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Arylin ~Sanguine♥Tsundere~ Elite Member Trusted Member Nov 3, 2011 58,660 2,217 Jun 9, 2016 #1,054 Long history.
S srebro Guest Jun 23, 2016 #1,058 First I came back because it was just fun. But now I come back to get stronger and gain points! Just reached 250 points when I came across the leaders board! This place is more fun than I ever imagined! probably won't have time for my mission to gain points right now, so maybe next time when I have more free time
First I came back because it was just fun. But now I come back to get stronger and gain points! Just reached 250 points when I came across the leaders board! This place is more fun than I ever imagined! probably won't have time for my mission to gain points right now, so maybe next time when I have more free time
CowSlayer69 Son of a Shepherd Elite Member Nov 14, 2020 7,325 127 Aug 1, 2021 #1,059 if the forum lets you make numbers go up i come back