What is your favorite anime...right now?

Accel World!!

and Natsuiro Kiseki ( Reminds me of Hanasaku Iroha)
Sensei No Ojikan
Naruto SD Rock Lee no Seishun Full-Power Ninden

I am currently watching the both of this anime and can make me laugh out loud :XD:
I'm watching 9 current series, plus catching up on stuff I missed in the past.
Currently my favorite is Fate Zero. Top notch animation, interesting story, and three dimensional characters.
All time would be Speed Grapher for me. Loved that show immensely, however if we are talking about current stuff (and bear in mind I only watch shows when they receive a proper BD release) I would say it's a toss up between Rinne no Lagrange and Senki Zesshou Symphogear.
Right now, from the new season:

-Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita! *my number 1 favorite of this season so far!*
-Kokoro Connect
-Tari Tari
-ML: Total Eclipse (never expected to be THAT gore!!!!)
-Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon II
-Yuru Yuri S2

PD: Arcana Famiglia, Campione! and Dakara boku wa H ga dekinai! were left behind because I had enough of fanservice anime (except Arcana Famiglia that the story isn't appealing). Still watching it, but not very impressed so far, hope to see a mayor improvement in latest episodes...
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Right now, from the new season:

-Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita! *my number 1 favorite of this season so far!*
-Kokoro Connect
-Tari Tari
-ML: Total Eclipse (never expected to be THAT gore!!!!)
-Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon II
-Yuru Yuri S2

PD: Arcana Famiglia, Campione! and Dakara boku wa H ga dekinai! were left behind because I had enough of fanservice anime (except Arcana Famiglia that the story isn't appealing). Still watching it, but not very impressed so far, hope to see a mayor improvement in latest episodes...

You know... I think this season anime alone, more than 50% I'm actually currently watching. But off the top of my head, it has to be Sword Art Online, Arcana Famiglia, Campione!, Dakara boku wa H ga dekinai! and Tari Tari. This is in no particular order.
In this moment it's
Aquarios Evol
Guilty Crown
Madoka Magica
Black Rock Shooter
i dunno what you mean by (right now)
if you MEAN summer season it would be kinda of list so lets start

of course i can't decided my favorite now but i think in the end of summer i 'll decided

if your question about something else tell me
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Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko!
and Penguindrum

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