What kind of stuff do you dislike?

I would, but some are clearly beyond my ability...which I dislike. :goodtea:

(Like the 'what you had for lunch' thread.)
Rude idiots with low tolerance for anything that gets in the way of what they want.
My broadband line. Unstable at times, unusable other times. Only the times when it works well am I ever able to forgive it.
The power going out because of a lightning strike.
Here is my first hate rant: You know what's bullshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit? (Guess where I got that from):
Protagonists in Evil/Hardcore games.

First they try to put like comic relief in those things and I'm like: "Dude...Just because Hitler said sometimes funny jokes does not make him more likable". Next is the overall strategy to "capture" the heroines. It gets repetitive sometimes. Blackmail seems to be the only way to rape I guess...

And finally my final and perhaps the most bullshit thing about this sacks of manure we call heroes is that stupid...stupid laughter. "Kukukukukukuku"? WHO IN THE NAME OF F$%K LAUGHS LIKE THAT????!!!1
Having to go through the Battle.net password reset just because I logged from a different location...and I just finished changing the password a minute before... :enraged:

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