What games made you cry?

Kana-little sister,katawa-shoujo,to the moon,ff7,Ico,shadow of the colossus,silent hill 2,beyond good & evil (maybe not cried on every one but they had moments...very close to sometimes )
Phantom Seeds - It has 2 endings which made me cry (for both)
Area-X - It has quiet a lot of endings, But I especially cried for Livan's ending (He's my favorite tho)
Get Dumped - I has a happy yet sad ending
Train of Afterlife - Not really, But it really creeped me out xD
found my old flight-sim ibm laptop from 1998,full of memories and some really good sims on the 20 gb hd ! yes sir those was the state of the art back then....sounds weird but i thought i gave that monster as a present for my bro years ago,and now i found it together with an ancient joystick....and after firing up this monster,when the janes USAF theme came up...there were 1 or maybe 2 tears around my eyes....although my life sucks these days this really made me happy for weeks to come ! thx for ya time folks.
Last one I can remember was Final fantasy 7 I was 15 years old at the time and the bit when Aerith died, damn you Sephiroth but your still so damn cool! I suppose getting my game case broke just before it happened added to the effect of the cry lol I am 34 now time has passed so quickly it seems, and I don't cry any more because all the tears have gone.
lol actually its all coming back to me now That epic moment when your playing (FFX) and then you finish it not the storyline but knowing it would of been the last best Final Fantasy game ever made I'm sure all of you would of cry, I did because I knew that epic by far adventure I was on was at an end.

The most epic sad moment in any video game ever created until now was the scene in (Lost Odyssey) you all know what scene I'm talking about... -.- That game has some of the best story telling in History, and its far superior to any of the FF after X. I knew people that got xbox360 just to play that game it was so good.

A long time ago playing (Star ocean 2) When I found out about Dias background story.

The end of any great RPG is enough to make any gamer cry as it then becomes the start of a nostalgic moment in your life. (Chrono Trigger) ,(Secret of Mana), (Zelda 3), (Ocarina of Time), (Grandia) games you name a great rpg you finish it you get depressed and sometimes even cry whether its because storyline or the epic recreational activity is over.

Some of you may not share these feelings but I'm very nostalgic gamer lol hmm but I don't cry anymore maybe its my age so really its been years the above I only felt overwhelming sadness and the last time I actually did cry was Lost Odyssey and FF7. These days its just sadness for the ending of great games like The last of us on ps3. Its the kind of sadness that makes me want more from the games as they helped me forget reality completely for some hours. Only the great games can do that!
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- Hana Awase
- Dandelion Wishes Brought to You
- Nameless the One Thing You Must Recall
- Kami Naru Kimi To

All these games made me cry, but I adore these games to pieces ^^
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Kara no shoujo, the ending made me cry.
And Sekien no Inganock, during the scene when Ati turned back normal and forgot everything happened before, even Gill.:sosad::runaway:
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To the moon, I can't believe I've been cried by the ending.
... I must be a cold-hearted person since I haven't shed many tears for any game. Yes, I feel the emotional aspect of different games but I haven't gotten to the stage where I actually cried or shed several tears on the product.

The most recent one was the following:
  • [August] 大図書館の羊飼い (The true endings)

Not so recent but it was close was the following:
  • Most Key Visual Novels (e.g. CLANNAD
  • Most Circus Visual Novels (e.g. Da Capo Series)
  • utawarerumono
  • Tears of Tiara
  • [ensemble] 乙女が紡ぐ恋のキャンバス and it's following Touken/Omake/FD
  • ef - a fairy tale of the two (This one was really close)

Only 2 have ever done that...

One was grisaia the 1st series of the VN

2nd was... a little embarrasing but star wars the game when Qui-Gon Jin died :P
I don't think I had every cried in a game/playing a game, clearly I've been doing it wrong :sowwy:

Only 2 have ever done that...

One was grisaia the 1st series of the VN

2nd was... a little embarrasing but star wars the game when Qui-Gon Jin died :P

its never embarasing ! it´s star wars !!! :)
To The Moon by Freebird Games. I sobbed so hard when 'Everything's Alright' by Laura Shigihara was playing in the background while the montage of River and Johny's memories changed into a new one where River doesn't exist. I just sobbed so hard that i forgot that i was in a public place. It's a memories but the years they have were changed instantly and as if Johny never spent his life with River.
カエルの為に鐘は鳴る(For the Frog the Bell tolls)
This game is often said to be one of the GameBoy masterpieces. But I think it is hardly known outside Japan. If you have ever played it, be my friend! :)
("かぶしきがいしゃ ナンテンドウ" Nantendo Co. certainly is a parody of Nintendo)
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That's a tough question, There were plenty of games that made me sad, but haven't brought me to the point of tears...
Oh wait... Planetarium by Key/Visual Arts. That might've been one of the few games that ever made me shed tears...
Was so well-done...

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svs wrote on girlcelly's profile.
Hello, can u reup this game?
メイド超狂イク ‐服従母娘、孤島の館での淫虐調教‐ 通常版 + Additional Disk + Manual
ChoomMoka wrote on Shine's profile.
https://gamerch.com/biim/714171 Do u happen to have the game from this blog? thx in advance