I happened to see both of this in the same day lol....
From BishojouProject:
June 15, 2012 at 4:18 AM
I believe the correct term is wincest.
You same person ?...
I must admit also that, that subject at hand can be possibly quite hot as well...Guess you could call it
very close sibling ties eh.
Lots of interesting reading around here.
As for my own fetishes....I never sat down and thought it trough before a lot.
Absolute giving in to an all consuming love.....eh I guess there are more specific things I can say as well that are more directly in relation to something sexual and turn on but...Nothing is as much as a turn on than Love. I'll just say that with love in the picture, anything goes. I'm unsure if I should talk about some of my concrete "sexual" "weak spots".
I like a lot, mainly if its close, warm and intimate.
Other than that I guess some things I like:
-Skirts/w or without Tights
(these two above don't really qualify as fetishes though, I guess I just think girls can look really good/cute/and sexy with it)
-Aggressive/obsessive girls that don't ever let go, both sexually and/or with Love.
-Obsessive Love
-Aggressive Obsessive Love, potentially with force/rape. (only creativity is the limiting factor, but only if its driven by love can it be emh properly excused...Still a turn on either way though)
-And ofc LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE is the best, the first and most fundamental of all things, but I might digress and loose sense of what this thread is supposed to be about now.
From the things above some things stands out more clearly as fetishes than others I think.
Basically...As long as she is driven by love and or vica versa, anything pretty much goes, if a girl held me at gunpoint in her house because she really loves me then I would forgive her, I wouldn't even rly need to forgive in in the first place, for if any one would love me as much to do something like that, then that love would indeed deserve to be noticed and repensed/answered. It certainly could not be ignored.
And again in Summary: I am a guy, I got weaknesses for girls,..and things unnecessary to spell out. I Love/like some things, some more "naughty" then others. But I still like to point out that if I truly love a girl, That love is the most important thing, i.e. if she told me that if I wanted to stay with her for ever, I could, but could have no sex with her (for whatever reason) I would GLADLY stay with my love for ever more. SO, from all possible pervertness I might be, or fetishes I might have, Love IS and should be the greatest of them all. Even though Love is rightfully not called a fetish.
Just wanting to highlight that subject that might otherwise seem to get somewhat unnoticed or forgotten in a flow of things that can be talked about so easily.