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F**king amazing [MENTION=27120]DavRoc777[/MENTION]

Does anyone recognise the sample? Please let me know, thanks!
I'm pretty sure it's the same sample from "Beats Laments the World"
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F**king amazing [MENTION=27120]DavRoc777[/MENTION]

Does anyone recognise the sample? Please let me know, thanks!
I'm pretty sure it's the same sample from "Beats Laments the World"

I DO!!! Can I say what it is??
Lol it's Shiki No Uta - Minmi if that's what you were looking for lol
No no, I'm looking for the sample (〃´∀`〃)

Right now I believe it's from this

Edit / yep, it is! ( ´∀`)

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