What to do when bored?

burn sam because that random guy deserves my random respect, because he was random
burn sam for burning me because of his lack of respect for my respecting a random guy's randomness~
Add :goodtea: at the end of every post nonchalantly. Which would be almost all the time, it seems. :goodtea:
going through the anime, manga, games i have in my waiting list
All so i can catch them again yay :evillaugh:
Go ahead and claim all the credit for being a hero :samuraihero:
i am no hero....never was...never will be :samuraihero: (Metal Gear Solid 4 reference)
just means i need to free them again ;)
Imagining downer endings to various anime and VNs.
put out fire, since the boredom is precious to me~

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