What game are you currently playing?

WoW Beta ... hard to keep my ships floating with all those torpedoes in the water ...
Wow, I read that as Fallout 4 for a second and wondered when they stealth released it.

HoTS. The exp boost just started, so time to grab some more 500g pouches! :shopping:
playing dark side in Kotor for the first time....Bioware at it´s best ! ( PC )
HoTS. Came off a game where it was apparent the opposing side was filled with newbies: wrong priorities, poor talent choices, lack of coordination. The massacre was horribly single-sided.
HoTS. One month of exp boosts has finally ended. :happywhistle:
Kotor ( PC ) maybe my most favourite game EVER on any console.....
I'm playing Payday 2 with a friend. He got me to buy it. Amazingly enough it was fun than i thought it would be.
Paranormal Syndrome 2. Going to keep playing RPGMaker Games for now~
Best Hitman game Blood Money. Last game not bad but scenario, 47 save killer clone girl. Whaaat??? awww. For now game in Skyrim Perkus Maximus and many many other addons - mods. And WoT want get free Tank :) Then i dell this imbalanced shit.
2 days ago i get access to Armored Warfare Closed Beta i better game in this. Fuck have i hate artillery in WoT...

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