I have been here for dec... well a long time, haven't really utilized all threads on this forum. What does a forum, need more than writing?
I guess I might have to say my preferences. That's until 24th day of Christmas.

off-topic incoming.
Manga is hard to tackle down - but anything that captures eye is usually what fits me. Color structuring, porcelain and world building are interesting.
Besides, characters and their actions in the story. Getting bored to read manga that's only school themed.
It's quite slow process getting one genre as favorite, when all your works are spread across or aren't easy to find...
Even if you think okay these two things I want from X manga, but then there's no search tool for images and drawing styles.
What I would maybe search: In my is case water reflections, paper lanterns and flowering trees. or just Yozakura night event.
For characters it's easier, but they never fit the story or are drawn too randomly to please me. I don't have preferences only conflicts in manga.
Visual novel type characters are most closest to my liking, probably a manga that has transferred Yuzusoft's VN is in a top ladder for character design.