What did you have for your breakfast this morning ?

Nothing. In fact, it`s 3am and I haven`t had anything to eat in the last 16hrs except for some chicken from Jack-in-the-Box. Too busy with FFVII.
left overs from yesterday's luch tomato salad with cucumber with 2 slices of bread
1 Cappuccino with Croissant chocolate :D (yeap today a little chocolate needed...)
I haven't woken up completely yet. But my late night snack(s) consisted of toasted croissant(s) and cold milk mixed with sugarless soy milk.
My breakfast became toasted croissants again (x3) with heated up meatballs (x3) along with 3 hashes and water- unhealthy way to start -_-' , I haveta cut down on those carbos and get addicted to beansprouts (moyashi)
Baguette, ice-blended vanilla and moist chocolate with fruit toppings.

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