What anime would you like to live in?

what, having angel come after you with a sword and being propelled into the roof by a seat?

yeah sounds fun!
lol i was just thinking about an Illusion Game with Rift and Cinect support :XD:
you've lost me haha, but anyway, it sounds fun desu~~
Hmm... well not like youre actually going to be feeling your head smash through the ceiling ;p
haha good point... it'd be a fun experience, but maybe dog days would be good for action without getting put in too much danger... besides the evil spirit/monster things
RPG would be cool to i think standing in front of an NPC an interact with him or like in Skyrim figth big dragons and stuff
if it were like skyrim id only get married for the money haha
:XD: mhh i guess i would choos oblivion anyway it was so mutch better lol
yeah i liked the pirate dlc for it, i was pure evil to make up for the good on the fallout series
i somehow never going to be evil in games i always end up asthe good guy xD
its hard for me to be evil, all i done was rob people blind haha, and well ordered an assassination once by accident... desu~~ RIP
i kind of remember those accidents from assasins creed brotherhood lol
assassins creed is my favorite series, if they sort out some minor problems i think it will be one of the top range games, btw, if i were to get a rune factory game, which one would you recomend, i dont have a wii >.<
mhh for me the AC series kind of died with ac3 i just didnt liked it ... but for rune factory dont know i just played the first one and downloaded the 3 but didnt played it yet
im trying out 3, i quite like it but i dont know if i should buy that one or the ps3 one -.-
there is an anime where the hero is stucked in an island where there is only girls , well i wish to live their !!!!
A world like Index would be pretty cool, as long as you didn't get suck with some really lame ability (seems like that would be a pretty painful fate, for a lot of people :().
No it's not a hentai XD, it's the story of a dude escaped from his house , and went traveling with a boat and got stucked in the paradise island ( MY DREAM ISLAND where only girls live in ) forgot the name tough !!
It's hard to choose just one but One Piece would be up there on my list just the whole world seems so great to me :P
also Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon because i just love the anime and the whole being at war with everyone to protect the person you love ahh :P haha

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