What have you bought recently?

A bacon double cheeseburger pizza.

I love these pizzas! Bacon, ground beef, onions, and two different cheeses, in sauce. :dthumbup:
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[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; The Kingdom Clans manga project, which is asking for little but not getting much either; after another backer and I pitched in it was significant enough to trigger a Kickstarter update. My backed projects are either video games (including visual novels), tabletop games (only if they have digital versions, like Eternal Dynasty's) or manga/comics. Not much interest in anything that involves physical rewards since the shipping in USD alone is often enough to pay for another project or two.
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[MENTION=9628]Arylin[/MENTION]: Ah okay. Didn't think you would release the details of the projects you supported. Anyway, I haven't checked that site often so it's interesting to see how many projects are now in progress since day 1 of the Kick Starter Project. Putting that aside, I would have to agree that sometimes the media is best in digital format since like you mentioned, shipping can get prohibited at times. But that's interesting to know that there's people in this forum along with various other circles that funds things of their interest.

Other than that, I hope they do release relative progress of the projects that you have interest in. Which I believe they normally do from the last time I checked. However, my memory of such things may be wrong in this matter.
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[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; I've no problem with it since it's not going to implicate me in anything or reveal anything personal beyond my taste in stuff. :XD: If you've looked back in this thread I have mentioned the names of several other projects as well. The number of projects slowed a few months back but that's clearly due to the end of the year and the period after it. The ones I've backed vary in terms of progress updates; some are very frequent (like Sunrider or Churbles), and some quite rarely. It's hard sometimes to keep the updates organized in my mailbox when it comes to the frequent ones. As for the digital rewards, it can be a bit troublesome since they tend to put a deadline for downloads (this happened to my digital books and comics) before the links become unusable. I'll have to search my drives again...
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[MENTION=9628]Arylin[/MENTION]: Ah okay. I have my plate full enough with my own personal life so I'm just going to take it as it is. Although I haven't been keeping up with anything online lately so yeah, I'll take your word on the projects you backed so far. However, it kind of depressing to hear you missed you rewards after you backed them. Kind of a hit and miss in this situation and all. Sounds like you have a ton of drives and files you deal with constantly.

Personally I'm trying to locate the directory files for all Essemble save data. I can't remember where it located before I do another clean installation. Basically I lost all my progress in all essemble visual novels it seems. Oh well... at least I can kind of remember which route I have completed to which part. *shrugs*
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Ah, the trouble with saves...reminds me that I've no idea where my Battle Goddess Zero saves are. I went crazy on the leveling so much that the last boss was laughable.

Backed the Heart Forth, Alicia Kickstarter.
What I've just bought:
+ MG 1/100 Sengoku Astray
+ Nendoroid Dead Master
+ Figuries Black Rock Shooter
Fruit. Finished one cup, another to go.
Dynasty Warriors 8 Extreme Legends Complete Edition
Hakuouki 1st Movie Kyoto Ranbu

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