I think that may have been The Flower Girl Lun Lun... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hana_no_Ko_Lunlun
It was quite good. Also i remember watching Heidy. I mean, i bet half of the occidental world
should had watched that one.
I guess it really depends xD My first anime knowing it was an anime was Weiss Kreuz. My sister introduced it to me and my mom, it's what got me into anime.
I think a few might have said Dragon Ball or Dragon Ball Z, and I could say that myself, but in all honesty I don't remember. I's Speed Racer an anime, that might have been the first one I've seen.
Sorry if interrupt, but do you upload comics? If yes, can you please upload this comic, author uploaded it on fanbox, but fanbox delete almost all posts, and kemono stop working in the same time, and almost 2 years i try to find it somewhere else, but useless, Thanks in advance, and sorry for bad english.