Weather !

Rained today, luckily I was safely indoors. :casserole:
Weather's been good and dandy, can't complain.
Rained a lot late afternoon, and it's still a bit chilly.
unpleasant weather, sometimes hot and sometimes cold, then it makes me very uncomfortable, I prefer cooler
because I can work focused........

Depends how human is, Singnature and etc...

People have power of the Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth.

I'm Scorpio - Water, i love rain, storm, and ice. I hate the sun and few days when the sky have a lot of thick fog, when my head hurts. I'm asmatic.
Somehow unbalanced, I mean: In the next min. raining it and in the sec. is it hot - Seems that the nature sometimes weird is.
Nature made up for the rainy days with a dry one today~~~

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