What have you bought recently?

Captain Morgan rum,coke,kettle chips (cheddar cheese),and finally my Coummunicator,pins and a type 1 phaser for my collection....wouhoooooo :runhappy:
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Yomega Stealth Raider+Raider Yoyos (1990s ver.), YuriHime 2014 March issue, Hoshikawa Ginza Yonchome Vol2+3, Kanamemo manga volume5, ChouJigenNeptune MF Bunko J, Riko to Haru to onsen to iruka vol4, SakuraTrick vol4 manga, FateExtraCCC Comic Anthology 3, AtelierAyeshaPLUS (psvita but Idon't have the console yet), and a red Sony Walkman Series E music player (refurbished but I would like the Walkman S-series from Japan).
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