Not sure if there's a better place to post this but...
The WaffleStore is going be adding more items to their Point Service* on August 26 this year, which is going to include the still un-uploaded Estoria DLC. Additionally, related to DLC that have not been uploaded yet, this batch is also going to include the Bra&Mug DLC for Gaiden and the Bath DLC for 2; the last un-uploaded DLC for 3 is already up on store. It doesn't have the Shamshiel palette swap for Gaiden, however.
Regardless, it should be theoretically possible for someone to upload the last remaining DLC; AFAIK the 4 mentioned above are the only one's remaining across the series.
*The Point Service works by, if you buy 5000 yen or more worth of PC games directly off of the Waffle Store, they'll package a serial number that you can use to download one of a "limited" selection of previously released Tokuten. Note that shipping and handling is *not* included in the final price. Additionally, for every additional 5000 yen worth of games that you buy, you'll get 1 additional serial number (so 10000 yen = 2 numbers, 15000 = 3, etc.)
Sorry if disturb, but can you please reupload this game? Thanks in advance.✨shine✨-250123-アンクルおじ-フタナリ制服少女rpg~異世界からの侵略者~-ver1-06-rj01322235.1619486/