What have you bought recently?

Kinder chocolate,Haribo (yeah living in germany is good beeing a sweets junkie....) white wine (for dinner tonight) and some fresh fish from market :)
Three guesses...

10 pounds of gold

Noooo, that's not it.

An island in the Pacific.

Nope, but close!

A pop and a candy bar.

Yesssss, you got it! :megane_present:
New Yoghurt, Iced Tea, Mineral Water and roasted chicken =D life is full of food

FOR FOOD !!!!!!!
Chicken burgers, chewing gum and ice cream. :eathead:
bubble gum,ham,buns,wild cherry ice-tea and a new 4K Ultra HD Philips TV :D
Went to starbucks, get a caffe latte and then went to buy some pan personal pizza and then some freedom of myself
new smartphone (motorola moto g) and now all the money is gone....more than 3000 Euro since monday,oh and forgot the Big Tasty Bacon menu at McDonalds.
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