What game are you currently playing?

憑依変身エクストラソウルズ, Amethyst's route.
Ao no Kiseki Evolution (When I finish, next will be Sen no Kiseki and Sen no Kiseki II)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Full Boost
Tales of Xillia 2
Hyrule Warriors
dragons dogma:dark arisen

witch and the hundred knight

kuroi ryuu to yasashii oukokuu
Crusader Kings II. 2.2 update, and it's nice to have more screen estate; my home monitor's too small.
I edited the wrong post and ended up saving it. orz So I'll just post it here and move on.


Game Log: Is now broke in-game for Elsword NA. orz Bought almost all my costume and only one person traded. Currently looking to sell my Dual Stones... and End Gear Set in the near future.
  • Elsword NA: Spent tons of my virtual assets to secure tons of costumes that I liked...
  • Supreme Commander FA - I'm done with this game. It's over.
  • Playing a lot of random Visual Novels. Re-installed Material Brave and its expansion.

Now playing the following with others as testing (which is not currently not listed):
- OjyoNana (お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ) [1.5 Route to go]
- Motesugi (モテすぎて修羅場なオレ) [1 Route, 1.5 Memories to go]
- [August] 大図書館の羊飼い [Completed 4 Normal Main Routes, 3 Side Characters, 5 True Ending for all characters. Will redo all the routes and complete the after story once I'm done with my other Visual Novel.]
- [Circus] Da Capo III X-Rated [Rika Route, now at the 3rd Arc of her route]
- [Yuzusoft] Dracu-Riot! [Miu Route, 1/5 in her Arc]
- [ま~まれぇど] 恋色マリアージュ [Finishing of Rinastasia Route Extra. 3 More routes to go.]
- [Navel] 月に寄りそう乙女の作法 [Complete Luna, Mizuho and Ursule=Fluer=Jeanmire Route. Now on Minato Route. Needs to be reinstalled and all the routes I have completed will be redone again.]
- [Yuzusoft] Noble Works [Finished Shizuru route. Completing 灯里 (Akari) route. 2/5 to 3/5 to full completion of her route.]
- [Willplus] 桜舞う乙女のロンド [Completed Ryoko, Manami, Wakana and Mitsuki Route. On my way to completing Sakura Route]
- [Lapis lazuli] 十六夜のフォルトゥーナ [Near the end of Shigure Route. Almost finished...]
- [Windmill Oasis] Happiness! Emotion [Haruhi Route.]

Online and Offline Games Include the following:
- Elsword [Dimension Witch: 70, Elemental Master: 2X, Void Princess: 2X, Grand Archer (Main): 58, Grand Archer (Off 1): 37, Grand Archer (Off 2): 50, Night Watcher: 56, Wind Sneaker: 25, Code Nemesis: 20, Code Battle Seraph: 20, Tactical Trooper: 44, Deadly Chaser: 32. Yama Raja: 22, Burning Heart: 25, Burning Heart (Off 1): 45, Grand Master: 25. Buying and selling stuff.]
- Tales of Abyss [Currently getting Ashe to that Replica Experimental Cave. Oh I already finished it once though.]
- Touhou 06 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil [Still at Stage 4 and dying to Patchy]
- The Last Remnant [Almost at the Battle of Eagles]

Completed Game log (will phase it out in next game log):
Still Crusader Kings II. I'll admit I'm not playing the game the hard way; I'm all about having a jolly amusing time lording it over people. Playing an emira married to her lord in 867 AD for example was just plain silly (no chance of continuing past the first generation due to Sunni succession laws), as was hiring a 20k doom stack of mercenaries to stop King Halfdan's historical invasion of the regions of Northumbria, Mercia and Wessex, or crushing the Byzantine Empire's assault on Armenia.
Game Log: Farmed a ton of costumes. But none of them was the one I wanted. So I ended up buying a whole heap of them. Again.
  • Elsword NA: Spent tons of my virtual assets to secure tons of costumes that I liked... (repeat)
  • Re-Installing all Essemble Games and other visual novels before my computer locks up again...
  • [Lapis lazuli] 十六夜のフォルトゥーナ [Near the end of Shigure Route and finished her ecchi scene. Wow, that took a total 2 to 3 months to do. Was so busy at work and playing other games...]

Now playing the following with others as testing (which is not currently not listed):
- OjyoNana (お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ) [1.5 Route to go]
- Motesugi (モテすぎて修羅場なオレ) [1 Route, 1.5 Memories to go]
- [August] 大図書館の羊飼い [Completed 4 Normal Main Routes, 3 Side Characters, 5 True Ending for all characters. Will redo all the routes and complete the after story once I'm done with my other Visual Novel.]
- [Circus] Da Capo III X-Rated [Rika Route, now at the 3rd Arc of her route]
- [Yuzusoft] Dracu-Riot! [Miu Route, 1/5 in her Arc]
- [ま~まれぇど] 恋色マリアージュ [Finishing of Rinastasia Route Extra. 3 More routes to go.]
- [Navel] 月に寄りそう乙女の作法 [Complete Luna, Mizuho and Ursule=Fluer=Jeanmire Route. Now on Minato Route. Needs to be reinstalled and all the routes I have completed will be redone again.]
- [Yuzusoft] Noble Works [Finished Shizuru route. Completing 灯里 (Akari) route. 2/5 to 3/5 to full completion of her route.]
- [Willplus] 桜舞う乙女のロンド [Completed Ryoko, Manami, Wakana and Mitsuki Route. On my way to completing Sakura Route]
- [Lapis lazuli] 十六夜のフォルトゥーナ [Near the end of Shigure Route. Almost finished... Got past the ecchi scene... finally]
- [Windmill Oasis] Happiness! Emotion [Haruhi Route.]

Online and Offline Games Include the following:
- Elsword [Dimension Witch: 70, Elemental Master: 2X, Void Princess: 2X, Grand Archer (Main): 59, Grand Archer (Off 1): 37, Grand Archer (Off 2): 50, Night Watcher: 56, Wind Sneaker: 25, Code Nemesis: 20, Code Nemesis (Off 1): 43, Code Battle Seraph: 20, Tactical Trooper: 44, Deadly Chaser: 32. Yama Raja: 22, Burning Heart: 25, Burning Heart (Off 1): 46, Grand Master: 25. Buying and selling stuff.]
- Tales of Abyss [Currently getting Ashe to that Replica Experimental Cave. Oh I already finished it once though.]
- Touhou 06 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil [Still at Stage 4 and dying to Patchy]
- The Last Remnant [Almost at the Battle of Eagles]

Completed Game log (will phase it out in next game log):
a huge list of different games from: EA origin,,,Desura,,,Steam,,,uplay (over 40 normal games)

and i still have a 500GB of H-games to play. (a average of 200-400) (sorry list is to large to call all of them) (i have mostly all of the games from some company's) (just look at my multi game request list from what i am adding, so you guys get a idea)

(have a 2TB hdd for game storage only) (this is no joke.)
Knight and Princess. Still have over two dozen bad ends to gather CG for, thankfully I've unlocked the 'auto-win' and 'auto-lose' rolls for that.
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Eushully's Madou Koukaku. I've actually played this game for a month last year and enjoyed it very much since it's the first conquest-style SRPG/TRPG I've ever played, but got discouraged after realizing that the level-up stat increases are random. I hate random stat increases 'cause it makes me feel like I have to grind for something completely unnecessary. But now, with plenty of time on my hands, it's time to finish this game once and for all!

So I dug up a Cheat Engine table from the dark recesses of the internet and am abusing it like crazy. Having said that, I don't want to play with 99 stats in everything 'cause that's just boring. So I'm trying to follow the normal (or 'theoretically ideal') growth rates for each stat for each character, and am currently testing to see what the growth rate actually is for a certain character. Most of that stuff is on a Japanese wiki on Madou Koukaku, but some stuff is missing, and that's what I intend to fill in for myself. That may sound intelligent, but all I'm doing is just leveling up the same character from level 1->2 over and over again because I don't know what the actual growth rate is programmed as, where it's stored, or whatever 'cause I suck at computers.

In any case, I'll keep going and collect as many samples as necessary (150 sounds nice). I can be very persistent if I want to be: I didn't catch over 10000 Staryu in Pokémon Blue for nothing!

tl;dr, S&L-ing the same level-up like an idiot. Also, hi to everyone!
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(have a 2TB hdd for game storage only) (this is no joke.)

That's okay. I have a 2 TB HDD dedicated on keeping my favorite Visual Novels Safe and it's at 98% capacity filled.


Game Log: So... I ended up overspending in getting costumes and now trying earn back the amount I spent on getting those costumes.
  • Elsword NA: Spent tons of my virtual assets to secure tons of costumes that I liked... (repeat x2) and now in progress of crafting End Gear to trade for someone in Xmas.
  • Re-Installing all Essemble Games and other visual novels before my computer locks up again...
  • [Lapis lazuli] 十六夜のフォルトゥーナ [Near the end of Shigure Route and finished her ecchi scene. Wow, that took a total 2 to 3 months to do. Was so busy at work and playing other games...]
  • [すたじお緑茶] 南十字星恋歌 [Still in the 2nd half the game, I don't even know which route I'm on. Just finished Chapter 13 I think.]

Now playing the following with others as testing (which is not currently not listed):
- OjyoNana (お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ) [1.5 Route to go]
- Motesugi (モテすぎて修羅場なオレ) [1 Route, 1.5 Memories to go]
- [August] 大図書館の羊飼い [Completed 4 Normal Main Routes, 3 Side Characters, 5 True Ending for all characters. Will redo all the routes and complete the after story once I'm done with my other Visual Novel.]
- [Circus] Da Capo III X-Rated [Rika Route, now at the 3rd Arc of her route]
- [Yuzusoft] Dracu-Riot! [Miu Route, 1/5 in her Arc]
- [ま~まれぇど] 恋色マリアージュ [Finishing of Rinastasia Route Extra. 3 More routes to go.]
- [Navel] 月に寄りそう乙女の作法 [Complete Luna, Mizuho and Ursule=Fluer=Jeanmire Route. Now on Minato Route. Needs to be reinstalled and all the routes I have completed will be redone again.]
- [Yuzusoft] Noble Works [Finished Shizuru route. Completing 灯里 (Akari) route. 2/5 to 3/5 to full completion of her route.]
- [Willplus] 桜舞う乙女のロンド [Completed Ryoko, Manami, Wakana and Mitsuki Route. On my way to completing Sakura Route]
- [Lapis lazuli] 十六夜のフォルトゥーナ [Near the end of Shigure Route. Almost finished... Got past the ecchi scene... finally]
- [Windmill Oasis] Happiness! Emotion [Haruhi Route.]
- [すたじお緑茶] 南十字星恋歌 [Still in the 2nd half the game, I don't even know which route I'm on. Just finished Chapter 13 I think.]

Online and Offline Games Include the following:
- Elsword [Dimension Witch: 70, Elemental Master: 2X, Void Princess: 2X, Grand Archer (Main): 59, Grand Archer (Off 1): 37, Grand Archer (Off 2): 50, Night Watcher: 56, Wind Sneaker: 25, Code Nemesis: 20, Code Nemesis (Off 1): 52, Code Battle Seraph: 20, Tactical Trooper: 44, Deadly Chaser: 32. Yama Raja: 22, Burning Heart: 25, Burning Heart (Off 1): 54, Grand Master: 25. Selling and Trading Stuff]
- Tales of Abyss [Currently getting Ashe to that Replica Experimental Cave. Oh I already finished it once though.]
- Touhou 06 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil [Still at Stage 4 and dying to Patchy]
- The Last Remnant [Almost at the Battle of Eagles]

Completed Game log (will phase it out in next game log):
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Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax (Vita)
Grisaia no Meikyuu: Le Labyrinthe de la Grisaia (Vita) PSP version, I will upload it soon. I waiting this game to be deliver.
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Grisaia no Kajitsu: Le Fruit de la Grisaia (PSP) 100% done
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax (Vita)
Grisaia no Meikyuu: Le Labyrinthe de la Grisaia (Vita) 35% done
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Deladela2000 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Is it possible to re-upload this game?
Sble wrote on UFO's profile.
Hi, Can you reupload the link of this? Please.