*Job Class change to Necromancer*
I was digging some profiles, (namely the topic starter's

Nice thread.
Mine's not necessarily this planet, but it's inhabitants.
-Negative people
-People who reject ideas flat-out without even having full understanding of it, especially ones that involves things that aren't proven or discovered by the current "Science" yet, though gets tackled often in the field of Quantum Physics.
-Close minded people
-Scarcity of everything (i.e. Food and Money), which in turn, causes a chain reaction of wars, crimes, inflation rate increase and other negative stuff here and there. (If a Replicator got invented and there is abundance of everything, this whole world's mess will surely be gone in a short amount of time and a real "Utopia" will be born)
-Corruption of the ones in power
-World government's main focus being the development of military weapons and other things that destroys, instead of using all those time, effort and heap-loads of cash to research and develop something useful for this planet and its inhabitants including mankind. (Seriously though, a knife and a bow and arrow, and well, a loaded gun, can already kill someone, why waste all that money, time and effort to even build Weapons of Mass Destruction and Biological Weapons that costs a hell lot of money?
This is one of the things that fascinates me with the humans of this current era, as well as what makes me confused and always makes me wonder about what's the sense of making all these stuff? I also find it ironic that most, if not all of those money that they used to create those weapons that kills living things also came from the tax payers who may very well be this weapon's own victim in the near future hahahaha!)