What manga are you currently reading?

Might be relevant, it's under the same name than manga. (And 1st reason I found it)
Haruka Shimotsuki's album:

I saw that looking around, at first I thought it was a visual novel and was about to snag it up....but i think it's more of a drama cd? Which could be nice if played while reading.
"3-gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion)"

Because I've been watching the anime, I almost always want to know what will happen in the next episode.
And finally I've read vol.07-13. I couldn't wait anymore. > <
To be honest, I've never played shogi, and I don't know about the rules.
But its story is great and so touching. My favorite character is Shimada 8-dan.
I will start to read Amano Megumi wa Suki Darake today

If you like a slow paced rom/com with plenty of panty shots, you won't be disappointed. But I'll warn you now: slow. paced. slice of life. rom/com.
The site I visited a lot people don't seem to realize what that means.

Me personally just finished reading Nonbiri VRMMOki and the side characters seriously makes this manga. Nothing wrong the main characters, but the Lolicon Gentlemen are the absolute highlight of each chapter.
If you like a slow paced rom/com with plenty of panty shots, you won't be disappointed. But I'll warn you now: slow. paced. slice of life. rom/com.
The site I visited a lot people don't seem to realize what that means.

Me personally just finished reading Nonbiri VRMMOki and the side characters seriously makes this manga. Nothing wrong the main characters, but the Lolicon Gentlemen are the absolute highlight of each chapter.

Thank you NAFE for warning me beforehand. That's what i wanted to avoid exactly, slow paced stories. I chose this manga because it seemed to me very funny with plenty of panty shots by skimming through it. I don't really mind slice of life and rom/com, but slow paced stories are a pain in the a**. So far i have only read 3 chapters, so i might as well continue reading it.

Nonbiri VRMMOki seems to be very good and funny. If reading Amano Megumi wa Suki Darake! become too bothersome i will read it instead.
I am reading Detective Conan (on hiatus now) and Gintama now (very pity it will end pretty soon.... I like it so much, characters and world).
Koi to Uso 153.

How do you find it so far? I have a little more time these days so i wanted to read another manga and by skimming through it looks funny.

It's okay, I guess. Since it's more towards slice of life (albeit from a workplace rather than high school as is the norm) things are laid back with no real plot highs thus far. You've got your alien lady discovering human cuisine for the first time, and that's somewhat entertaining though it doesn't go to the extent of stories like Yakumo-san wa Edzuke ga Shitai (which likes to identify the home cooked dishes Yakumo makes) or Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte Kara (with its nifty explanation on making various drinks). You've also got that standard male main character who pines for her from the sidelines in a one-sided crush (for now) with all that entails that'll probably turn into proper love over time. And of course the backup crew with their hijinks. In short, somewhat entertaining but nothing too special.

Sorry if that doesn't sound like much; I rarely review things since my bar for entertainment is pretty low so as long as I'm not too bored (or it's a depressing read from start to end) things generally get an OK from me. :wasclose:
It's okay, I guess. Since it's more towards slice of life (albeit from a workplace rather than high school as is the norm) things are laid back with no real plot highs thus far. You've got your alien lady discovering human cuisine for the first time, and that's somewhat entertaining though it doesn't go to the extent of stories like Yakumo-san wa Edzuke ga Shitai (which likes to identify the home cooked dishes Yakumo makes) or Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte Kara (with its nifty explanation on making various drinks). You've also got that standard male main character who pines for her from the sidelines in a one-sided crush (for now) with all that entails that'll probably turn into proper love over time. And of course the backup crew with their hijinks. In short, somewhat entertaining but nothing too special.

Sorry if that doesn't sound like much; I rarely review things since my bar for entertainment is pretty low so as long as I'm not too bored (or it's a depressing read from start to end) things generally get an OK from me. :wasclose:[/QUOTE]

Thank you for your review, i read the first chapter and so far i like it, so i will continue to read. For me, as long the manga is funny and there's some character development, the genre doesn't really matter for me. Plus if there's some romance involved it should be even funnier. When it comes to reading manga i'm not really picky as well, as long it's funny, i'm in. The only thing that i don't like is pure comedy, i don't know why really. So i tend to read rom/coms, action/com, adventure/com, etc... The only time i read another thing was when i read 神の雫, which was because i was interested myself in wine. Otherwise i tend always to rotate to mangas with comedy and Kumika no Mikaku fits in perfectly my criterias. So as for today Kumika no Mikaku chapter 3 and later Nonbiri VRMMOki chapter 8
Ouji-sama Nante Iranai 13.

Good to know, then. :thumbup:
Starting 荒川アンダー ザ ブリッジ today and finished reading Kumika no Mikaku, a little bit sad, because i liked it.

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