura (Classy Cranberry's), and Akicon (Akizora ni Mau Confetti) - all which I left uncompleted. And then I somehow got bored with VNs and focused more on NDS games w.

Yeah, Nanjo's a good singer and seiyuu, no objection about it. I just love nao more, and imo she had her best songs when she was still with SAT in fripSide. After she 'graduated', her newer songs aren't really groundbreaking compared to the older ones. I'd really love it if they could sing together though xD

Another fripSide song, Red -reduction division-: the opening to Kanojo-tachi no Ryuugi. I prefer the SAT vs TKM remix 2.1 version of this song, though.

Somewhat bad quality vid :s And it's a rather old VN, but it ranked ninth in 2ch's 2006 best eroge roster.

Perhaps they should make an action RPG version of FMDM or something >_> Bet it'd sell well.

Vampire stories sure can be dark, as long as they don't feature sparkling vampires OR a triangle forbidden love between a pureblood vampire prince, his blood-related imouto, and some emo vampire hunter who uses a desert eagle-style gun that can transform into weird thorny stuff. Well, you're correct about Luna - bloody reddish goth lolita dress + twintails + scythe + Aoba Ringo = w1n. xD She reminds me of this idol-like girl from Comyu, what was her name again... and Lynette looks like Mayoi Neko's Nozomi.

Actually I didn't like Sumaga that much, and the artwork as well. Natsunagi? Hmm, never got to tried it tbh - and since my first Saga Planets game was Coming x Humming!, I never thought Natsunagi would be an utsuge, in fact, until I just rechecked its VNDB page seconds ago. Sci-fi ADV from Nitroplus, eh? Given how they always make their plots and twists, I guess it won't be hard for them to make dark sci-fi themes.

And yea Mahoyoru web was just opened last year as far as I know, and it just was officially announced to be released on September 30, 2010. Though they had planned it from like three years ago or so ~_~
2 episodes for the introduction of characters, 2 episodes for each chapters and 3 episodes for the true end chapter, it fits perfectly for 2 cour~ I dislike anime original material (they tend to suck) for VNs adaption. Why use original material when you have a better source? *sigh* We will wait and see who will be singing the OP and ED songs~

I am addicted to VNs www and i have no consoles :P.

Time to listen to the nao graduation songs~ I prefer nao's songs in fripside, they are more catchy. Hmm, speaking of nao, i haven't dl her new album yet :P. Haven't play both games. Time to search for Red -reduction division- later.

RPG version of FMDM, sorta like Baldr Sky, must want~ Baldr Sky gameplay is addictive and the story is quite epic~

NO, NOT VAMPIRE KNIGHT AND TWILIGHT WWWWWW. *facepalm* Yuna from comyu, they do have some similarities. Now that you mention about it, Lynette does indeed look like Nozomi, with a hotter body and a big ass sword~ My favorite character is Lynette, can't resist them nekomimis ww.

Well, I also didn't expect Natsunagi to be a utsuge. I was expecting another romcom sch eroge but I was totally mindblowned by the depth and intriguing story. It is a sheep in disguise and definitely very well crafted game especially some of the small details and small twists that give the story another layer. I like sc-fi theme or thought provoking games so the new genre is right up my alley. It won't be Nitro+ without the darkness and plot twists ww.

I think we still have to wait for quite a while. Still no cgs, trial, OP or anything yet >_>.
Hmm... that may or may not be enough. Well, as long as it doesn't go like Shuffle that took like 6 episodes just for character introductions, I guess. 2 episodes for each chapter may work, but it's too short and may end up either 1. ruining the gradually building suspense or 2. losing the focus the arcs have. Let's just hope it won't be like that. As about the OST, I guess it'll be Kanako Itou again and maybe... Kagami Seira? <hope>Or, since now nao is now officially under 5pb...</hope>

I don't have the expensive consoles too, and you can always use an emulator :p

Yes, yes the graduation album~~~ Same here, I think she had her best performance with fripSide (and not NAO Project). Get the Pastel Chime OP, it's quite catchy~ Red -reduction division- is quite a nice song, and among the three versions (normal, SAT vs tkm RMX, SAT vs tkm RMX 2.1) I prefer the 2.1.

XD Yeah, those two are the bane of vampire stories and archetype... Ahhh right, Yuna. Somewhat Yuna looks more matured than Luna though (wtf, their names rhyme w). And I agree - Lynette's surely hotter than Nozomi, though Nozomi's massive airheadedness, to me, is a plus. It's just a pity the animu had to fail. Among Bloody Rondo heroines, eh? Discarding personality and characteristics as I have yet to play it, I'll choose Luna over Lynette just because Luna has a nice traits combination.

That's totally how Natsunagi looks, doesn't it? But then again, shocking box shots do exist... like Kagura Gakuen Ki that I thought was just a normal school romance with a touch of mystery but turned out to be filled with tentacles and bestiality. Utsuge twists, eh? Haven't played any nakige/utsuge for a while (though nukige is a different story LOL), guess I'll get around to playing it... someday.

Mmm, indeed, that's what Nitro+ is famous for anyway. Though they may just try something different once in a while. Like, I haven't played Chaos Head Love Chu Chu and I don't know how rabu rabu and light it is compared to the original story. Then again, it's considered a fandisc, so it's just a given even if it's totally rabu rabu.

I don't know what's wrong with the moon mushroom - maybe either they're speculating about how popular Mahoyoru will be instead of just continuing to milk FSN, or perhaps they're hesitating and thinking to follow the path of minori...

Well, anyway, 11 Eyes Resona Forma soon - more ecchi, more secks, more... tentacles.

wow... i still cant help but stunned repeatedly by all these.
11eyes resona forma - hehehe, it is the fandisk right?
You can just easily join the conversation by throwing in like a new topic or some VN-related video for example. :p
And yea, Resona Forma is the fandisc, so it's bound to have more fanservice, I guess.

I think I saw it... I'll upload it if I find it (or Tessu/gc if they find it first, lol).
I hope they just don't change the events. They might cut most of the science theories and expositions regarding time traveling. I have no complains about 5pb soundtracks most of the time. They have the original game OST to fall back which is also very good. Some remixes of the original ones like YnS is also welcomed. Never played Shuffle VN but i thought the anime was quite good.

Saving money for PSP >_>.

*writes down on download list*

I guess it is the character designs. Technically, true vampires are old and should be more mature due to their age. Mayoi anime decided to use anime original material which sucks and fails compare to the LN which is superior according to others >_>. Hmm I like Lynette because she looks like a kuudere with badass aura around xD. I don't know how to describe but her eyes or how she looks at ppl totally grab me in @_@.

For Kagura Gakuen Ki, checking the official website already give out the tentacle. Miko tends to have tentacles, not a fan of tentacles or any other weird stuffs. If you prefer lighthearted theme ones, Kisaragi Gold Star is also a good choice. It isn't as excellent as Natsunagi but the routes are short and sweet though some of the routes reach WTF territory story. Yes I am looking at Saya and Ichika's routes and the true end which I need clarifications on what really happened *scratches head*. I didn't touch nukiges for a long time :P. /resists Micchi's corruption to play Imopara.

I hope they don't overmilk FSN until they become Circus mk2 www. I will surely play Mahoyoru when it comes out (Gods know when xD).

For 11eyes Resona Forma, i still think it is going to be serious. They are going to focus on Shiori's past and the period when the 7 sins are still human. Lass is expanding on the 11eyes universe sorta like the natsuverse.
I won't be surprised even if they do that though. Animu adaptations being lighter and easier to perceive than their original VN counterpart is quite a common thing. Even though C;H had some science theories blabbered out throughout the animu, but not as often as they were on the VN, which was more mindblowing (or maybe that's just because science isn't my forte w). Remixes lol remakes you mean ~_~ Mmm I'd rather see older ones like Wind getting remade.

PSP eh, going for juice anywhere like Checkie? :p

Download list... mine keeps piling and my internet can't keep up with it lol

Well, there's loli Sanada Yukimura; there's pink haired Liu Bei; so I guess vampires going out of their standard style of having neatly combed hair and wearing their signature robe can be considered normal, can't they? :p I stoppped getting Mayoi at like episode 3, it made me sleepy already. I hardly read LNs though, even less than my manga reading frequency. iono but my first impression of Lynette was that she's the kind of 「こっち向いて、 お姉さんが 慰めてあげる」 chara, though not to the extent of 「お姉ちゃんが チュー☆チュー しちゃうわよー!」 www. Hauuuu~ omochikaeri

Yeah, I came to know what Kagura Gakuen Ki is like from its sample CGs that the company provided anyway. They already had beasties and tentas there, though the cover totally didn't indicate it. Not a fan of them either - it's true that there's plenty of sick stuff mixed with mikos, but... orz. After replaying some parts of Osadai (I want a starship with cyan-coloured twintails too ;_; ) I don't feel like consuming utsuge, but maybe more fuwafuwa stuff ~_~ Hmm, Kisaragi eh, well it does look highly cute and all. Meh, I seriously need better internet. Nukige are necessary for... umm, well. *cough* Stay oneecon, Kou! Thou must not succumb to the imocons trying to corrupt thee!

Haha, nah, not a chance. And continuing to milk FSN =/= continuing to make fandiscs, expansions, and spin-offs to DC. xD Yeah, I'll play Mahoyoru too, though Typemoon really failed it by delaying it again after September 30 last year. They should've been grateful they could reignite fans' enthusiasm after ~2 years of no word, and then they extinguished it yet again...

That sounds interesting (yay for Shiori w). 11eyes is bound to be serious - more like, it wouldn't suit it if it weren't made serious. Natsuverse? If you mean Nasuverse, nah, I still think that Lass is far from it  ̄ー ̄

This week's fanboyism. Warning: Engrish. Admittedly, nao's pronunciation is nowhere near fine, but I really love this song.

Do you recognise the girl who doesn't resemble nao in the slightest nor does she match nao's voice? It seems to be some dating sim with gropable girl, but I have no idea what it is (nor do I actually know what game features that fripSide song). Also... what's with the creepy guy that first appeared at 3:02? Is that the protagonist!? Seriously! It makes me think of a nukige featuring an idol student and a rapist teacher! Or a real teen idol and her dirty manager, for the matter... but what I'm saying is that I've never seen any fripSide songs being used for a nukige.
Anyone here play jangokuhime ?
I got the problem that the text in game not show when I play it.
So What should I do? I run it on XP S3
This is the pic
@ Ayano - No idea, never play Jangokuhime.

Remixes of the OST. YnS anime uses remixes of the original OST of the VN which is one of the highlights of the anime.

Nah, some VNs ported to the PSP has some extra stuffs such as additional heroine/story/epilogue. The Itsusora PS2 version has extra epilogue after the original epilogue and some more content. SO MUCH WANT. (I played it already though xD).

Gothic vampires so much want~ The only memorable stuffs in Mayoi is Nozomi and that EPIC PING PONG GAME WWWWWWW. LNs are too hard to decipher, I read chinese translated manga quite a lot (as always chinese translation is faster and more). I want a Lynette x Luna route.... There is also an imouto inside Bloody Rondo, no spoiling you though xD.

Osadai is so ROFL. YES WE CAN!!!!!!! Speaking of Osadai, Alcot's new release Onigokko might be similar (I don't know if it is going to be overtop like osadai >_>.) It already has the English trailer like the Osadai one wwwww. Same case here, i also need better connection *sigh*. My barrier is still strong , but the recent games all have imoutos. Some even has hidden imouto as the true route >_> *looks at HGB*.

I predict Mahoyoru to be released at the end of this year about Nov or December wwww.

Typo Nasuverse. Still waiting for more details on the connection between 3days and 11eyes~.

Seriously, I have no idea what game is that. Looks like something from Custom Maid 3D www. I don't particularly pay attention to 3D games and nukiges much lol.
3D games do no want www. Nice song though. Need better version instead of youtube version. Nukiges using a fripside song to improve sales?WWWWWWWW

I can listen to this track and song in KittoSumi whole day >_>.

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Anyone here play jangokuhime ?
I got the problem that the text in game not show when I play it.
So What should I do? I run it on XP S3
This is the pic

Who knows. Are you using a translation patch? If so it may not have been applied correctly...? Is your system set to Japanese locale? Oftentimes the locale setting helps as well. Other than that, it's impossible for us to figure out not having the game.

@ Ayano - No idea, never play Jangokuhime.

Remixes of the OST. YnS anime uses remixes of the original OST of the VN which is one of the highlights of the anime.

Nah, some VNs ported to the PSP has some extra stuffs such as additional heroine/story/epilogue. The Itsusora PS2 version has extra epilogue after the original epilogue and some more content. SO MUCH WANT. (I played it already though xD).

Gothic vampires so much want~ The only memorable stuffs in Mayoi is Nozomi and that EPIC PING PONG GAME WWWWWWW. LNs are too hard to decipher, I read chinese translated manga quite a lot (as always chinese translation is faster and more). I want a Lynette x Luna route.... There is also an imouto inside Bloody Rondo, no spoiling you though xD.

Osadai is so ROFL. YES WE CAN!!!!!!! Speaking of Osadai, Alcot's new release Onigokko might be similar (I don't know if it is going to be overtop like osadai >_>.) It already has the English trailer like the Osadai one wwwww. Same case here, i also need better connection *sigh*. My barrier is still strong , but the recent games all have imoutos. Some even has hidden imouto as the true route >_> *looks at HGB*.

I predict Mahoyoru to be released at the end of this year about Nov or December wwww.

Typo Nasuverse. Still waiting for more details on the connection between 3days and 11eyes~.

Seriously, I have no idea what game is that. Looks like something from Custom Maid 3D www. I don't particularly pay attention to 3D games and nukiges much lol.
3D games do no want www. Nice song though. Need better version instead of youtube version. Nukiges using a fripside song to improve sales?WWWWWWWW

I can listen to this track and song in KittoSumi whole day >_>.

Hey Kou, at 2:16 who/what game is that?
I play so many VN now (more than 100 VN) so my setting is Japanese and Jangokuhime don't have any patch cause it is out a few day ago.
It seem I got problem about VN from this company cause Moe Moe world war2 also got this problem when I play it.
@ d.sangria119 - From Kitto Sumi wataru Asairo Yori mo

Just have to get this out wwwwww.

Lynette!!!!! WHY YOU SO BADASS?

Claiming as waifu <3
Errr~ Does anyone here play the game "Hinokakera" - it's a fighting game but have visual novel's story features. The story is quite good, art is great for a doujin game :)
Haven't tried it, but text not showing on the main window instead of on the text hooker is rather unusual. Check your locale settings and make sure your system supports every aspect of it, including the fonts. Or it could also be that the engine Gesen18 uses is problematic for non-Japanese systems? Get a no region patch if available, or Vistalisator?

Played it for a bit, but somewhat got bored. :p Fighting games are just not my cup of tea, I guess. I did notice that it did cause some hype though. However, for a fighting game, I prefer Magical Battle Arena lol.

Remixes, eh? If they do it like how SAT did remixes for fripSide's older songs, then it's cool. Unless they do trance remixes, which I'm not really fond of. But I guess it should be okay since it's 5pb. after all. Yeah, I do know that VN remakes on PSP usually have extra stuff. Though, most also strip the H content off. xD But since I have neither a PSP nor a PS2, I'll just enjoy the additional side contents like new OSTs and such. Like for example, Pastel Chime getting remade on PSP resulted in nao's new single (>ω<)

Gothic vampires, mmm, depends. Tsukihime gave some nice examples like Arcueid and Zepia. Nozomi is still a good character despite the animu's failness, imo. Yeah, that ping pong wwwwwwwwwwwww. Haha, my kanji reading skill is far from being sufficient to read LNs. Can't read Chinese either ;_; Lynette x Luna would be an awesome pair. Praise 3rdEye for making those two characters in their first game. Imouto chara? I'm not Checkmate, so it's not a necessity or whatsoever. :p

Osadai is indeed lulz. Yukinoch! Ascension of the President! Daitouryou da, osananajimi ja nai. </elshaddaireference> Haven't seen Onigokko's trailer yet, but Alcot's games are mostly to my liking (yeah, including Real Imouto w). Well, at least you don't download at around 30KBps or less, I guess? :p

Yeeeeeeeah, tell me about that - if a few months ago eroge releases were swamped with traps nowadays they're swamped with incestuous materials. And of course, easy to guess, imoutos dominate! We need more Cube-like games and less Sphere-like games. :p Meh, Typemoon might as well release Mahoyoru deliberately on an event, like Christmas or so (though I don't think it suits the theme in the slightest).

I've never played 3days tbh. xD Though if it's about companies aiming to make their own universes, I guess Lass isn't the only one.

/me facepalms. After a little research, it seems to be Yukiho Hagiwara from Idolmasters. Just. With. A. Face. That. Asks. To. Be. Raped. More. Than. It. Already. Was. On. The. Animu. It seems that it's an Xbox360 Idolmaster game where you can have Yukiho (or possibly the other idols) dance according to a certain song? Though, there are two things that make me concerned: who that spineless and perverted-looking guy is, and why/since when Idolmaster became a groping game - at least, that's how it looks, or AT LEAST, a dating sim, or actually, since WHEN was there a guy in Idolmaster? wwwwwwwwww

Here's the mp3 version of that Youtube video, with full length.

There seem to be other videos featuring a combination of dancing Yukiho and fripSide songs - which all seem to be songs from nao's era.

And here's the mp3 version.

As about nukige using fripSide song, well... apparently the opening to Custom Maid 3D was performed by nao, just not under fripSide. xD Though let's not forget the fact that Nanjo Yoshino is an eroge seiyuu, w.

Kittosumi is <3. Lovely artwork (though some of the scenes didn't have enough justice for its artwork) and overall good quality. If we're talking about songs though, I seem to be addicted to Connect, currently. And I used to say that ClariS was overrated. orz

Lynette, eh? Dang it. LUNA! LUNA!!!1!11!!2!12
@ d.sangria119 - From Kitto Sumi wataru Asairo Yori mo

Just have to get this out wwwwww.

Lynette!!!!! WHY YOU SO BADASS?

Claiming as waifu <3

Thank you. :D

@DichVuMaiTang - I've heard of Hi no kakera! Actually I played it once, back in the day, but I forgot about it til now. ^^; And I only was playing single player, so... =\

@Ignis: Definitely checking out Magical Battle Arena. :3
Finally done with Anaxael, really... Nitro Plus games always amazing :)
Btw, it seem Flyable Heart patch is almost done. Perhaps i'll replay it with E patch....
Well, all VN that I play so far don't have this problem ne just some VN from Gesen18 got this problem

Awww!!! Its been so long, since 2009! No release date yet, I am so bumped. But theres new CGs and all, thats a bonus~~ *Hoot Hoot* Release it quick, Ricotta! And make more games~ *hammers head into wall like crazy fanboy*

*wants more waifu too.*

3days and 11eyes? I thought the only much valid link between them was the magical society, index or something i forgot. that one where shiori is from. Ah, there was also some treasures or something, such as Kakeru's eyes. I didnt play 3days, so i dont really know too. =p anycase, i dont have a working psp too. my brother spoilt my 2 a total of 4 times already, had enough. will be anticipating persona forma though, more secks is always welcomed~

*facepalms* so the 3-d maid thingy opening song was done by nao? no wonder it sounded so familiar when my friend showed me the video.

@iggy, on side note, would you mind uploading your fripside songs here? I cant really find the older songs done by nao when she was still there.
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