They would see the shape the country is in, and kill our current leaders, and reps or start a Civil War again, witch we need in this crap hole country anyways again!
Well, for some reason the dam generators did not start it is all fixed now so if we get another outage they will fire up before the APC Backups trip and shut down everything :)
What If: I said HI! and I am headed back out the door? :P
Life would be much more happier and due to there being free wi-fi, emeralds would be given freely to those who sat at any coffee table or airport. :) (Too much Lewis Caroll)
What if Alice in wonderland was set in modern day?
I prolly will be home by the time you are, I am headed to the airport I canceled going with her, she was not upset at all she is going only for 36hour trip now to get things in motion and coming back home :) she was relieved I did this apparently she also did not want to go HAHA!
What If: My plane crashes on the way home? that would blow LOL!