What game are you currently playing?

Haha, which difficulty? xD

Normal. orz... First month playing that game and I'm slowly getting there. At the start I wasn't able to evade some of the 1st Boss Attack until I memorized her basic patterns. Then 2nd Boss kept killing me until I understood the speed of the bullets, character hit box and the speed my character can move at. With great difficulty I have to admit. 3rd Boss is a horror if I can't focus for 30 seconds straight. Didn't see the walkthrough until someone pointed a Normal Walkthrough out but still... I only managed to get to the last two final spell cards before dying (with 4 lives all spent) on this one boss.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; I've been playing touhou for quite a while. Either you start with Easy but Normal will feel like a HUGE difference. If you start with Normal you'll have to get the hang of it and then it becomes easier. I started on Easy on Touhou 8: Imperishable Night and made it to the 5th boss on my first try. Later I got better and managed to beat it on Easy without dying or using bombs. And by now I can play through Hard and survive the first 3 stages without dying or using bombs while the last 3 stages will consume some bombs. Touhou 8 is generally easier than Touhou 6 though since you can't see your hitbox in Touhou 6. But you'll get used to your hitbox eventually.
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: That's true. Most games I would just put on the hardest difficulty without thinking twice. I did it on this one and it destroyed my morale and confidence instantly. So I just went with normal since I just want to play it to the end. Still it's pretty interesting how people get through these games. It's only six stages yet when you put on max difficulty, it makes a world of difference. Rarely I would games like this on the difficulty scale where it actually makes me think what I have to do on the go. Sounds like you're getting through the other installments of Touhou pretty well. Guess it's everyone to their own capabilities.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Yeah, hardest difficulty on this would be... suicide xD I got a nice laugh though since I think I tried the same thing once xD Yeah, Easy in Touhou 6 only got 5 stages while Normal got all stages. You can play on Easy on the other touhou games and play all stages except for Touhou 2 and 4 I think ^^ I wish you good luck with this :3 I've been playing Touhou for about 3-4 years now so that could be the reason xD
Playing お嬢様のドキドキ大作戦 ~呪われた紅の館~ right now.

[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; Lunatic is quite a suicide run for me too ^^. I have completed touhou games from touhou 2 up to 9 on normal and ( and on hard for some of them) but right now meiling and patchouli are still quite troublesome on Lunatic (don't even get me started with sakuya and remilia xD) Guess I'll content myself with finishing touhou games on the hard setting ^^.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Yeah, hardest difficulty on this would be... suicide xD I got a nice laugh though since I think I tried the same thing once xD Yeah, Easy in Touhou 6 only got 5 stages while Normal got all stages. You can play on Easy on the other touhou games and play all stages except for Touhou 2 and 4 I think ^^ I wish you good luck with this :3 I've been playing Touhou for about 3-4 years now so that could be the reason xD

Ah okay, well it's a long journey to get past all stages without using a continue I guess. But yeah, it's KAMIKAZE to do Lunatic without honed experience on playing your favorite character in Touhou 6.

Playing お嬢様のドキドキ大作戦 ~呪われた紅の館~ right now.

[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; Lunatic is quite a suicide run for me too ^^. I have completed touhou games from touhou 2 up to 9 on normal and ( and on hard for some of them) but right now meiling and patchouli are still quite troublesome on Lunatic (don't even get me started with sakuya and remilia xD) Guess I'll content myself with finishing touhou games on the hard setting ^^.

Guess you would have to. Otherwise you going to devote your life on this game for a long time.


Game Log: Busy....

Now playing the following with others as testing (which is not currently not listed):
- OjyoNana (お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ) [1.5 Route to go]
- Motesugi (モテすぎて修羅場なオレ) [1 Route, 2.0 Memories to go]
- [August] 大図書館の羊飼い [Completed 1 Route, now on Tamano Sakuraba]
- [WendyBell] エッチから恋を引いても、友達にさえなれない [Functioning]
- [Circus] Da Capo III X-Rated [Rika Route, now at the 3rd Arc of her route]
- [Yuzusoft] Dracu-Riot! [Miu Route, 1/5 in her Arc]
- [ま~まれぇど] 恋色マリアージュ [Finishing of Rinastasia Route Extra. 3 More routes to go.]
- [Navel] 月に寄りそう乙女の作法 [Complete Luna Route, Almost Completed Mizuho Route]

Online and Offline Games Include the following:
- Elsword [Battle Mage: 39, Elemental Master: 19, Rena: 13]
- League of Legends [No gain. Just farming wins.]
- Shogun 2 [Playing on Very Hard Mode. Currently making a samurai only army that will wipe any forces off the field. Naturally I'm using different units to achieve different objectives within the battle field.]
- Tales of Abyss [Anise is now almost level 160. A bit more to go.]
- Touhou 06 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil [3rd Stage Boss. Massive struggle!]
- Rune Factory 3 [Got bored and actually almost got Sofia at level 100.]
Still playing (or rather stuck on) お嬢様のドキドキ大作戦 ~呪われた紅の館~ (Want the fly ability so badly T_T ).

[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION] ; For me Lunatic is more or less a way to try to push my limits before going to a lowest setting ^^ (If we speak of touhou games prior to 6, then I'd say the Hard difficulty is a way to push my limits xD ), I'm not going to play it until rage quit, but one or two runs on a higher difficulty just for the laughs is still entertaining (and interesting at times) before playing on the usual difficulty :) .
The ultimate goal of any touhou games for me is to clear the extra stage and to experience all spellcards. Since Lunatic re-use hard spellcards ( in a more difficult version), I consider clearing lunatic as a bonus ^^.
[MENTION=57681]kainreaver[/MENTION]: Honestly speaking, I like the Lunatic version of the spell cards than the Normal ones at the moment. It's truly beautiful and well... deadly. Still I do sometimes do that except after I get a little frustrated on Normal to remind me that this is where people who's really good at the game is really at.
[MENTION=57681]kainreaver[/MENTION]: Honestly speaking, I like the Lunatic version of the spell cards than the Normal ones at the moment. It's truly beautiful and well... deadly. Still I do sometimes do that except after I get a little frustrated on Normal to remind me that this is where people who's really good at the game is really at.

Indeed, the beauty of the spellcards patterns is also what first lead me to love touhou universe ^^ (It's also why I can't call a touhou game complete until I have seen every pattern ^^)
[MENTION=57681]kainreaver[/MENTION]: Yeah, I know what you mean. Each level of difficulty presents a different pattern for each spells. Nothing is ever complete until you seen the entire thing. Its a long way ahead to be able to get through each spell card in the stages and beat it. Even if you use Practice Mode, you still have to pass the stage with that difficulty level to get the next stage, I think.
Last edited:
Primity Noel by Magical Girl. Short VNs fit in my schedule these days.

Heroes of Might and Magic III: Long Live the King campaign, game-wise.
I am playing tales of vesperia in ps3 now.
Haruka 5 in psp.
And some other visual novel game.
Heroes of Might and Magic: Armageddon's Blade expansion.
Game Log: Was on League of Legend and completed a victorious match for Ranked. Play Last Remnant again and Dracu-Riot!. Considering advancing other Visual Novels as well.

Now playing the following with others as testing (which is not currently not listed):
- OjyoNana (お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ) [1.5 Route to go]
- Motesugi (モテすぎて修羅場なオレ) [1 Route, 2.0 Memories to go]
- [August] 大図書館の羊飼い [Completed 1 Route, now on Tamano Sakuraba]
- [WendyBell] エッチから恋を引いても、友達にさえなれない [Functioning]
- [Circus] Da Capo III X-Rated [Rika Route, now at the 3rd Arc of her route]
- [Yuzusoft] Dracu-Riot! [Miu Route, 1/5 in her Arc]
- [ま~まれぇど] 恋色マリアージュ [Finishing of Rinastasia Route Extra. 3 More routes to go.]
- [Navel] 月に寄りそう乙女の作法 [Complete Luna Route, Almost Completed Mizuho Route]

Online and Offline Games Include the following:
- Elsword [Battle Mage: 39, Elemental Master: 19, Rena: 13]
- League of Legends [No gain. Just farming wins.]
- Shogun 2 [Playing on Very Hard Mode. Currently making a samurai only army that will wipe any forces off the field. Naturally I'm using different units to achieve different objectives within the battle field.]
- Tales of Abyss [Anise is now almost level 160. A bit more to go.]
- Touhou 06 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil [3rd Stage Boss. Massive struggle!]
- Rune Factory 3 [Got bored and actually almost got Sofia at level 100.]
- The Last Remnant [Traveling to Elysion]
Soul Sacrifice (PS Vita) [Currently on 2nd Cerberus battle it keeps kicking my but -_-]
I'm currently playing Minecraft on the Xbox 360.

And since I can't wait for the release of Saint's Row IV I downloaded Far Cry 2, GTA IV (I already deleted them after the first mission), Dead Rising 2 (and Case Zero), Hitman HD-Pack and Hitman: Blood Money ... I hope thats enough to play until I get SR4 :D
Game Log: A bit of MOBA games then went through Navel's VN at the moment. Nothing else more since I spent more time thinking about something else.

Now playing the following with others as testing (which is not currently not listed):
- OjyoNana (お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ) [1.5 Route to go]
- Motesugi (モテすぎて修羅場なオレ) [1 Route, 2.0 Memories to go]
- [August] 大図書館の羊飼い [Completed 1 Route, now on Tamano Sakuraba]
- [WendyBell] エッチから恋を引いても、友達にさえなれない [Functioning]
- [Circus] Da Capo III X-Rated [Rika Route, now at the 3rd Arc of her route]
- [Yuzusoft] Dracu-Riot! [Miu Route, 1/5 in her Arc]
- [ま~まれぇど] 恋色マリアージュ [Finishing of Rinastasia Route Extra. 3 More routes to go.]
- [Navel] 月に寄りそう乙女の作法 [Complete Luna and Mizuho Route. Currently completing Yushusia Route.]

Online and Offline Games Include the following:
- Elsword [Battle Mage: 39, Elemental Master: 19, Rena: 13]
- League of Legends [Minor gain and farming IP.]
- Shogun 2 [Playing on Very Hard Mode. Currently making a samurai only army that will wipe any forces off the field. Naturally I'm using different units to achieve different objectives within the battle field.]
- Tales of Abyss [Anise is now almost level 160. A bit more to go.]
- Touhou 06 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil [3rd Stage Boss. Massive struggle!]
- Rune Factory 3 [Sofia and some other characters are almost at average of level 500 or more. Sofia is actually the highest interestingly enough with the current level 600 to 800 at the moment.]
- The Last Remnant [Traveling to Elysion but went and side tracked to Southern Road or something like that.]
Game Log: Demoted and hovering at promotion again for League of Legends. Still playing the underlined visual novels and games.

Now playing the following with others as testing (which is not currently not listed):
- OjyoNana (お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ) [1.5 Route to go]
- Motesugi (モテすぎて修羅場なオレ) [1 Route, 2.0 Memories to go]
- [August] 大図書館の羊飼い [Completed 1 Route, now on Tamano Sakuraba]
- [WendyBell] エッチから恋を引いても、友達にさえなれない [Functioning]
- [Circus] Da Capo III X-Rated [Rika Route, now at the 3rd Arc of her route]
- [Yuzusoft] Dracu-Riot! [Miu Route, 1/5 in her Arc]
- [ま~まれぇど] 恋色マリアージュ [Finishing of Rinastasia Route Extra. 3 More routes to go.]
- [Navel] 月に寄りそう乙女の作法 [Complete Luna and Mizuho Route. Currently completing Ursule=Fluer=Jeanmire Route.]

Online and Offline Games Include the following:
- Elsword [Battle Mage: 39, Elemental Master: 19, Rena: 13]
- League of Legends [Demoted and and Promotion again. Funny.]
- Shogun 2 [Playing on Very Hard Mode. Currently making a samurai only army that will wipe any forces off the field. Naturally I'm using different units to achieve different objectives within the battle field.]
- Tales of Abyss [Anise is now almost level 160. A bit more to go.]
- Touhou 06 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil [3rd Stage Boss. Massive struggle!]
- Rune Factory 3 [Going to just Rush and finish the game. Probably going to OHKO the final boss anyway.]
- The Last Remnant [Traveling to Elysion but went and side tracked to Southern Road or something like that.][/U
VN :
*Bunny Black
*Diabolik Lovers

PC Game :
*Payday 2 (clown attack, money get)
*Saints Row IV (aim to be the president of U.S)
*Splinter Cell Blacklist (Fisher is Fishy)

PS3 Game:
*MGS 4: Guns of The Patriots (im [look] old but still kicking!)
*MGRising: Revengeance (Jack the Ripper is Back!)

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ProfProcPlot wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

[2001][e-Erekiteru] Suiso ~1/2 no Kiseki~(水素~1/2の奇蹟~) [Soundtrack OP+ ED + Update]


ShowMeYourMoves wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi, could you reupload this one? Thank you.
Sk0rlupka wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, I would be very grateful if you could share this: