What game are you currently playing?

Juggling between some new and old games, disk space is withering away.
Newest addition in my collection is: フルウソ -Complete Four Seasons-
Was going to craft something in-game, but server dced and can't get back on my character. Back to Kingdom Come I suppose then.
Under The Moon. It's been a while since I enjoyed a game that much, mostly because you can choose between kind/tender and passionate/destructive routes for almost every partner. It's an opportunity to see the best and the worst sides of your partner, to learn how his behaviour differs depending on your relationship with him. It's interesting how all masks slip in the 愛憎 routes and you see in the end that some guys who normally come off as the kindest people, are actually the worst of them all. I see such a feature for the first time, so it's pretty refreshing.
Leaving Gravity Rush 2 for NieR Automata (PS4). After just a few hours I can safety say it is a masterpiece.
Boring I mod Skyrim now, but that can't be called playing, unless I load test cell. Probably crashes eventually...
Waiting for complete Morrowind/skywind mod to be released also.
NieR Automata (PS4), Tekken 7 (PS4) and Dreadnought (PC).

I didn't say it each and every time but I play Fate/Grand Order and Fire Emblem Heroes daily for more than a year now.
Not too much because of work but I've recently started 7th Dragon III Code VFD.
Can't say I'm enjoying it too much though, the character's are irritating, but it's not so bad as I can put it down without feeling no guilt.

NieR Automata (PS4), Tekken 7 (PS4) and Dreadnought (PC).

I didn't say it each and every time but I play Fate/Grand Order and Fire Emblem Heroes daily for more than a year now.
Hope you enjoy NieR Automata, I loved it. Tekken 7 looks real nice too.
Hope you enjoy NieR Automata, I loved it. Tekken 7 looks real nice too.

I finished NieR. I like the gameplay switching 3D to 2D sidescrolling and shoot'em up. The world is fun to discover again and again.

But I find it not as good as the first NieR.
The soundtrack can't compare. First NieR soundtrack is the best I have ever ear and Automata's one are just very good. I will listen it without playing later for immersion and maybe my opinion will change.
The game is very easy. I die 2 times. Hacking system is a no risk strat. With Platinum Games, I would prefer a difficulty on scale with Metal Gear Rising or Bayonetta. This lack of challenge don't push to try different weapon and using the RPG side of the game.
And most of all, I didn't understand the story, especially the third part (YorHa HQ, SysTour and Pascal's town). Thing comes up at times but why, by who and why now ?

But don't get me wrong. It's a great game. One that can compare Zelda Breath Of The Wild for best game of 2017.
But I find it not as good as the first NieR.
The soundtrack can't compare. First NieR soundtrack is the best I have ever ear and Automata's one are just very good. I will listen it without playing later for immersion and maybe my opinion will change.
The game is very easy. I die 2 times. Hacking system is a no risk strat. With Platinum Games, I would prefer a difficulty on scale with Metal Gear Rising or Bayonetta. This lack of challenge don't push to try different weapon and using the RPG side of the game.
And most of all, I didn't understand the story, especially the third part (YorHa HQ, SysTour and Pascal's town). Thing comes up at times but why, by who and why now ?

But don't get me wrong. It's a great game. One that can compare Zelda Breath Of The Wild for best game of 2017.

Oh so you finished Automata and played the first? Nice.
I agree with you about the soundtrack, I also think the first Nier's OST is one of if not the best I've heard.
It's done so seamlessly too, like when you walk in on the girl (Popola?) singing at the start and her voice matches to the bgm - amazing.
Yeah in comparison with Bayonetta... there isn't much of a challenge to Nier especially after finishing it the first two times/endings.
Perhaps in Nier 3 this'll changing difficulty will be a thought?
Again I agree. to be honest for myself also everything from 3rd ending+, felt like a bit of a mess.

I haven't played Breath of the Wild, I'm sure they give off quite different vibes but I'm glad you think it can compare in fun!
i don´t know if you played it yet so don´t wanna spoiler here but maybe you heard that black isle rushed out the game so at the end it seemed that the game suddenly ended and left the gamers with more questions than answers behind.Some fans from poland restored some of the content (it´s mostly about dialog options,and some more satisfying background story explanations ) also more bug fixing was done.Finally its the way Kotor 2 should be played ( and released ) ... Just go to ModDB you find everything you need there.And finished replaying Kotor 1 ( dark side this time ) few days ago.There are also lots of great mods for Kotor 1.
¡WOW!, no, honestly i don't go soo far with KOTOR 1.
君とつながる恋フラグ and Elsword and...Dark souls REMASTERED..
Uh ohh...yes i want to "DS I" not for me....
why?i don't love it's frame,but it's plot is bloody good...but i don't love this game...
7th Dragon III Code VFD its different and a little better than a dungeon vn but I agree overall its not that exciting imo. Maybe if I didn't pay full price and got it cheap I would have enjoyed it more.
Since I got emulator to work on pc I have been playing Yugioh tag force 2. Love the building your own deck and strategy/timing can go in game. But also extremely frustrating when having just 2 bad turns can very easily mean you lose.
Currently nothing, recently played Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki. Like it a lot, recommend to play despite it being quite long. Although at first it was pretty boring for me, but afterwards I became more addicted to plot, characters and atmosphere as a whole.
Quite a lot of Terraria. Been busy connecting underground abandoned minecart tracks so that when Hardmode begins, I'll have easy travel. :smug:
Finish D.S. -Dal Segno- AO a few days ago I put on hold for a long time even since then I haven't read much VN.
I have start with sequel for it call D.S. i.F. -Dal Segno- in Future

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