Well currently I've with the newer anime-group started, say: Hyakka ryouran 2, RDG, Yahari ore no seishun love come wa machigatteiru, Hataraku maou-sama, Dansai bunri no Crime Edge and Date a live. - Just from earlier anime-group still D.C. Da Capu watch. ...Oh!!! I forgot Little Busters!
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mmm i just see the Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai. 2 Ep1 :D something tells me it won;t be so good like the first one...
Currently watching Darker than Black Season 2 while playing games.

BUt i dont recommend it to everyone. Planning to stop watching this one coz i dont like the flow of the story already. But the season one is so good. better watch it. I enjoyed watching while playing no deposit bonus
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Currently watching nothing........But thinking about getting something perhaps very very soonish. Got something on my hdd i haven't watched yet.
Currently watching Darker than Black Season 2 while playing games.

BUt i dont recommend it to everyone. Planning to stop watching this one coz i dont like the flow of the story already. But the season one is so good. better watch it.

I've heard from a lot of people that the first season is fantastic, but you shouldn't bother watching the second.
Been pretty busy lately myself so I haven't actually watched anymore anime (spent free time reading some fanfiction I found, actually), but soon I should have some free time and I can get back in action!
I don't normally get into sport anime, but I recently just finished watching Hajime no Ippo and loved it.
I finished BTOOOM! today. Pretty poor, would not recommend. Plot is bad, characters are very unlikable. Story is also incomplete as it stands.
I finished BTOOOM! today. Pretty poor, would not recommend. Plot is bad, characters are very unlikable. Story is also incomplete as it stands.

i told you not worth the time... ;) that;s why i dropped + the rape thing in the start make me puke...
i told you not worth the time... ;) that;s why i dropped + the rape thing in the start make me puke...

Haha, but once I start something it is so hard to stop!!!

Probably watching Psycho Pass next. :D
Hataraku Maou-sama! (The Devil is a Part-Timer)

After the first two episodes, I'm hooked! This new series is fun and interesting!

The great demon Satan is defeated by the hero Emilia, driving him from his kingdom. He escapes to Tokyo, with his right-hand demon Alsiel. One small problem... they have become human. Now they must survive in a cheap apartment, supported by Satan working in a fast food burger joint.

Which supports my theory that fast food is demonic in nature. ;)

To complicate matters, the hero Emilia pursued them to Tokyo intending to kill Satan, but now she's human, too, and must work in a call center to survive.

Now, these mortal foes must learn to co-exist, while trying to find out who has begun to attack them magically.

The show is clever, with good character development, and fine artwork. I recommend Hataraku Maou-sama! to anyone looking for something new!
Currently just started casually watching High school of the dead that I already had on my HDD
Today: Hataraku maou-sama! ep. 2 and Photokano ep. 2.
I'm now watching Guilty Crown, but there's this weird loop going on :
I give up after 1-2 episodes because it's too silly
Inori basically haunts my mind when i'm not watching, urging me to continue
I watch 1-2 more episodes
Repeat ad nauseum
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re watching Chihayafuru Karuta Club all the way :D

P.S. Chihaya Ayase one of the most nice designed character in my opinion :D i loved here !!!
I finished watching Tasogare Otome x Amnesia today, slowly watching it for the past while. Nothing special, but the animation was actually surprisingly well done for the most part. Every now and then they do something really weird/derpy though >_>

Mostly just ecchi/harem with some High-school fun-time antics mixed in. Might recommend as junk-food, if that kind of thing is your cup of tea, but nothing more.
Just finished re-watching the first season, Futari Wa Pretty Cure. Although a few other seasons might have been better, the original still holds the charm that has made Pretty Cure (PreCure) a successful franchise for 10 seasons, now.
I discovered Kuragehime an old josei anime... it looks fun so far. I wonder if
they already wrote an dorama out of this, since it looks like it would be great in live action.

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