What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

still lying in bed for half an hour before actually getting up...high risk of falling asleep again!!
apparently i also managed to not hear my two alarm clocks...had someone wake me up on that day :lmao:
Argued with my alarm clock again. I swear there was a voice command for snooze. I think it just chooses not to listen to me.
Get annoyed with my dad waking me to grab breakfast, turn around and jump back into bed, and sleep until lunchtime.
Either.....sleep more, or\and find my wine and check out you guys on irc or here. Or laugh muyahahah evily at my own demise muahahaha.....some hours later I might have breakfast, usually always while watching some anime.
Covered my head with one of my pillows. My sister does not have an inside voice. She's louder than my alarm clock.
Wonder where all my pillows went. (usually the floor somewhere)
Fall out of bed on purpose in an effort to wake myself up. It failed.

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