What are you downloading right now?

Shining Hearts: Shiawase no Pan - 04... I still don't really get what the point of this show is. Maybe I need to play the game?
[Black Cyc] Kami ju Kamoi Kagura (Kajirikamuikagura)
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Ep. 05 and Tasogare Otome x Amnesia Ep. 05
random music that I'll probably never listen to and will end up in a long lost folder.
Codec packs and filters... encoding videos... bleh...
Divx and some updates for video/music converters
More music to my enormous collection:

[TTA] (C81)(同人音楽)(東方)[White_Elephant] Love is a battle.
As usual, Shakugan no Shana still.
I stopped dl-ing SnS for a while to download Special A. :D
Upotte!! 5, The Knight in the Area 18
Redownloading past episodes of Sankarea so that i'm getting them all from the same group.

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