What do you want to experience before you die?

-Go to Tokyo, Japan, and experience all the bizarre things known to man firsthand,
-Develop an RPG game, one that is up to par with titles like Mana Khemia, Atelier Iris, and Ar Tonelico,
-See the US collapse, or at least see them repent for their arrogance up 'til now. No offense, Americans :P

Without doing those three, I'll most likely respawn instead of dying .__.
-Go to Tokyo, Japan, and experience all the bizarre things known to man firsthand,
-Develop an RPG game, one that is up to par with titles like Mana Khemia, Atelier Iris, and Ar Tonelico,
-See the US collapse, or at least see them repent for their arrogance up 'til now. No offense, Americans :P

Without doing those three, I'll most likely respawn instead of dying .__.

I totally agree! they messes with Japanese eroge! that's not tolerated! :XD:
Play one last game of monopoly with my friends and when one of us wins we'll go:

Winner: "Hey guys! Hey guys! Guess What?"

Others: "What?"

Winner throws monopoly money on floor.

Winner: "I'm rolling in money~! Hahaha!"

And yes we've done this before =] Good times.
Having all cd and dvd's of Angel Beats especially Crow Song Album with Iwasawa :D
"Borrow" all those dvds and cds and get whatever else is related like the radio show xD
Throwing with [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] basketball's at someone's crotch
Lol siggy too big now~ ;p theres a little limit though if you dont change now mods will ask later~
Hmm probably not death~ not from mod anyway :goodtea: Maybe theyll just force some change if you dun listen~
Egozi: dam my CD just got scratched! i ganaa die!~ i going to die@!! :neardead: "

Egozi's friends: who the hell use CDs these days anyway? won't it be better to just burn this dam 2D Mario game on DVD instead?

Egozi: i going to build my RIP! :runaway:

Egozi's friends: Wait.... don't do it@! :dontleave:

Egozi: So you do care after all! :happytears:

Egozi's friends: What's the point about build a RIP if we don't kill you first :traitor:

Egozi: :runaway:

Egozi's friends: We were joking.... Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

One day later

Egozi: Hi guys =D how you all been today? :bye:

Egozi's friends: Ummm... don't you suppose to be sad and crying all
over the place about that scratched CD thing? O_o

Egozi: Ha? because of that thing? I'm over it ( ¯‿ゝ¯)

Egozi's friends: Ͼ(ಠ_ಠ)Ͽ (ಠ ›ಠ) (•̪●) Why we even ask.....
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tkdaks1208 wrote on FlameCross145's profile.
After the incident in f95, I too was looking for an alternative site and came here.
fartass wrote on Shine's profile.
This game has recently gotten a content update https://www.anime-sharing.com/threads/✨shine✨-240330-山田工房-逆襲の冒険者-ver1-06-rj01162898.1463473/ could you update it please? thanks in advance.
nnnnnnoooooo wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, can you upload 催眠性指導 宫岛母娘 抱き枕カバー特典CD?thank you!!😁
lamepotato wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Dear Nihonjaki90, I would really appreciate it if you reuploaded 英雄*戦姫GOLD. Thanks!