What are you downloading right now?

[141226][フロントウイング] アイドル魔法少女 ちるちる☆みちる 後編. Didn't really pay attention earlier to the fact that Michiru from Grisaia had her own little standalone.
[121214][Pulltop Latte] 彼女と俺と恋人と。 and [120518][Minori] すぴぱら STORY #01 - Spring Has Come!
Absolute Duo ep. 11 - Damn it. The end nears, I wanna at least still 10~20 eps...:deadsad:
Some anime. DDLs for others are slow as hell for the second day.
Dunno, maybe I await rather the upcoming eps from Shinmai and CanKolle tomorrow...>_>

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