What do you do on rainy days?

hope that the rain doesn't affect the power and shut off my computer.
browsing the internet or watching some anime while drinking some hot chocolate is nice~
hydroplaned while walking today. almost did the splits. luckily class had ended early today so there weren't many people who saw me do that except for some friends (who are used to seeing that sort of thing happen to me). walked away fast with my head down.
Pretty much what I do on non-rainy days, stay inside and work on random things. Games, projects, etc. Although, it sucks if it's a day I'm suppose to exercise and can't....
Find booklets (BK) for these albums that don't have them on rainy days~
I go outside, play with my dogs get wet and dirty but have fun. At least that's what i did last time it rained but usually i stare at the window while playing some piano ^^!~
Play some beat with my friends at the studio....
Japanese Rock music tough... so technically ruined the rainy atmosphere...

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