What If?

Ya' Know! You really seem to not like the Roman times...You may also be right about me not doing very well in that time either. But I would have a better chance with them than trying to be a Spartan. But I will lay to rest the topic.

If you provided the steak, I would bring all the sauces!

What if: The world ran out of steak?
she said sounds fun

what if i am putting kimmy to bed she needs to rest and i can tell someone on here is irritating her to the max so she is grounded from the pc till she gets some sleep
I say good call Jan although I bet she is fighting mad right now lol

What if Disney World was free admittance year round? :D
Sorry Janet. Sorry for bugging the heck out of you Mrs. Kimmy, sometimes I do that. Have a good nights rest.

What if: Kimmy was better in the morning?
That would be awesome, so long as people here didn't push her the wrong way we would have a hell of a lot more spamming going on then :)

What if I retire from here tonight to start k-on!! :)
It has with several shows but nonetheless I still watch hoping to find an uncrappy one.

What if we could create an anime? (as in us the ones on here spamming like crazy)
it is ok will the medicine she is on kind of has her emotions all out of wack at the moment but yea something got annoying she was actually screaming at the laptop so it is bed time for the little princess haha

she said she sends you hugs will

i would say you are going to be so bored your eyes are going to want to gouge themselves out watching k-on i could not stand it

what if we just all sat back and watched a hentai instead lol
I don't watch hentai, just the H-CG in eroge is enough lol

What if a monster appeared out of nowhere, what'd you do?
Thanks Janet, forgot about her meds for the moment. Tell her that I return her hugs and wish her a restful night. Kay? Hope she is better tomorrow though.

If we all just watched a Hentai instead of some other TV show, we would be really tired by the end of it. Haha!

What if: Hentai became holographic?
@Jan I don't care for hentai though and I liked k-on so I'll give k-on!! a chance although as I've stated before once I start a show I finish it so if it sucks I'm screwed lol

@Will98 that would be extremely pointless in my opinion.

What if we all became nudist and from a country called Nudetopia?
to the monster comment shit myself scream at kim since she is the dead eye dick with the firearms in the house to kill it

holographic hentai would love it

nudest camp you ahve not been to our home yet have you haha

what if everything you dream was always a sign of what is to come in reality
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I would then hope that my dreams were all good ones and if they wasn't I would dread the each new day coming.

What if we got together and couldn't talk about anything like we do on here (like it would be too awkward or something)
Oh, that is very real for me. I just never know when it will happen.

What if: dreams could be stored in a bottle?
I'd rather spend money to buy bottles than HDD lol.

What if there were a sudden earthquake in your place right now?
I would be shocked because there is no fault line here.

What if we found a 4th Dimension?
I would tell you all about it.

What if: after that earthquake, gold was found at the very bottom of the rift?
Math would be even more ridiculous than it currently is.

Will: Err, I don't care about it. No point risking your life for those gold.

What if tomorrow was the end of the world, what'd you want to eat?
Grilled Pork Chops :)

What if the population of the earth was suddenly reduced by 75%
I'd drink then LOL

What if everyone around you suddenly disappeared, what'd you do?
Look around for signs of supernatural works.

What if: after everyone disappeared, hell came back to earth?
I'd go sightseeing to see for myself what hell would look like.

What if the world were turned upside down?
Not sure how to answer that one.

What if we were forced to have sex changes? lol
If that happened. I'd make sure I looked good.

What if: our forced sex changes got messed up?

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